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UC++ Logo in Iosevka SS03

UC++ Documentation



  • T is a placeholder type for a UC++ Interface or a normal type.

  • t is a placeholder variable for instances of any type, generally T.

  • v is a placeholder variable.

  • All place holder types & variables can have a prefix number or alphanumeric string if used more than once.

  • A context-sensitive place holder is a string of characters wrapped in question marks(??), e.g. ?name?. They can appear anywhere and are context-sensitive. They may be color coded as green, if possible.

  • Macros are color coded in purple, if possible.

  • Whenever a UCInterface say, T, is referred in the documentation it always means UC::GCPtr<T>, however , in case T is used in T::?some-method-or-variable?, a declaration or definition, as a template parameter or it's explicitly specified that T refers to the actual type then the actual type T is referred to being not UC::GCPtr<T>.

  • In many examples or explanations it is written Let's go through this line by line:, but actually it means Let's go through all the lines in the code that need explanation:.

  • Instead of writing:

    virtual ?class?::?function?(?params?) = 0;
    // or
    virtual ?function?(?params?) = 0; // in a class

    the following will be written instead as a short hand for pure-virtual functions in the documentation,

    abstract ?class?::?function?(?params?);
    // or
    abstract ?function?(?params?); // in a class


This macro is defined as being equal to BOOST_FORCEINLINE, which is defined as

// Macro to use in place of 'inline' to force a function to be inline
#  if defined(_MSC_VER)
#    define BOOST_FORCEINLINE __forceinline
#  elif defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ > 3
#    define BOOST_FORCEINLINE inline __attribute__ ((__always_inline__))
#  else
#    define BOOST_FORCEINLINE inline
#  endif

It is a Macro to use in place of 'inline' to force a function to be inline.

UCInterface(Name, StrName, Inheritance, NativeInheritance, ...)

UCInterface is a convenience macro that simplifies much of the complexity and boiler-plate code of declaring a proper UC++ Interface.

  1. The first parameter is the name of the UCInterface.

  2. The second parameter is the type-name of the UCInterface, there are 2 valid values for this UC_WhereTypenameIsRealName which assigns the same type-name as the name, or UC_WhereTypenameIs( "?name?" ) where ?name? will become the registered name of the UCInterface used for reflection.

  3. The third parameter is the group of UC++ Interfaces the UCInterface inherits, pass in the UC++ Interfaces as wrapped in UC_InheritsUCClasses(?classes?). Each parameter will be expanded into a convenience using declaration, corresponding to the 0 based index of the inherited UC++ Interface, as base0, base1, base2, base3, ...

  4. The fourth parameter is the group of native classes the UCInterface inherits, pass in the classes as wrapped in UC_InheritsNativeClasses(?classes?). Each parameter will be expanded into a convenience using declaration, corresponding to the 0 based index of the inherited class, as nbase0, nbase1, nbase2, nbase3,... To inherit no native classes pass in UC_InheritsNoNativeClasses as this parameter.

  5. The fifth parameter is "optional" and can include post modifiers like final, which prevent the UC++ Interface from being inherited.

    Be careful there is a vast difference in the name and the type-name of a UCInterface. The name represents the struct identifier of the UCInterface. The type-name is a string that is the return value of T::SGetTypeName() & t.GetTypeName(), also it is the registered name of the UCInterface, used for mainly for reflection.

Remember, always make constructors protected or private never public.

To use certain things like ME or WME the object has to be constructed as a UC::GCPtr but if the object is called with the public constructor then there will be undefined behavior. So, to avoid that always make constructors protected or private never public.


This macro defines Make() as being a function that is implemented as

static pself Make(){
	static pself v(new self());
	return v;

Where self refers to the class in which UC_IsSingleton is being expanded, and pself is equal to UC::GCPtr<self>. The macro also defines GetInstance(), GetInst(), GetI(), Instance() and Inst() which all call Make().

NOTE: The functions GetInstance(), GetInst(), GetI(), Instance() and Inst() are all forceinline so calling either GetInstance(), GetInst(), GetI(), Instance() or Inst() is equivalent to calling Make().



Tag macro that defines no constructors and Make functions.


UC_IsAbstractAndHasCtors(name, hasEmptyCtor, ...)

Macro that defines constructors but no Make function. This macro has the same calling syntax as UC_HasExplicitCtors.

  1. The name of the UCInterface.
  2. The 2 valid values are UC_HasNoEmptyCtor & UC_AlsoHasEmptyCtor. This parameter is quite self-explanatory.
  3. Pass in the parameters delimited by commas surrounded by braces for the multiple constructors delimited by commas.



Defines a Make function that uses the 0 parameterized version of the constructor that may or may not be explicitly defined.



As the name suggests, the UCInterface has native constructors, and an empty constructor. The empty constructor must be there as it is required for reflection.


UC_HasExplicitCtors(name, hasEmptyCtor, ...)

Macro that defines constructors and a Make function. This macro has the same calling syntax as UC_IsAbstractAndHasCtors.

  1. The name of the UCInterface.
  2. The 2 valid values are UC_HasNoEmptyCtor & UC_AlsoHasEmptyCtor. This parameter is quite self-explanatory.
  3. Pass in the parameters delimited by commas surrounded by braces for the multiple constructors delimited by commas.



This macro defines functions and preps up the Call reflection function.

Call this macro as

UC_HasMethods((?name?, (...?args?...)), ...)

NOTE: If there are no arguments then instead of (?name?, (...?args?...)) write (?name?).

NOTE: This function only adds declarations for the methods, to add implementations for them use

UCMethod(?interface-name?::?name?, (...?args?...))



The defines function has all the ...?args?... as being of the type UC::GCPtr<UC::Object>, the defined function also has a return type of UC::GCPtr<UC::Object>.



This macro states that the UCInterface only has native functions and all reflection calls should be passed up to the base(s).


Terminates the UCInterface with the name specified.


Registers the UCInterface with the name specified as a real UCInterface. Remember that when a UCInterface is define, it must be UCRegistered in the implementation .cpp file.

Remember that: if a UCInterface is created, it must be UCRegistered in the implementation.cpp file & only UCRegistered in the implementation.cpp file.


Defines a well-formed UC++ exception class with the name specified.

Remember UCExceptions aren't UCInterfaces!

Dynamically allocating and throwing a small UCException that will either soon be caught and be destroyed or end program execution and be destroyed is a terrible, terrible idea.

Remember use throw ?exeception-type?(?message?) not throw ?exeception-type?::Make(?message?).

