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exploring django_restframework

Projects of this repo

1. serialization projects

  - validation
     - validators
     - field level validation
     - object level validation

  - serializarTutorial (only api)
  - CRUDApp with validation (only api)

  - ModalSrApp model serializer with validation (only api)

2. API View projects

  - Function based apiview - FunctionApiViewCrud (only api)
  - Classed based apiview - same as functionbased apiview

  - Generic View using Mixin - GenericViewCrud ( only api )
  - Concrete View - ConcreteView ( only api )

  - Viewset class - ViewSetClass ( only api )
  - ModelViewSet Class - ModelViewSetClass ( only api )
  - ReadOnlyModelViewSet Class - Same as ModelViewSet class but only have list and retrive method

3. Authentication and Permission projects

  - Authentication
     - BasicAuthentication - BasicAuthenticationClass ( only api )
     - SessionAuthentication - SessionAuthenticationClass ( only api )
     - Authentication in Function based view - FunctionBasedViewAuthentication ( only api )
     - TokenAuthentication - TokenAuthenticationClass ( only api )
     - CustomAuthentication - Create a class which is subclass of BaseAuthentication and       override .authenticate(self, request) method.
     - JWT TOKEN - JWTTokenProject ( only api )

  - Permission
     - AllowAny
     - IsAuthenticated
     - IsAdminUser
     - IsAuthenticatedOrReadOnly
     - DjangoModelPermissions
     - DjangoModelPermissionsOrAnonReadOnly
     - DjangoObjectPermissions
     - CustomPermissions - customPermissionProject ( only api )

4. Throttling

  - AnonRateThrottle - ThrottlingProject ( only api )
  - UserRateThrottle - ThrottlingProject ( only api )
  - ScopeRateThrottle - can use throttle for scope like list and create
  - Custom throttles - inherit UserRateThrottle class or BaseThrottleClass and modify it

5. Filtering

  - overwrite get_queryset function
  - generic filtering
  - search filtering
  - order filtering

6. Pagination

  - PageNumberPagination
  - LimitOffsetPagination
  - CursorPagination

7. Other

  - SerializerRelation
  - Nested Relationships


rest api project






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