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Araña web testing library

Araña ("spider" in Spanish) is a simple web testing library, written in C#. It can be used to integrate simple testing of web applications into unit testing, so the parts of your web application can be tested separately as well as how they work together.

Araña can follow links, post forms and, through simple CSS selectors, ensure that the content on the pages of your web application is what you expect, and thus can be tested with unit test assert statements.

Araña uses the HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse objects to fetch HTML documents and the Fizzler library to select elements from it to perform actions on.

Araña works seamlessly with all unit testing frameworks and can be used in all open source applications running on either Microsoft.NET or Mono. The CSS querying capabilities is built with jQuery in mind and will, where it fits, match the jQuery API.


Follow a link

The following example;

  1. Selects the a element with @class="first" inside the ul element with @id="menu"
  2. Follows it to the referenced URI (defined in the a@href attribute).
  3. Asserts that the title on the referenced page is equal to "Expected title".
// Create an Araña engine for a given web application
AranaEngine engine = new AranaEngine("");

// Select the anchor from the menu and follow it
engine.Select("ul#menu a.first").Follow();

// Assert that the expected title is correct on the resulting page
Assert.AreEqual("Expected title", engine.Select("title").InnerText);

Post a form

The following example;

  1. Selects the form element with @id="aspnetForm"
  2. Submits the form;
  3. Without following redirect (indicated by the false argument to the Submit() method)
  4. With the form elements named username and password set to the values specified in the given NameValueCollection.
  5. Asserts that the location being redirected to is equal to "/success".
// Create an Araña engine for a given web application
AranaEngine engine = new AranaEngine("");

// Select the form and submit it without following redirect and with the given values.
engine.Select("form#aspnetForm").Submit(false, new NameValueCollection
  {"username", "Administrator"},
  {"password", "2fmckX32a"},

// Assert that the location being redirected to is what we expect
Assert.AreEqual("/success", engine.Response.Location);

More examples

You can find more examples on the Examples page.