?exeception-type?::Make(?message?) is an expression that would work for a UCInterface UCException but Remember UCExceptions aren't UCInterfaces.

Remember: always and only use try{...}catch(const ?exeception-type?& v){...}//more-catch-clauses for catching UCExceptions.


catch(?exeception-type? ?name?)

is used instead of

catch(const ?exeception-type?& ?name?)

there will be a slow down in the application due to copying of the UCException.

UCBasedException(name, base)

Defines a well-formed UC++ exception class with the name specified that inherits the base specified.

Know and remember that a UCBasedException is no different from a UCException.


Gets the UC::GCPtr corresponding to the current instance of the UCInterface.


Gets the UC::WeakPtr corresponding to the current instance of the UCInterface.

Don't use ME or WME, use this, unless is is absolutely needed.

ME and WME aren't simple keywords not are they easy to small expressions, they involve real function calls, but don't do this:


that's the worst thing that a person could ever do..

Bottom line: Use ME or WME only when absolutely need to, otherwise use this.

UCMethod(name, args)

Defines a method with name specified and the arguments specified by args.

NOTE: If there are no arguments then instead of UCMethod(?name?, (...?args?...)) write UCMethod(?name?).

To define implementations for UCInterface methods use this as:

UCMethod(?interface-name?::?name?, (...?args?...))



The defines function has all the ...?args?... as being of the type UC::GCPtr<UC::Object>, the defined function also has a return type of UC::GCPtr<UC::Object>.

UCCtor(name, args)

NOTE: If there are no arguments then instead of UCCtor(?name?, (...?args?...)) write UCCtor(?name?).

To define implementations of a constructor for UCInterfaces use this as:

UCCtor(?interface-name?::?name?, (...?args?...))



The defines function has all the ...?args?... as being of the type UC::GCPtr<UC::Object>, the defined function also has a return type of UC::GCPtr<UC::Object>.

UCCast(type, value)

Casts value to the specified type. If value can't be converted to the type specified, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" is not of the expected type: ?type?"

Where ?value? & ?type? refer to the value specified and the type specified respectively.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a int16_t. v can be of type UC::Int16, UC::Byte or UC::SByte and the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a int16_t"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a int32_t. v can be of type UC::Int32, UC::UInt16, UC::Int16, UC::Byte or UC::SByte and the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a int32_t"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a int64_t. v can be of type UC::Int64, UC::UInt32, UC::Int32, UC::UInt16, UC::Int16, UC::Byte or UC::SByte and the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a int64_t"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a uint16_t. v can be of type UC::UInt16 or UC::Byte and the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a uint16_t"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a uint32_t. v can be of type UC::UInt32, UC::UInt16 or UC::Byte and the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a uint32_t"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a uint64_t. v can be of type UC::UInt64, UC::UInt32, UC::UInt16 or UC::Byte and the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a uint64_t"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a UC::byte. v must be of type UC::Byte for the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a UC::byte"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a UC::sbyte. v must be of type UC::SByte for the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a UC::sbyte"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a float. v can be of type UC::Float, UC::UInt64, UC::Int64, UC::UInt32, UC::Int32, UC::UInt16, UC::Int16, UC::Byte or UC::SByte and the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a float"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.


Gets the value from v, converts it to a double. v can be of type UC::Double, UC::Float, UC::UInt64, UC::Int64, UC::UInt32, UC::Int32, UC::UInt16, UC::Int16, UC::Byte or UC::SByte and the macro will work properly, but if v is of any other type then, an exception of type will be thrown with the type UC::InvalidCastException with the message:

"Variable: \"?value?\" doesn't hold a value that can be converted to a double"

Where ?value? refers to the value specified.

UCC(var, fname, args)

Calls the function with the name fname with the arguments args on the variable var.

It expands to:

?variable?->Call(?function-name?, ?arguments?)

Where ?variable?, ?function-name? and ?arguments? refer to var, fname and args respectively.


size_t UC::Hash<T>( const T& v )

Gives the hash code of the value “v”. It is required in UC++ because there are 2 ways to get hash codes, the native way std::hash<T>()(v) or the UC++ way v.GetHashCode()/v->GetHashCode(), so to make sure that both ways are considered Hash<T> was created. The hasher object is UC::Hasher<T>.

size_t UC::CombineHashCodes( size_t HashCodes… )

Technically the definition is CombineHashCodes<Ts...>(Ts&&... HashCodes). Combines all the hash codes specified as parameters. The implementation is based on System.String.GetHashCode().

size_t UC::CombineHashCodesInColl<TCollection>( TCollection CollectionOfHashCodes )

Combines all the hash codes in the collection specified. The implementation is based on System.String.GetHashCode().

Native Strings & Concatenation Of String


Represents text as a mutable sequence of ASCII code units. Is equivalent to std::string.

UC::NatString ConcatNatStringsI( std::initializer_list<UC::NatString> args )

Concatenates the strings specified in the std::initializer_list<UC::NatString>. The calling syntax is


Where ?args...? refers to the string that need to be concatenated.

ConcatNatStringsI({?arg1?, ?arg2?, ?arg3?, ...})

Is (much) faster when compared to

?arg1? + ?arg2? + ?arg3? + ...

UC::NatString ConcatNatStringsI( UC::NatString args… )

ConcatNatStrings(?arg1?, ?arg2?, ?arg3?, ...)

Is physically equal to

ConcatNatStringsI({?arg1?, ?arg2?, ?arg3?, ...})

const NatString& UC::SGetTypeName<T>( )

This function gives the fully qualified name of the type T as a UC::NatString. This function will return T::SGetTypeName() if it exists otherwise it returns boost::typeindex::type_id<T>( ).pretty_name( ).

Remember UC::SGetTypeName returns the type name of T without const, volatile, &(lvalue) and &&(rvalue-reference) specifiers.

class UC::Exception

This class represents an exception that occurs during execution of the application.

Member Function Explanation
Exception( NatString&& str )
Exception( const NatString& str )
These constructors initialize a new instance of the UC::Exception with the specified error message str.
const NatString& Message( ) const Gets the exception message specified.
const boost::stacktrace::stacktrace& GetStackTrace( ) const Gets the call stack information of where the exception was created.

UCException( RepeatingClassNameException )

This exception is thrown when 2 classes are added for reflection which have the same name, to resolve this error simply include the full namespace name in front of the name of the class.

UCException( InvalidCastException )

This exception is thrown for invalid casting or explicit conversion.

UCException( InvalidArgumentException )

This exception is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.

