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Bash Cheatsheet


Bash is a powerful scripting language that is used by many developers. This cheat sheet is a collection of Bash tips and tricks that will help you write better Bash scripts.

Bash Basics

Command Description
echo Print a message to the console
printf Print a formatted message to the console
cat Print the contents of a file to the console
pwd Print the current working directory
cd Change the current working directory
ls List the contents of a directory
mkdir Create a new directory
touch Create a new file
cp Copy a file or directory
mv Move a file or directory
rm Remove a file or directory
find Find files or directories
grep Search for a string in a file
wc Count the number of lines, words, and characters in a file
sort Sort the lines in a file
uniq Remove duplicate lines in a file
head Print the first 10 lines of a file
tail Print the last 10 lines of a file
man Display the manual page for a command
which Display the location of a command
type Display the type of a command
alias Create an alias for a command
history Display the command history
clear Clear the console
exit Exit the console


Command Description
var="value" Assign a value to a variable
echo $var Print the value of a variable
echo ${var} Print the value of a variable
echo "$var" Print the value of a variable
echo "${var}" Print the value of a variable
echo '$var' Print the literal value of a variable
echo '${var}' Print the literal value of a variable
echo "${var:-default}" Print the value of a variable or a default value if the variable is not set
echo "${var:=default}" Assign a default value to a variable if the variable is not set
echo "${var:?error}" Print an error message if the variable is not set
echo "${var:+value}" Print a value if the variable is set
echo "${var:offset}" Print a substring of a variable


Command Description
function_name() { ... } Define a function
function_name() { echo "Hello World"; } Define a function
function_name() { echo "Hello $1"; } Define a function with parameters
function_name() { echo "Hello $@"; } Define a function with parameters


Command Description
array=(value1 value2 value3) Define an array
echo ${array[0]} Print the value of an array element
echo ${array[@]} Print the values of an array
echo ${#array[@]} Print the number of elements in an array
echo ${#array[0]} Print the length of an array element
array[0]="value" Assign a value to an array element
array+=(value) Append a value to an array
unset array[0] Remove an array element
unset array Remove an array


Command Description
if [ condition ]; then ... fi If statement
if [ condition ]; then ... else ... fi If/else statement
if [ condition1 ]; then ... elif [ condition2 ]; then ... else ... fi If/elif/else statement
case value in pattern1) ... ;; pattern2) ... ;; esac Case statement
case value in pattern1) ... ;; pattern2) ... ;; *) ... ;; esac Case statement with a default case


Command Description
for var in value1 value2 value3; do ... done For loop
for var in $(command); do ... done For loop
for (( i=0; i<10; i++ )); do ... done For loop
while [ condition ]; do ... done While loop
until [ condition ]; do ... done Until loop


Command Description
read var Read input from the console
read -p "Enter a value: " var Read input from the console with a prompt
read -a array Read input from the console into an array
read -d Read input from the console until a delimiter is found
read -s Read input from the console without echoing the input
read -n Read a specified number of characters from the console
read -t Read input from the console with a timeout
echo "Hello World" > file.txt Redirect output to a file
echo "Hello World" >> file.txt Append output to a file
echo "Hello World" 2> file.txt Redirect error output to a file


Command Description
set -x Enable debugging
set +x Disable debugging
set -v Print shell input lines as they are read
set +v Do not print shell input lines as they are read
set -n Read commands but do not execute them
set +n Execute commands read from the command line


Command Description
echo "Hello World" Print a string
echo -n "Hello World" Print a string without a newline
echo -e "Hello\tWorld" Print a string with escaped characters

Bash Advanced

Bash Builtins

Command Description
. Execute a script in the current shell
source Execute a script in the current shell
: Do nothing
true Do nothing
false Do nothing
break Exit a loop
continue Skip to the next iteration of a loop
return Exit a function
exit Exit the shell
set Set shell options
unset Unset shell options
export Export a variable
readonly Make a variable read-only
declare Declare a variable
typeset Declare a variable
local Declare a local variable
eval Evaluate a string as a command
exec Execute a command
shift Shift positional parameters
wait Wait for a background process to complete
pwd Print the current working directory
cd Change the current working directory
pushd Push the current working directory onto the directory stack

Bash Options

Command Description
set -o List shell options
set -o noclobber Do not overwrite existing files
set -o errexit Exit on error
set -o errtrace Exit on error in a function
set -o nounset Exit on unset variable
set -o pipefail Exit on pipe failure
set -o xtrace Print commands and their arguments as they are executed

Bash Aliases

Command Description
alias List aliases
alias name="command" Create an alias
unalias Remove an alias

Bash Functions

Command Description
function name { ... } Define a function
name() { ... } Define a function
declare -f List functions
declare -f name List a function

Bash Arrays

Command Description
array=(value1 value2 value3) Create an array
array[0]="value" Assign a value to an array element
array+=(value) Append a value to an array
unset array[0] Remove an array element
unset array Remove an array
declare -a List arrays
declare -a array List an array
declare -p List variables
declare -p array List a variable

Bash Conditionals

| Command | Description | | -------------------------------- | ------------ | -------------- | ------------ | | [[ condition ]] | If statement | | [[ condition1 && condition2 ]] | If statement | | [[ condition1 | | condition2 ]] | If statement | | [[ ! condition ]] | If statement | | [[ value1 == value2 ]] | If statement | | [[ value1 != value2 ]] | If statement | | [[ value1 < value2 ]] | If statement | | [[ value1 > value2 ]] | If statement |

Bash Loops

Command Description
for var in "${array[@]}"; do ... done For loop
for (( i=0; i<10; i++ )); do ... done For loop
while [[ condition ]]; do ... done While loop
until [[ condition ]]; do ... done Until loop
select var in "${array[@]}"; do ... done Select loop

Bash Input/Output

Command Description
read -p "Enter a value: " value Read input from the console
read -p "Enter a value: " -s value Read input from the console without echoing the input
read -p "Enter a value: " -n 5 value Read a specified number of characters from the console

Bash Arguments

Command Description
$# Specifies number of arguments
$* Specifies all positional arguments as a single word
$@ Specifies all positional arguments as separate words
$1 Specifies first argument passed
$_ Specifies last argument of the previous command