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Pub Package

A Flutter widget that rebuilds for every new Event.

The EventSubscriber widget will be notified and will rebuild when one or more Event occurs, allowing some changing aspect of an observed object to be displayed in your Flutter user interface.

Note: run the included Example project to see a working example.

See to see what has changed in this version.


The Flutter EventSubscriber Widget requires that you specify one or more Events, along with a builder function that returns a child Widget.

// example
  events: [myCount.valueChanged],  // a List of 1 or more Events
  builder: (context, status, args) => Text('${myCount.value}'),

Event - A Dart package that broadcasts events to interested subscribers.

  • Flutter - This package has a dependency on the Flutter framework.
  • Event - Supports the creation of lightweight custom Dart Events, that allow interested subscribers to be notified that something has happened. Provides a notification mechanism across independent packages/layers/modules. Dependent on Dart only.

See the example folder for a more detailed example.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:event/event.dart';
import 'package:eventsubscriber/eventsubscriber.dart';

// An example domain model of a simple Counter
// Normally in its own module/package
// Included here inline for illustration purposes
class Counter {
  int value = 0;
  var valueChanged = Event(); // declare Event

  void increment() {
    // broadcast that the value has changed


// Create the domain model
var myCounter = Counter();

// Flutter application
// The Counter value will increment when the button is pressed.
// The updated value will be automatically updated in the UI.
void main() => runApp(
        home: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
            // Subscribe to the 'valueChanged' domain event
              events: [myCounter.valueChanged],
              builder: (context, status, args) {
                return Text(myCount.value.toString());
              child: Text('Increment'),
              // Increment the domain value
              onPressed: () => myCounter.increment(),

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