UCException( NullPointerException )

This exception is thrown when there is an attempt to dereference a null GCPtr object.

using PreNullPointerException = NullPointerException;

This exception is thrown when the check for an object GCPtr being non-null fails. This exception is the same as NullPointerException.

UCException( BadWeakPtrException )

This exception is thrown for invalid use of expired WeakPtr object.

UCException( NoSuchFunction_Exception )

This exception is thrown when invalid parameters are specified for function reflection.

UCException( NoSuchConstructor_Exception )

This exception is thrown when invalid parameters are specified for reflective construction.

UCBasedException( NoSuchRegisteredType_Exception , NoSuchConstructor_Exception )

This exception is thrown when the name of a non-existent type is specified for reflective construction.

UCException( IndexOutOfRangeException )

This exception is thrown when invalid parameters are specified for collection indexing.

UCException( ValueNotFoundException )

This exception is thrown when the value that has been asked for is not found.

UCException( NoFunctorsAddedToEvent_Exception )

This exception is thrown when an event that has to return a value has no functions added to it.


GCPtr is a class for reference counted resource management/ARC (Automatic Reference Counting).

It holds a strong reference to the object it refers to.

Member functions Explanation
This is the default constructor which constructs the GCPtr to point to nothing or nullptr.
GCPtr( T* value ) This is the constructor which constructs the GCPtr to point to the pointer specified.
Reset() This function sets the GCPtr to point to nothing or nullptr.
Reset( T* value ) This function sets the GCPtr to point to the pointer specified.
HasValue( )
operator!=( nullptr_t )
operator bool( )
These functions return true if the GCPtr does have a value, and false if the GCPtr doesn’t have a value.
operator==( nullptr_t ) This function returns false if the GCPtr does have a value, and true if the GCPtr doesn’t have a value.
RefEq( const GCPtr& that ) This function returns true if the GCPtr points to the same value as that.
RefNotEq( const GCPtr& that ) This function returns true if the GCPtr doesn't point to the same value as that.
T& operator*( )
T* operator->( )
Dereferences the stored pointer. If the GCPtr has no values then the function throws a NullPointerException.
operator==( const GCPtr& ptr1 , const GCPtr& ptr2) This functions returns true if the values of ptr1 & ptr2 are equal.
operator!=( const GCPtr& ptr1 , const GCPtr& ptr2) This functions returns true if the values of ptr1 & ptr2 are not equal.
`operator ( const GCPtr& v1 , const GCPtr& v2)`


A regular GCPtr prevents the value stored in it from being Garbage Collected or deleted, but if an object is referred to by a WeakPtr, the object is free to be Garbage Collected or deleted. It is used to avoid cyclic references. Cyclic references which will cause memory leaks.

Remember that WeakPtr<T> must never, ever be used for caching.

Member functions Explanation
WeakPtr( std::nullptr_t )
This is the default constructor which constructs the WeakPtr to point to nothing or nullptr.
WeakPtr( const GCPtr& ) This constructor constructs the WeakPtr to track the given GCPtr.
Reset() This function sets the WeakPtr to track nothing or nullptr.
Expired() This function returns false if the object is still alive and usable, true if the object is dead and unusable.
Important: A false value is unreliable as an object may be alive at one moment, but the next moment if it’s reference count reaches 0, then it could be deleted, and then the value from Expired() would become stale, so a false return value may become stale before it can be used. But a true return value is very reliable.
Lock() Returns a GCPtr pointing to the current target, if it still exists, and if the target doesn’t exist then the function returns a null GCPtr.
Returns a GCPtr pointing to the current target, if it still exists, and if the target doesn’t exist then the function throws a BadWeakPtrException.
operator bool( ) Returns true if the WeakPtr is expired or it is equal to nullptr.
operator ==(nullptr) Returns true if the WeakPtr is equal to nullptr.
operator !=(nullptr) Returns true if the WeakPtr is not equal to nullptr.
operator=( const GCPtr& ) Makes the WeakPtr track the given GCPtr.

using UC::P<T> = UC::GCPtr<T>

using UC::W<T> = UC::WeakPtr<T>

UCInterface UC::Int16

Signed 16-bit integer

UCInterface UC::Int32

Signed 32-bit integer

UCInterface UC::Int64

Signed 64-bit integer

UCInterface UC::UInt16

Unsigned 16-bit integer

UCInterface UC::UInt32

Unsigned 32-bit integer

UCInterface UC::UInt64

Unsigned 64-bit integer

UCInterface UC::Bool

Represents a Boolean (true or false) value

UCInterface UC::Byte

Represents an 8-bit unsigned integer (0 to 125)

UCInterface UC::SByte

Represents an 8-bit signed integer (-128 to 127)

UCInterface UC::Float

Represents a single-precision floating-point number.

UCInterface UC::Double

Represents a double-precision floating-point number.

Integral Limits

Int16Min = -32768

Represents the smallest possible value of an Int16.

Int16Max = +32767

Represents the largest possible value of an Int16.

Int32Min = -2147483648

Represents the smallest possible value of an Int32.

Int32Max = +2147483647

Represents the largest possible value of an Int32.

Int64Min = -9223372036854775808

Represents the smallest possible value of an Int64.

Int64Max = +9223372036854775807

Represents the largest possible value of an Int64.

UInt16Min = 0

Represents the smallest possible value of an UInt16.

UInt16Max = 65535

Represents the largest possible value of an UInt16.

UInt32Min = 0

Represents the smallest possible value of an UInt32.

UInt32Max = 4294967295

Represents the largest possible value of an UInt32.

UInt64Min = 0

Represents the smallest possible value of an UInt64.

UInt64Max = 18446744073709551615

Represents the largest possible value of an UInt64.

ByteMin = (Byte) 0

Represents the smallest possible value of a Byte.

ByteMax = (Byte) 255

Represents the largest possible value of a Byte.

SByteMin = (SByte) -128

Represents the smallest possible value of a SByte.

SByteMax = (SByte) +127

Represents the largest possible value of a SByte.

