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Portfolio Website

This repository hosts a dynamic and responsive portfolio website designed to showcase professional and academic accomplishments. It leverages ReactJS to create a single-page application that presents various sections such as About, Projects, Skills, Education, Experience, and Publications. The website's content is dynamically loaded from JSON files, allowing for easy customization and updates. Additionally, it is integrated with GitHub Actions for continuous deployment to Firebase, ensuring that the latest version is always available online.


  • Dynamic Content Management: Utilizes JSON files for easy update of personal information, educational background, project details, work experience, and publications.
  • Responsive Design: Implements a mobile-first design approach, ensuring compatibility across various devices and screen sizes.
  • Interactive UI Components: Includes a carousel for projects and publications, modals for detailed views, and a navigation bar for seamless section transitions.
  • SEO Optimization: Employs React Helmet for managing meta tags, enhancing the website's visibility on search engines.

Technical Details:

  • Programming Languages: JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Front-end Technologies: ReactJS, Bootstrap, FontAwesome
  • DevOps & Deployment: GitHub Actions, Firebase Hosting
  • Version Control: Git, GitHub


Video Instructions to Run Code