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# Bistro: Calculate∙Link∙Accumulate

## Waht is Bistro
## What is Bistro

*Bistro* is a general purpose, light-weight data processing engine which changes the way data is being processed. It is going to be as simple as a spreadsheet and as powerful as SQL. At its core, it relies on a novel *column-oriented* data representation and processing engine which is unique in that its logic is described as a DAG of *column operations* as opposed to table operations in most other frameworks. Computations in Bistro are performed by *evaluating* columns which have custom definitions in terms of other columns.

Expand All @@ -14,201 +14,32 @@ Formally, Bistro relies on the *concept-oriented model* (COM) where the main uni

## Where Bistro is Useful

As a *general-purpose* data processing engine, Bistro can be applied to many problems like data integration, data migration, extract-transform-load (ETL), big data processing, stream analytics, big data processing.
Bistro is a *general-purpose* data processing engine and can be applied to many problems like data integration, data migration, extract-transform-load (ETL), big data processing, stream analytics, big data processing.

## Graph of column operations

In Bistro, computations nodes in the graph are columns and each column has some definition which determins what operations this node will execute to compute its values. Column definitions take some other columns as input and the output values are stored in this column as its result which can be used as input in other column definitions.

# How it works

## Schema

First of all, it is necessary to create a *schema* which can be thought of as a database and will be a collection of all other elements and parameters:
Bistro schema = new Bistro("My Bistro");

A schema like tables and columns has an arbitrary (case sensitive) name. The schema is then used to create and access other elements as well as perform various operations with data.

## Tables

Tables are created within the schema by providing a unique (case-sensitive) name:
Table table = schema.createTable("Table");
Table facts = schema.createTable("Facts");

A table in the concept-oriented model is a set (unique) values including complex values (tuples), that is, it is a mathematical set. In Bistro, all user-defined tables are sets of primitive values the structure of which cannot be changed. These values are of long type and are interpreted as identifiers without any additional domain-specific semantics.

There exist predefined primitive tables. Currently, Bistro has only one primitive tables with the name `Object`. It is impossible to create another table with this name and do some operations with this table. Tables can be accessed by using their name:
Table table = schema.getTable("Table");
Table objects = schema.getTable("Object"); // Primitive

Since a table is a set of elements, Bistro provides methods for adding and deleting elements (identifiers) from a (user-defined) table:
long id;
id = table.add(); // Append a new element: id = 0
id = table.add(); // Remove the oldest element: id = 1
id = table.remove(); // Remove the oldest element: id = 0
It is important that elements are removed from the beginning in the FIFO order, that is, the oldest element is always removed. The addition and removal of elements changes the range of the valid identifiers of this table. The current range of identifiers can be retrieved using this method:
Range range = table.getIdRange();
The `Range` object provides a start id (inclusive) and an end id (exclusive) for this table. These ids can be then used for data access using columns (not tables).

Any table can be used as a *data type* for schema columns.

## No definition columns

Data in Bistro is stored in columns. Formally, a column is a function and hence it defines a *mapping* from all table inputs to the values in the output table. Input and output tables of a column are specified during creation:
Column name = schema.createColumn("name", table, objects);
This column defines a mapping from "My Table" to the "Object" (primitive) table.

A new column does not have a definition and hence it cannot derive its output values. The only way to define their mapping from outputs for inputs is to explicitly set the outputs using API:
name.setValue(1, "abc");
name.setValue(2, "abc def");
Object value = name.getValue(1); // value = "abc"

## Calculate columns

A column might have a *definition* which means that it uses some operation to automatically derive or infer its output values from the data in other columns (which in turn can derive their outputs from other columns). Depending on the logic behind such inference, there are different column definition types. The simplest derived column type is a *calculate* column:

> For each input, a calculate column *computes* its output by using the outputs of some other columns of this same table for this same input
For example, we could define a calculate column which increments the value stored in another column:
Column calc = schema.createColumn("length", table, objects);
(p, o) -> ((String)p[0]).length(), // How to compute
Arrays.asList(name) // Parameters for computing
The first parameter is a function which takes two arguments. The first argument `p` is an array of outputs of other columns that have to be processed. The second argument `o` is the current output of this same column which is not used for calculate columns. The second parameter of the definition specifies the input columns the outputs of which have to be processed. In this example, we use a previously defined no-definition column the outputs of which will be incremented. The size of the `p` array has to be equal to the length of the second parameter.

The definition itself does not do any computations, that is, the outputs of this calculate column will have default values. To really derive the outputs of this column it has to be evaluated:
Now, if there were no errors, we can retrieve the output values:
value = calc.getValue(1); // value = 3
value = calc.getValue(1); // value = 7

There exist also other ways to define calculate columns which can be more convenient in different situations, for example, in the case of complex arithmetic operations or in the case of complex computations implemented programmatically. Note also that column outputs could contain `null` and all lambda functions must guarantee the validity of its computations including null-safety and type-safety.