Floating Point Constants

Pi = π

Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. 3.14159265358979323846

Tau = τ

Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius. 6.283185307179586

SqrtPi = √π

Represents the square root of Pi. 1.77245385091

PiOver2 = π/2

Represents a half of Pi. 1.57079632679489661923

PiOver4 = π/4

Represents a quarter of Pi. 0.785398163397448309616

OneOverPi = 1/π

Represents one divided by Pi. 0.318309886183790671538

TwoOverPi = 2/π

Represents two divided by Pi. 0.636619772367581343076

TwoOverSqrtPi = 2/√π

Represents two divided by the square root of Pi. 1.1283791670955115739

Sqrt2 = √2

Represents the square root of 2. 1.4142135623730950488

OneOverSqrt2 = 1/√2

Represents one divided by the square root of 2. 0.707106781186547524401

E = ⅇ

Represents the base of natural logarithm. 2.71828182845904523536

Log2OfE = log2⁡(ⅇ)

Represents the value of logarithm of base 2 at ⅇ. 1.44269504088896340736

Log10OfE = log10⁡(ⅇ)

Represents the value of logarithm of base 10 at ⅇ. 0.434294481903151827651

LnOf2 = ln⁡(2)

Represents the value of natural logarithm at 2. 0.693147180559945309417

LnOf10 = ln⁡(10)

Represents the value of natural logarithm at 10. 2.30158509299404568402

NaND = Double(NaN)

Represents a value that is not a number (NaN) as a Double.

Equal to std::numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN( ).

NaNF = Float(NaN)

Represents a value that is not a number (NaN) as a Float.

Equal to std::numeric_limits<float>::signaling_NaN( ).

InfD = +∞

Represents positive infinity as a Double.

Equal to std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity( ).

InfF = +∞

Represents positive infinity as a Float.

Equal to std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity( ).

NegInfD = -∞

Represents negative infinity as a Double.

Equal to -std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity( ).

NegInfF = -∞

Represents negative infinity as a Float.

Equal to -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity( ).

UC++ Delegates = UC::Functor

Delegates are from C#, but they aren't called delegates in UC++, they're called Functors.

Functor = Function + Operator

There are 3 core things to 'delegates' or functors

  1. UC::Function<TReturn, TParameters...>

    This template interface is abstract, it isn't directly instantiated, UC::MakeFunc is used for instantiating instances of this interface.

    To call the stored function call ?functor?->Eval(?parameters?...) with the designated ?parameters?...

  2. Function type aliases and how to use them

    They are defined as aliases for function types, not functor types. Define one as

    using ?name? = ?return-type?(*)(?parameter-types?...)

    Where ?name? & ?return-type? refer to the name of the alias & return type respectively, and ?parameter-types...? refers to 0 or more parameters.

    To get a UC::Function (not UC::GCPtr<UC::Function>) from the alias use:


    To get a UC::Event (not UC::GCPtr<UC::Event>) from the alias use:

  3. UC::MakeFunc<TFunction, TRealFunction>(TRealFunction&& func)

    Use this function as

    UC::MakeFunc<?function-type?>(?function/function-object/lambda/closure to-make-from?)

    Where ?function-type? refers to the type of the function it can be UC::Function<TReturn, TParameters...> or a Function type alias. ?function/function-object/lambda/closure to-make-from? refers to exactly what the name says.

UC++ Signals = Events = UC::Event

Events are technically from C#. However they are also implemented in Qt (& Boost), but there they are called as signals and the functions which register to them are called slots. In C#, signals and slots are referred to as events and delegates. In UC++, signals and slots are referred to as events and functors.

The template parameters for an event are the same as a functor.

To create an event use ?event-type::Make()? and assign it to a variable or a class field.

To add a function, function-object, lambda or closure use ?event?->Add(?function/function-object/lambda/closure to-add?). To add a UC::Function use ?event?->AddF(?functor?). The return value of these functions is the id of the functor added, hold onto it if you want to erase the functor later.

To remove a functor using it's id use ?event?->Remove(?id?).

To invoke the event use ?event?->Eval(?parameters?...) with the designated ?parameters?.... If the functor returns a value then Eval returns the return value of the last function, if there are no functors added then an error of type UC::NoFunctorsAddedToEvent_Exception, with the message

"UC::Event<TReturn, TParameters...> has no added functors that can return a value that can be returned."

If you want to get the return value of all the functions in a UC::NatVector<TReturn> use ?event?->EvalAll(?parameters?...) with the designated ?parameters?.... Obviously, if the functors return void then EvalAll will not return a UC::NatVector<void>. In reality, EvalAll will call all the functions and return void. If there are no functors added then the returned vector will have size 0.

An event is a functor, i.e. you can chain events, i.e. subscribe an event to an event!

UC++ Generators

In computer science, a generator is a special routine that can be used to control the iteration behaviour of a loop. In fact, all generators are iterators. A generator is very similar to a function that returns an array, in that a generator has parameters, can be called, and generates a sequence of values. However, instead of building an array containing all the values and returning them all at once, a generator yields the values one at a time, which requires less memory and allows the caller to get started processing the first few values immediately. In short, a generator looks like a function but behaves like an iterator.

From Wikipedia:Generator (computer programming)

The generators in UC++ do fulfil the above requirements but UC++ generators can do more, much much more.

But first, an example of unidirectional generators:

#include <iostream>
#include <Generator.hpp>

UCGen( int , Fibbonacci , ( ( int ) a , ( int ) b ) , c = 0 )
	UCYield( a );
	UCYield( b );
	for ( ;; )
		c = a + b;
		a = b;
		b = c;
		UCYield( c );

int main()
	using namespace std;
	auto gen = Fibbonacci( 1 , 1 );
	for ( size_t i = 0; i < 29; ++i )
        cout << *gen( ) << ', ';

Lets go through the line by line:

Line 1: #include <iostream> : Include the iostream header for output

Line 2: #include <Generator.hpp> : Includes the Generator.hpp header from UC++ for the generator types and macros.

Line 4: UCGen( int , Fibbonacci , ( ( int ) a , ( int ) b ) , c = 0 ) : Define the start of the generator, the 1st parameter is the return type, the 2nd is the name of the generator, the 3rd is tuple of the parameters of the generator function, the types of the parameters have to be enclosed in parenthesis, and the final variadic parameters are the local variables, the types of the variables don't have to be specified.

Line 6: UCYield( a ); : This inserts the appropriate code for returning a from the function & resuming back from that very same point. When execution reaches this point, the function exits with the return value being a and when the generator is called again, execution resumes this point of execution.

Line 7: UCYield( b ); : Same as above, but this time the b will be the return value.

Line 13: UCYield( c ); : Same as Line 6 & 7, but this time the c will be the return value.

Line 22: auto gen = Fibbonacci( 1 , 1 ); : The generator function returns a 1-pass, non-linear "container", though a generator in reality, to use the values from the generator we have to store the generator as a variable. Now, when the function Fibbonacci( 1 , 1 ) is called, the generator doesn't execute even a bit, the generator executes when you increment the iterator, or move the generator forward. Note: gen will be of type UC::Generator<int>.

