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Live demo: Portfolio Site


This website was created using ThreeJS and React, specifically react-three-fiber to render in the graphics on each react component.

Star Cluster Background

The star objects were generated using the following properties with a for-loop to create numerous stars and stored in an array for further use in creating the twinkling effect.

const Twinkle = () => {
	const { scene } = useThree()

	// Array stores all stars for reference in animation frame
	let starArray = []

	const starGeo = new THREE.SphereBufferGeometry(0.15, 5, 5)
	const starMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: 0xffffff })

	// Loads star object into the scene
	const loadStars = () => {
		for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
			const star = new THREE.Mesh(starGeo, starMaterial)
			const { rotation, material } = star

			rotation.x = 1.16
			rotation.y = (Math.PI / 180) * 90

				Math.random() * 200 - 150,
				Math.random() * 300 - 150,
				Math.random() * 500 - 250

			material.opacity = Math.random() * 1
			material.transparent = true
			rotation.z = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI



Twinkling Animation

The twinkling effect was created by setting each star object to a random initial opacity. Within each animation frame, the opacity was decreased overtime to mimic a "dimming" effect.

// Twinkle animation
useFrame(() => {
    starArray.forEach(p => {
        const number = Math.random() * 1

        if (number < 0.01) {
            if (p.material.opacity > 0.99) {
                p.material.opacity = 0.4
            } else {
                p.material.opacity += 0.0025

Mouse Parallax effect

When moving the mouse pointer around the website, a slight parallax effect is used to move the galaxy background. Vanilla JS is used for basic DOM manipulation to gather data on the client's mouse position. This data goes through some algebra and is then used to move the canvas scene. The following method is also used to create a similar animation when the user scrolls through the website.

const MouseCamera = () => {
	const { camera } = useThree()

	let positionX = 0
	let initialX = 0
	let finalX = 0
	let deltaX = 0
	let inertiaX = 0

	let positionY = 0
	let initialY = 0
	let finalY = 0
	let deltaY = 0
	let inertiaY = 0

	document.addEventListener('mousemove', e => {
		// Controls side-to-side movement
		finalX = e.clientX
		deltaX = finalX - initialX
		inertiaX += deltaX * 0.00045

		if (initialX !== finalX) {
			initialX = e.clientX

		// Controls inward-outward movement
		finalY = e.clientY
		deltaY = finalY - initialY
		inertiaY += deltaY * 0.0006

		if (initialY !== finalY) {
			initialY = e.clientY

	const raf = () => {
		positionX += inertiaX
		inertiaX *= 0.954321
		camera.position.z = positionX

		positionY += inertiaY
		inertiaY *= 0.954321
		camera.position.x = positionY + 90



	return null

Nebula Clouds

The nebula is actually a collection of multiple transparent PNGs of a cloud. This was done by randomly rotating each individual cloud and setting the material property to a "mesh lambert" material. The semi-transparent property of this material gives a see through effect while also allowing the scene lighting to color the clouds.

const Nebula = () => {
    // Cloud object
    loader.load(smoke, function (texture) {
            const cloudGeo = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(200, 200)
            const cloudMaterial = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({
                transparent: true,
                map: texture,
            for (let i = 0; i < 30; i++) {
                const cloud = new THREE.Mesh(cloudGeo, cloudMaterial)
                const { rotation, material } = cloud
                    -250 + i * 0.5, // -250 ~ -220
                    Math.random() * 260 - 150, // 200 ~ 350
                    Math.random() * 700 - 380 // -300 ~ 400

                // Adds randomness to cloud appearance by rotating texture
                rotation.x = 1.16
                rotation.y = (Math.PI / 180) * 90
                rotation.z = Math.random() * 2 * Math.PI


    // Lighting for nebula clouds
    const orangeLight = new THREE.PointLight(0x2334a9, 5, 100, 1.7)
    orangeLight.position.set(-210, 20, 250)

    const darkPurple = new THREE.PointLight(0x36336a, 10, 120, 1.7)
    darkPurple.position.set(-210, 30, -180)

    const blueLight = new THREE.PointLight(0x1a2e69, 5, 120, 1.7)
    blueLight.position.set(-210, -20, 50)