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petpy 1.7.2 Release

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@aschleg aschleg released this 20 Apr 02:01
· 122 commits to master since this release

The 1.7.2 release of petpy fixes a variety of bugs and changes to requirements. The specific changes notes are:

  • There is now a proper message when the daily API call limit is exceeded. Prior to the change, methods would
    return a JSONDecodeError.
  • The Python 2 to 3 compatibility package six, has been added as a requirement for package installation.
    The six library is lightweight and ensures the petpy package works properly for Python 2 and 3.
  • Numpy is no longer required for installing the package. Numpy's nan was originally used to denoted shelters
    animals that were not found in the Petfinder database. The value returned when a shelter or animal is not found
    is now 'na'.

The full change history can be found in the documentation.