Line 24: cout << *gen( ) << ', '; : Let's concentrate on the *gen() part. As you know, to get the values of the generator we have either to increment the iterator as ++gen.begin(), which will only move the generator forward but to get the value we have to write *(++gen.begin()). Or you could directly move the generator forward with gen(), to get the value write *gen(), much cleaner. Note: gen() returns gen.

Q. Can you determine the output?

A. Here's this code's output:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, 514229, 
Q. In regular generators, are you able to pass parameters to generator each time the generator is incremented??
A. No?
A. Correction: Yes! With UC++'s bidirectional generators, you can pass parameters to generator each time the generator is incremented. But each time the generator is incremented then you need to pass in these InovcParameters specified.

Bidirectional generators

Here is an example of a bidirectional generator:

#include <iostream>
#include <Generator.hpp>

enum class Operator {NOP , Add , Sub , Mul , Div , Mod , Pow , Rst};

UCBDGen( int64_t , Accumulator , ( ( int64_t ) val ) , ( ( Operator ) ( op ) , ( int64_t ) ( newVal ) ) );
	while ( true )
		/**/ if ( op == Operator::Add )val = val + newVal;
		else if ( op == Operator::Sub )val = val - newVal;
		else if ( op == Operator::Mul )val = val * newVal;
		else if ( op == Operator::Div )val = val / newVal;
		else if ( op == Operator::Mod )val = val % newVal;
		else if ( op == Operator::Pow )val = static_cast<int64_t>( std::pow( val , newVal ) );
		else if ( op == Operator::Rst )val = newVal;
		UCYield( val );

int main()
    using namespace std;
    auto acc = Accumulator( 0 );
	cout << *acc( Operator::Sub , 2 ) << endl;
	cout << *acc( Operator::Add , 4 ) << endl;
	cout << *acc( Operator::Div , 2 ) << endl;
	cout << *acc( Operator::Mul , 4 ) << endl;
	cout << *acc( Operator::Pow , 4 ) << endl;
	cout << *acc( Operator::Mod , 10 ) << endl;
	cout << *acc( Operator::Rst , 256 ) << endl;

Let's jump to line 6:

UCBDGen( int64_t , Accumulator , ( ( int64_t ) val ) , ( ( Operator ) ( op ) , ( int64_t ) ( newVal ) ) );

See the new macro? This new macro UCBDGen, it's similar to the previous one UCGen but this one supports InovcParameters, parameters called each incrementation of of the generator.

Now to line 27: auto acc = Accumulator( 0 ); : The generator function again returns a generator in which to use the values from the generator we have to store the generator as a variable. Again, when the function Accumulator( 0 ) is called, the generator doesn't execute even a bit, the generator executes when you move the generator forward. Note: gen will be of type UC::Generator<int, Operator, int64_t>.

Line 28: cout << *acc( Operator::Sub , 2 ) << endl; : Let's focus on the *acc( Operator::Sub , 2 ) part. Now if this was a normal generator you had to write acc() to increment it, but acc is a bidirectional generator, i.e. transfer of data takes place from the caller to the function and function to the caller, not just function to the caller as with unidirectional generators. In this function call Operator::Sub will be the value of the parameter op in the body of Accumulator only for this incrementation and 2 will be the value of the parameter newVal in the body of Accumulator again only for this incrementation. The value UCYielded by Accumulator can be retrieved as *acc, but acc( Operator::Sub , 2 ) just returns acc, so we can write *acc( Operator::Sub , 2 ), to increment the iterator with the InovcParameters & get the value that was UCYielded.

Same thing for Lines 29 to 34.

Q. Can you anticipate the output?

A. Here's this code's output:


Remember that iterators aren't supported for bidirectional generators.

Iterators aren't supported for bidirectional generators because in bidirectional generators InovcParameters have to be passed for each incrementation.

Don't mix up bidirectional generators and bidirectional iterators.

They are in no way similar, but still the differences are listed below, just for fun.

Bidirectional iterators Bidirectional generators
Don't support 2 way traversal
of the data structure.
Don't support 2 way traversal
of the generated values.
Don't Allow for 2 way transfer of data. Allow for 2 way transfer of data
between the caller and the function.


This struct is empty and is used to emulate void return types for generators. It can be implicitly constructed from or assigned to an instance of int16_t,int32_t,int64_t or nullptr_t so

UCGen( UC::VoidEmul , VoidGen , ( ) )
    // Some stuff
    // Some more stuff

is very well formed.

Note: All member functions in this class are empty and a no-op.

Note: This struct can't be inherited.

class UC::Generator<T, TInp...>

This class represents a bidirectional generator. This class can't be inherited.

Member functions Explanation
operator()( TInp... params ) Increments the generator with the specified InvocParams &
stores the value returned. If the generator can't be incremented then the value stored isn't changed.
const T& operator*( )
const T& Get( )
Returns the value stored.
operator bool( )
operator !=( nullptr_t )
Returns true if the generator hasn't finished executing.
operator ==( nullptr_t ) Returns true if the generator has finished executing.
operator ==( const Generator& r ) Returns true if the 2 generators are equal.
operator !=( const Generator& r ) Returns true if the 2 generators are not equal.

class UC::Generator<T>

This class represents a unidirectional generator. This class can't be inherited.

Member functions Explanation
operator()( TInp... params ) Increments the generator & stores the value returned.
If the generator can't be incremented then the value stored isn't changed.
const T& operator*( )
const T& Get( )
Returns the value stored.
operator bool( )
operator !=( nullptr_t )
Returns true if the generator hasn't finished executing.
operator ==( nullptr_t ) Returns true if the generator has finished executing.
operator ==( const Generator& r ) Returns true if the 2 generators are equal.
operator !=( const Generator& r ) Returns true if the 2 generators are not equal.
iterator begin() Returns the iterator referring to the current position of the generator.
iterator end() Returns the iterator referring to the end of the generator.

class UC::Generator<T>::iterator

This class represents the input iterator that traverses over the generator.

Member operators Explanation
operator*( )
Dereferences the iterator.
operator++( ) Increments the iterator & generator.
operator ==( const iterator& ) Returns true if the 2 iterator are equal.
operator !=( const iterator& ) Returns true if the 2 iterator are not equal.
operator ==( nullptr_t ) Returns true if the iterator's generator has finished executing.
operator !=( nullptr_t ) Returns true if the iterator's generator hasn't finished executing.

