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Scripts for deploying and interacting with the Ethereum Reality Service ("ERS") from the command line. See the ERS docs for more information on ERS.


  1. Install all dependencies by running yarn install in the root directory.
  2. Set up a blank .env file:
cp .env.default .env
  1. Fill out the resulting fields in the .env file with the appropriate values.
  2. Get a NFT.Storage API key. Add this to NFT_STORAGE_API_KEY in .env. NFT.Storage is used to pin IPFS enrollment data.
  3. If you are deploying against a non-local blockchain network, add the private keys for the accounts that you wish to use (e.g. TESTNET_SERVICE_CREATOR_PRIVATE_KEY).
  4. In order to deploy or run scripts there needs to be a valid node to interact with. If you are testing and planning on running locally you can start the localhost network by running yarn chain, this opens up a local node at the default port 8545.



The Sepolia ERS contracts are deployed at:


Goerli (Deprecated)

The Goerli ERS contracts are deployed at:


You can find the deployment artifacts in deployments/$CHAIN_NAME.


For local testing, run:

yarn deploy:localhost

The deployment script will try to reuse the existing deployment and run any deployments that were not run before. To see if there is an existing deployment for your environment you can check the deployments folder. If there is a sub-directory with the name of your environment, then there is an existing deployment.

If you want to make sure that you have a completely fresh local deployment, run:

yarn deploy:localhost:clean

Arx Manufacturer Enrollments

Arx maintains a public repo with all Arx HaLo chip certificates (manufacturerEnrollments) at These certificates are the first attestations of the existence of a chip. As a part of enrolling projects to ERS, you will need to reference the chip's associated manufacturerEnrollment. The getArxManufacturerEnrollments task will help you to retrieve this enrollment data.

Note: for local deployments you will need to create your own test fixture data. See ManufacturerUsage for more information.

Using Scripts

  1. If using ers-scripts against a deployed version of ERS, download the Arx manufacturerEnrollments for the appropriate chain using getArxManufacturerEnrollments.
  2. Create a service: createService with the options indicated below. A service is the contentApp that you want to redirect a chip to (e.g. a decentralized app hosted on IPFS, a centralized app hosted at a URL).
  3. Generate tokenUriData: generateTokenUriData with the options indicated below. This will generate media associated with a chip, similar to the tokenUriData that would be typically associated with an NFT. If you are simple using the chip for a redirect you may not need this data.
  4. Create a project: createProject maps chips to a serviceId and adds associated tokenUriData. Once enrolled, the chip should redirect when tapped to the contentApp provided.
  5. Claim a chip: claimChip allows the end user of a chip to claim ownership, which may or may not be necessary depending on the end use case.

In order to use scripts you need to be sure that there are valid deployments in the environment you are deploying to (see previous section for information on this). Once you have a valid deployment in your chosen environment you can start running scripts. It is worth noting that these scripts build on each other, so if you're starting from a clean deployment you need first run the scripts in the ManufacturerUsage file then continue with the scripts below.


This script pulls all Arx manufacturerEnrollments in ERS. It takes one argument, the --network name. These enrollments are required when adding chips to chains, e.g. Sepolia.


yarn getArxManufacturerEnrollments --network sepolia


This script creates a service that can be assigned to chips in the project enrollment process. It requires one argument:

  1. network: The network you want to interact with (defaults to hardhat)

It will prompt you for several pieces of information:

  1. service-name: The name of the service
  2. content: URL/URI of the content app
  3. append-id: Indicate whether chipId should be appended to the content app URL/URI (useful for NFT applications and required for the generateTokenUriData task)


yarn createService --network [network]

Note that the service creation function is narrowly scoped to only creating a service with a contentApp record. Also the resulting serviceId will be printed in the console as part of a successful transaction.


This script creates formatted tokenUriData for chips in the project and adds it to IPFS. An API token is required for this script. It takes two arguments:

  1. network: The network you want to interact with (defaults to hardhat)
  2. scan: The number of chips that you wish to scan and generate tokenUriData for.

Note: generateTokenUrilData anticipates that the append-id option for the chip's service was set to true.

The script will prompt you to add name, description and media information. This information can be reused for all chips scanned, or you can individually add information on a per chip basis. It will then be formatted and added to IPFS via

The script will also prompt to whether or not you wish to append to, or overwrite completely, any existing chipData.json file; the chipData.json file can be used in project creation.

The successful completion of the task returns a CID that can be used for the tokenUriRoot in projectCreation.json.


This script creates a project and enrolls chips in the project. Similarly to addManufacturerEnrollment it takes in two arguments:

  1. network: The network you want to interact with (defaults to hardhat)
  2. post: Whether or not to post the project to IPFS (defaults to false) Additionally this script uses a param file that can be found under task_params/projectCreation.json. This file contains the information that will be used to create the project. If the file doesn't exist you can create it by running:
cp task_params/projectCreation.default.json task_params/projectCreation.json

This newly created file is .gitignored so you can edit it without worrying about committing it to the repo. In the file you will see the following params that can be edited:

    "name": .ers name for the project
    "chipDataLocation": local path to the chipData enrollment files (created after each successful addManufacturerEnrollment and saved in task_outputs/chipData/chipData.json),
    "manufacturerValidationLocation": local path to the folder containing manufacturerValidation data (this is auto-saved locally in task_outputs/addManufacturerEnrollment/),
    "tokenUriRoot": tokenUri root for chips in the project,
    "lockinPeriod": lockinPeriod in seconds,
    "serviceId": Primary service ID for the project,

You will be prompted to scan a QR code scanner to create ownership proofs for the chips and sign the message for the proving chip. Scan the QR code on your smartphone and follow the prompts to capture chip data. You can scan your chip by tapping it to the NFC reader on the back of your smartphone.

yarn createProject --network [network] --post [true/false]

Outputs: If --post false is included in the command the files that would be posted to IPFS will be saved in the task_outputs/projectEnrollment/ directory.


This script claims a chip that has been enrolled in a project. To run this script, you need to have the chip you want to claim and need to select the environment you are looking to claim it in by specifying the following argument:

  1. network: The network you want to interact with (defaults to hardhat)

Additionally this script uses a param file that can be found under task_params/claimChip.json. This file contains the information that will be used to create the project. If the file doesn't exist you can create it by running:

cp task_params/claimChip.default.json task_params/claimChip.json

This newly created file is .gitignored so you can edit it without worrying about committing it to the repo. In the file you will see the following parameters that can be edited:

    "name": ERS name you want to tie to the chip,
    "chipClaimDataLocation": local path to the chipData (version of this is created in createProject and saved in task_outputs/projectEnrollment),
    "manufacturerValidationLocation": local path to the folder containing manufacturerValidation data (this is auto-saved locally in task_outputs/addManufacturerEnrollment/). Additionally, an IPFS hash can be provided from which data posted in addManufacturerEnrollment can be retrieved.

You will be prompted by a QR code scanner to scan the chip to get the chipId. Scan the QR code on your smartphone and follow the prompts to capture chip data. You can scan your chip by tapping it to the NFC reader on the back of your smartphone. You will also be prompted to scan the chip to sign an ownership message that ties the chip to the claiming address, follow the same scanning instructions.

yarn claimChip --network [network]


Public repo containing scripts for interacting with the Ethereum Reality Service







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