## Link columns

Another column type is a *link* column. Link columns are typed by user (not primitive) tables and their output essentially is a reference to some element in the output table:

> For each intput, a link column *finds* its output in the output table by providing equality criteria for the output elemetns. These values for these criteria are computed from the columns in this table using this input similar to calculate columns.
Let us assume that there is a "Facts" table and it stores elements which have a propery which can be used to link them to the "Table":
Table facts = schema.createTable("Facts");
Column group = schema.createColumn("group", facts, objects);
group.setValue(0, "abc");
group.setValue(1, "abc");
group.setValue(2, "abc def");

This property however cannot be used to access the elements of the "Table". Therefore, we define a link column which will directly reference elements in "Table":
Column link = schema.createColumn("link to table", facts, table);
Arrays.asList(name) // Columns to be used for searching (in the type table)
Arrays.asList(group) // Columns providing criteria for search (in this input table)
This definition essentially means that the new column will reference elements of its type table which have the same `name` as this table `group` column.

This link column can be now evaluated:
Now its output values are ids of its type table "Table"
value = link.getValue(0); // value = 1
value = link.getValue(1); // value = 1
value = link.getValue(2); // value = 2
The main benefit of having link columns is that they are evaluated once but can be then used in many other column definitions for *direct* access to elements of another table without searching or joining records. Link columns can be also used in *column paths* for concatenating several column access operations (dot notation). For example, now we get *directly* access columns of "My Table" from "Facts":
ColumnPath path = new ColumnPath(Arrays.asList(link,length));
value = path.getValue(1);
value = path.getValue(2);
Many column defintion methods accept column paths as parameters.

It is possible that many elements satisfy the link criteria and then one of them is chosen as the output value. In the case no output element has been found, either `null` is set as the output or a new element is appended depending on the options. There exist also other ways to define links, for example, by providing lambdas for computing the link criteria.

## Accumulate columns

Accumulate columns are intended for data aggregation. In contrast to other columns, an output of an accumulate column is computed incrementally:

> For each input, an accumulate column computes its output by *updating* its current values several times for each element in another table which is mapped to this input by the specified grouping column.
It is important that a definition of an accumulate column involves two additional parameters:
* Table with the data being aggregated, called fact table
* Link column from the fact table to this table (where the accumulate column is defined), called grouping column

How the data is being aggregated is specified in the accumulate or update function. This function has two major semantic differences from the calculate functions:
* Its parameters are read from the columns of the fact table - not this table
* It receives one additional parameters which is its own value resulted from the previous call to this function. The function has to update this value using the parameters and return a new value (which it will receive next time).

If we want to simply count the number of facts belonging to each element of the table then such a column can be defined as follows:
Column counts = schema.createColumn("count facts", table, objects);
(p, o) -> (Double)o + 1.0, // How to accumulate/update
null, // Nothing to aggregate except for counting
link // How to group/map facts to this table

value = counts.getValue(1); // 2 occurrences of "abc"
value = counts.getValue(2); // 1 occurrence of "abc def"
Here the `link` column maps elements of the "Facts" to elements of the "Table", and hence an element of "Table" (where we defined the accumulate column) is a group of all elements of "Facts" which reference it via this column. For each element of the "Facts", the specified accumulate function will be called and its result stored in the column output. Thus the accumulate function will be called as many times for each input of "Table", as its has facts that map to it.

Let us assume now that the "Facts" table has a propery "Measure" we want to numerically aggregate (instead of simply counting):
Column measure = schema.createColumn("measure", facts, objects);
measure.setValue(0, 1.0);
measure.setValue(1, 2.0);
measure.setValue(2, 3.0);

We can find the sum of the measure for each element in the "Table" using this accumulate column:
Column sums = schema.createColumn("sum measure", table, objects);
(p, o) -> (Double)o + (Double)p[0], // Add the measure for each new fact
Arrays.asList(measure) // Measure
link // Grouping column

value = sums.getValue(1); // 3 (1+2)
value = sums.getValue(2); // 3

Accumulate functions have also other definition options, for example, specifying how the column is initialized and how it is finalized.

## Schema evaluation and dependencies

It is not necessary to evaluate a column immediately after it has been defined. It is possible to define all or some of the columns and then evalute all of them. Bistro manages all dependencies and it will automatically (recursively) evaluate all columns this column depends on (if necessary). If a column data has been modified or its definition has changed then it will also influence all columns that depend on it directly or indirectly. The easiest way is to evaluate the whole schema:
This method will evaluate all columns of the schema but only if it is necessary and possible (if there are no errors in their definitions).
## How to use

### Artifacts

Group: `org.conceptoriented`
Artifact: `bistro-core`
Artifact: `bistro-formula`
Version: `0.3.0`

### Maven configuration

### Gradle configuration

# More info

* (Bistro-core)[] is a core library of Bistro for schema management, data representation and data processing.
* (Bistro-formula)[] is a library for defining columns using formulas in some expression language rather than the native programming langauge.

# Change Log

* v0.3.0 (2017-09-xx) - Refactoring column definition API: arrays instead lists, factoring formulas out in a separate project etc.
* v0.2.0 (2017-09-17) - Major refactoring and cleaning with new API
* v0.1.0 (2017-09-03) - Initial commit

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