UCException( ContinueStatementInSwitchStatementInAGenerator )

This exception is thrown when you use a continue statement in a UCGenSwitch in a generator, to fix the error use UCGenSwitchWithCont instead.

UCGenBeg(retType, params, ...) / UCGenEnd

UCGenBeg comes after the function/lambda definition of a unidirectional generator, UCGenEnds it. The usage syntax is:

UC::Generator<?return-type?> ?name?(?params?) 
    UCGenBeg(?return-type, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCGenEnd

UCGen(retType, name, params, ...)

This defines a unidirectional generator function with the name, name. The usage is as follows:

UCGen(?return-type, ?name?, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCGenEnd

UCGenLambda(retType, params, ...)

This defines a unidirectional generator lambda with the name, name. The usage is as follows:

[?captures?] UCGenLambda(?return-type, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCGenEnd

UCBDGenBeg(retType, params, invocParams, ...) / UCBDGenEnd

UCBDGenBeg comes after the function/lambda definition of a bidirectional generator, UCBDGenEnds it. The usage syntax is:

UC::Generator<?return-type?, ?invoc-parameter-types...?> ?name?(?params?) 
    UCBDGenBeg(?return-type, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), (?invoc-parameters-with-types-in-braces...?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCBDGenEnd

UCBDGen(retType, name, params, invocParams, ...)

This defines a bidirectional generator function with the name, name. The usage is as follows:

UCBDGen(?return-type, ?name?, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), (?invoc-parameters-with-types-in-braces...?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCGenEnd

UCBDGenLambda(retType, params, invocParams, ...)

This defines a bidirectional generator lambda with the name, name. The usage is as follows:

[?captures?] UCBDGenLambda(?return-type, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), (?invoc-parameters-with-types-in-braces...?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCGenEnd


This macro inserts the appropriate code for returning the value v from the generator & resuming back from that very same point. When execution reaches this macro, the generator exits with the return value being v and when the generator is called again, execution resumes from the last yield.


This macro inserts the appropriate code for exiting from the generator.

UCTry & UCCatch

Needed only if the try-block is involved with the suspend-resume points. Used as

UCCatch ( const ?exception-type?& e)
catch ( const ?other-exception-type?& e)

UC++ Coroutines - Light weight, synchronization less threads

A UC++ coroutine internally implemented using a UC++ unidirectional generator that UCYields UC::Coro::YieldInstructions, the yielded instructions are then stored & queried for whether & when the coroutine should execute to the next yield.

Lets look at a simple example for how to use non-returning coroutines:

#include <iostream>
#include <Coroutine.hpp>

UCCoro( WaitFor5s , ( ( int64_t ) startTime ) )
	UCAwait( 5 );
	cout << "WaitFor5s: After 5 seconds; " <<
		static_cast<double>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ).time_since_epoch( ).count( ) - startTime ) / 1'000'000
		<< " ms " << endl;
} UCCoroEnd

UCCoro( WaitFor7s , ( ( int64_t ) startTime ) )
	UCAwait( 7 );
	cout << "WaitFor7s: After 7 seconds; " <<
		static_cast<double>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ).time_since_epoch( ).count( ) - startTime ) / 1'000'000
		<< " ms " << endl;
} UCCoroEnd

UCCoro( Coroutine , ( ) , startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ).time_since_epoch( ).count( ) )
	cout << "Coroutine: Begin" << endl;
	UCAwait( 2 );
	cout << "Coroutine: After await 2; " <<
		static_cast<double>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ).time_since_epoch( ).count( ) - startTime ) / 1'000'000
		<< " ms " << endl;
	UCAwait( 3.5 );
	cout << "Coroutine: After 3.5 seconds; " <<
		static_cast<double>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ).time_since_epoch( ).count( ) - startTime ) / 1'000'000
		<< " ms " << endl;
	UCAwait( WaitFor5s( startTime ) , WaitFor7s( startTime ) );
	cout << "Coroutine: After WaitFor5s( startTime ) & WaitFor7s( startTime ) finished concurrently; " <<
		static_cast<double>( std::chrono::steady_clock::now( ).time_since_epoch( ).count( ) - startTime ) / 1'000'000
		<< " ms " << endl;
    throw UC::Exception( "Fake exception" );
} UCCoroEnd

int main()
	Coroutine( );
	boost::this_thread::sleep_for( boost::chrono::milliseconds( 2000 + 3500 + 7000 + 2000 ) );
    cout << cor->Failure( ) << endl;

Let's go through this line by line:

Line 4: UCCoro( WaitFor5s , ( ( int64_t ) startTime ) ): This defines a function that returns a UC::Coroutine. With startTime being the only parameter of type int64_t.

Line 6: UCAwait( 5 ): This macro UCAwait is like UCYield in the sense that it also like UCYield stops execution of the coroutine, however UCAwait is much more beneficial, look the the section on UCAwait for more info. Here it just makes the coroutine wait for 5 seconds and then resume execution.

Line 10: } UCCoroEnd: This macro is used to terminate a Coroutine block.

Line 14: UCAwait( 7 ): This is just like line 7, but now it makes the coroutine wait for 7 seconds.

Line 20:

UCCoro( Coroutine , ( ) , startTime = ClockType::now( ).time_since_epoch( ).count( ) )

This defines a coroutine function with the name Coroutine that takes in 0 parameters & has 1 variable of type startTime with the value

std::steady_clock::now( ).time_since_epoch( ).count( )

Line 34:

UCAwait( WaitFor5s( startTime ) , WaitFor7s( startTime ) );

This is just like line 7 but here it launches the 2 coroutines and waits for them both to execute completely.

Line 39: throw Exception( "Fake exception" ): Throw a fake exception to demonstrate the exception handling feature for coroutines.

Line 43: Coroutine( ): Launches the coroutine function Coroutine.

Line 44:

boost::this_thread::sleep_for( boost::chrono::milliseconds( 2000 + 3500 + 7000 + 2000 ) );

You need to wait for the coroutine to finish executing because if the main function exits then the thread executing the coroutines will also end.

Q. Can you predict the output?

A. Here is the output

Coroutine: Begin
Coroutine: After await 2; 2000 ms
Coroutine: After 3 seconds; 5500 ms
WaitFor5s: After 5 seconds; 10500 ms
WaitFor7s: After 7 seconds; 12500 ms
Coroutine: After WaitFor5s( startTime ) & WaitFor7s( startTime ) finished concurrently; 12500 ms

This is the ideal code output, in reality, the timestamps will be a bit different by a few milliseconds or microseconds.

