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Saif ansari edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the myauth wiki!

Muauth is the simple and lightweight authentication and authorization system/library for CodeIgniter 3x

### How to use it ?
  1. Copy the myauth folder in the third party folder.

  2. Autoload the package and library in autoload.php

    • $autoload['packages'] = array(APPPATH.'third_party/myauth');
    • $autoload['libraries'] = array('myauth' , 'form_validation' , 'session');
    • $autoload['helper'] = array('url' , 'form');
  3. Copy the Auth.php controller from myauth controllers folder and copy it to your application controllers folder.

  4. Import the myauth.sql to your mysql database.

Note - For using the reset pasword functionality, please make sure you have correctly configured the email settings.

You can do so by adding email.php in application/config folder.