Returning Coroutines

Now, coroutines are great, but there are no return values from them, no communication between the coroutine starter and the coroutine itself. Here's where returning coroutines come in, and the UCInterface that allows for this: UC::Coro::Future<T>.

Let's look at an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <Coroutine.hpp>
using namespace UC;
using namespace UC::Coro;

UCRCoro( size_t , CalculateHashAsync , ( ( std::string ) str ) )
	UCAwait( 1 );

	if ( str.size( ) == 0 ) 
        throw InvalidArgumentException( "String size can't be zero" );
        UCCoroReturn( Hash( str ) );
} UCRCoroEnd

UCCoro( Coroutine , ( ) ,
		fut = P<Coro::Future<size_t>>( ) ,
		fut2 = P<Coro::Future<size_t>>( ) ,
		fut3 = P<Coro::Future<size_t>>( ) ,
		fut4 = P<Coro::Future<size_t>>( )
	fut = CalculateHashAsync( "someArbitraryString" );
	UCAwait( fut );
	cout << fut->Get( ) << endl;

	fut2 = CalculateHashAsync( "" );
	UCAwait( fut2 );
	cout << fut2->GetFailure( ) << endl;

	fut3 = CalculateHashAsync( "Some value" );
	fut3->Cancel( );
	cout << fut3->GetFailure( ) << endl;

	fut4 = CalculateHashAsync( "More values" );
	UC::Coro::Stop( fut4->GetLinked( ) );
	UCAwait( fut4 );
	cout << fut4->GetFailure( ) << endl;
} UCCoroEnd

int main()
	Coroutine( );
	boost::this_thread::sleep_for( boost::chrono::milliseconds( 5000 ) );

Let's go through this line by line:

Line 8: UCRCoro( size_t , CalculateHashAsync , ( ( string ) str ) ): This macro UCRCoro has a parameter that is not there in UCCoro, the return value. The return type means the type of the underlying UC::Coro::Future, this return type means the type whose instances are only the safe method of communication between the caller & the coroutine, UC::Coro::Future synchronizes the communication and makes it free of data races.

Line 10: UCAwait( 1 ): This line is just used to introduce some asynchronicity.

Line 17: UCCoroReturn( Hash( str ) ): This line completes the future with the value and stops the coroutine.

Lines 28..30:

fut = CalculateHashAsync( "someArbitraryString" );
UCAwait( fut );
cout << fut->Get( ) << endl;

The first line stores the future from CalculateHashAsync in fut.
The UCAwait( fut ) has the coroutine wait for the futures completion, failure or cancellation.
The fut->Get( ) gets the return value of the coroutine that the future is linked to. In case the future hasn't finished then then an exception will be thrown.

Lines 32..34:

fut2 = CalculateHashAsync( "" );
UCAwait( fut2 );
cout << fut2->GetFailure( ) << endl;

The first line stores the future from CalculateHashAsync in fut2, but there will be a failure in the future's coroutine due to an exception so, the way to handle it is given below.
The UCAwait( fut2 ) has the coroutine wait for the futures completion, failure or cancellation, in this case failure.
The fut2->GetFailure( ) gets information about why the future has failed or cancelled. In case the future hasn't failed then then an exception will be thrown. The typical way to handle such a failure is:

if( f->GetState( ) == UC::Coro::State::Failed || f->GetState( ) == UC::Coro::State::Cancelled )
    auto failureType = f->GetFailure( );
    if(failureType == UC::Coro::Exception)
            std::rethrow_exception( failureType->Details );
        // Some catch clauses that handle the exception
    else if(failureType == UC::Coro::RoutineStopped)
        // The future has been cancelled or the coroutine had stopped 
        if(f->GetState( ) == UC::Coro::State::Failed)
            /*handler code*/
        else /*(f->GetState( ) == UC::Coro::State::Cancelled)*/ 
            /*handler code*/

You can omit any one of the checks or handler blocks if you don't care about it or you know that it wouldn't have happened, but you shouldn't.

Lines 36..38:

fut3 = CalculateHashAsync( "Some value" );
fut3->Cancel( );
cout << fut3->GetFailure( ) << endl;

The first line stores the future from CalculateHashAsync in fut3.
The fut3->Cancel( ) cancels the future and stops the coroutine.
The fut3->GetFailure( ) gets information about why the future has failed or cancelled. Here as the future has been cancelled, so the Detail will be null exception or nullptr.

Lines 40..43:

fut4 = CalculateHashAsync( "More values" );
UC::Coro::Stop( fut4->GetLinked( ) );
UCAwait( fut4 );
cout << fut4->GetFailure( ) << endl;

The first line stores the future from CalculateHashAsync in fut4.
The UC::Coro::Stop( fut4->GetLinked( ) ) stops the coroutine that the future is linked to, thereby stopping the future. However the coroutine will only be marked for stopping, i.e. the coroutine will actually stop the next time the coroutine hits a UCYield or UCAwait, or the next time it's queried for execution or updation, hence the fourth line UCAwait( fut4 ).
The fut4->GetFailure( ) gets information about why the future has failed or cancelled. Here as the future has failed due to the coroutine being stopped, the Detail will also be null exception or nullptr.

Line 48: Coroutine( );: Start the Coroutine.

Line 49: boost::this_thread::sleep_for( boost::chrono::milliseconds( 5000 ) ): Again, wait for the coroutine's execution.

Q. Can you hypothesize the output?

A. Here is the output:

UC::Coro::Failure{ Type = UC::Coro::FailureType::Exception , Details = "struct UC::InvalidArgumentException:String size can't be zero
at stack position:
UC::Coro::Failure{ Type = UC::Coro::FailureType::RoutineStopped , Details = "null exception"}
UC::Coro::Failure{ Type = UC::Coro::FailureType::RoutineStopped , Details = "null exception"}

Note: ?stack-trace? represents the stack-trace of the exception thrown that will vary due to location of header and implementation files.

UCCoroBeg(params, ...) / UCCoroEnd

UCCoroBeg comes after the function/lambda definition of a coroutine, UCCoroEnds it. The usage syntax is:

UC::P<UC::Coro::Coroutine> ?name?(?params?) 
    UCCoroBeg((?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCCoroEnd

UCCoro(name, params, ...)

This defines a coroutine function with the name, name. The usage is as follows:

UCCoro(?name?, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCCoroEnd

UCCoroLambda(params, ...)

This defines a coroutine lambda with the name, name. The usage is as follows:

[?captures?] UCCoroLambda((?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCGenEnd

UCRCoroBeg(retType, params, ...) / UCRCoroEnd

UCRCoroBeg comes after the function/lambda definition of a returning coroutine, UCRCoroEnds it. The usage syntax is:

UC::Coro::Future<?return-type?> ?name?(?params?) 
    UCRCoroBeg(?return-type?, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCRCoroEnd

UCRCoro(retType, name, params, ...)

This defines a coroutine function with the name, name. The usage is as follows:

UCRCoro(?return-type?, ?name?, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} UCRCoroEnd

UCRCoroLambda(retType, params, ...)

This defines a coroutine lambda with the name, name. The usage is as follows:

[?captures?] UCRCoroLambda(?return-type?, (?params-with-types-in-braces?), ?all-local-variables?)
} URCGenEnd

UCAwait(v, ...)

UCAwait is like UCYield in the sense that it also like UCYield stops execution of the coroutine, however UCAwait correctly handles multiple types of inputs like in case UC::Coro::YieldInstruction is the input type then the actual instruction is yielded & if a long double or is specified then the yielded instruction will instruct the coordinator to wait for "parameter" seconds. UCAwait also correctly handles multiple inputs wherein UCAwait waits for all the instructions to finish. In case that there is no instruction specified or nullptr is instruction the then coroutine will wait till the next update.


It was created because it may be the case that someone may need to exit prematurely from the coroutine, like one does with a return, and to do so that person may do something complicated like:

UCInterface( WhenCalledStop , UC_WhereTypenameIs( "WhenCalledStop" ) , UC_InheritsUCClasses( UC::Coro::YieldInstruction ) , UC_InheritsNoNativeClasses );
	void OnUpdate( P<Coroutine> coro ) { UC::Coro::Stop( coro ); }
	bool Finished( ) { return false; }
	WhenCalledStop( ) { }

// Usage:

UCCoro(?name?, (?params?), ?local-variables?)
} UCCoroEnd

Don't do this. Why go to point A to B to C to D when directly going from A to D would be much easier & faster. Just do:

UCCoro(?name?, (?params?), ?local-variables?)
} UCCoroEnd

UCInterface UC::Coro::YieldInstruction

This UCInterface is the base class for all instructions that can be UCAwaited or UCYielded in a Coroutine.

Member functions Explanation
YieldInstruction() No-op constructor.
abstract bool Finished( UC::P<UC::Coro::Coroutine> ) A function that queries the instruction for whether the coroutine should move forward.

using UC::Coro::GeneratorForCoroutine = UC::Generator<UC::P<UC::Coro::YieldInstruction>>;

enum class UC::Coro::CoroutineState { Running , Paused , Failed , Finished };

Represents the 4 states that a coroutine can have.

using UC::Coro::ExceptionDetailsType = std::exception_ptr;

Represents the details of an exception that had occurred in coroutine.

UCInterface UC::Coro::Coroutine

Represents a handle for a coroutine on a separate thread.

Member functions Explanation
Pause( ) Pauses the coroutine.
Resume( ) Resumes a paused coroutine.
CoroutineState GetSate( ) Gets the state of the coroutine.
Running( ) Returns true if the coroutine is running.
Paused( ) Returns true if the coroutine is paused.
FinishedOrFailed( ) Returns true if the coroutine has finished executing or, it has failed executing due to an exception, which is available through Failure( ).
Finished( ) Returns true if the coroutine is finished, not failed.
Failed( ) Returns true if the coroutine has failed.
const ExceptionDetailsType& Failure( ) Returns the exception details that caused the Coroutine to fail.
OnStopF( P<Functor<void>> ) Adds the functor to the OnStop event handler.
OnStop( TF&& inCallback ) Adds the function object to the OnStop event handler.

UCException( FutureException )

This exception is thrown on failure by the functions in the coroutine library that deal with shared states i.e. functions in the class Future.

enum class FailureType { Exception , RoutineStopped };

Represents error codes for Fail calls.

enum class FutureState { InProgress , Completed , Failed , Cancelled };

Represents the 4 states that a future can have.

struct Failure

Represents the failure state for a future.

FailureType Type

Represents how the future has failed.

ExceptionDetailsType Details

Represents by which exception the Future has failed.

UCInterface UC::Coro::Future<T>

Represents a safe & reliable way of communicating between a coroutine and the coroutine's starter.

Member function Explanation
Future( ) Default constructs the future.
State GetState( ) Gets the state of the future.
T Get( )1 Returns the value of the future, or throws a FutureException if the Future hasn't been completed.
bool TryGet( T& outValue )1 Assigns the value of the future to the outValue reference & returns true if the is complete, otherwise it returns false.
Failure GetFailure( ) Returns the failure object, or throws a FutureException if the Future hasn't failed.
bool TryGetFailure( Failure& outFailure ) Assigns the failure object to the outFailure reference & returns true if the is complete, otherwise it returns false.
Cancel( ) Cancels the future and ends the underlying coroutine.
P<Coroutine> GetLinked( ) Returns the linked coroutine.
Fail( ExceptionDetailsType )2 Fails the future with the given exception.
Fail( FailureType , ExceptionDetailsType = nullptr )2 Fails the future with the given reason and exception.
Fail( Failure failure )2 Fails the future with the given failure object.
LinkTo( P<Coroutine> )2 Links the future to the coroutine specified.
Complete( T )2 Completes the future with the given value.
Future<void>::Complete( )3 Completes the void future.

1: Only for Future<?non-void-types?>
2: Not meant to be used directly.
3: Only for Future<void>, also not meant to be used directly.

UC::P<UC::Coro::Coroutine> Start( UC::Coro::GeneratorForCoroutine&& )

Starts a coroutine from the generator.

UC::Coro::Stop( UC:P<UC::Coro::Coroutine> )

Stops the given coroutine.

WaitWhile( TF&& )

Returns a UC::Coro::YieldInstruction that has the coroutine wait while the value from the function specified becomes true.

WaitUntil( TF&& )

Returns a UC::Coro::YieldInstruction that has the coroutine wait until the value from the function specified becomes true.

Remember that there is an easy, fast & efficient way to exit from a coroutine namely UCAwaitEsc.

Remember that you must never ever use a loop that might run for a long (or infinite) time because if you do use a loop like that then all the other coroutines will have to wait till that long loop ends, so you must use a UCAwait in that loop.

Remember no synchronization is required if & only if UC::Futures are used for communication, any other way of communication like a global variable or reference parameter would be unsafe and would require synchronization primitives like mutexes.