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File metadata and controls

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Asciidoctor Docker Container

The environment

This Docker container provides:

  • Asciidoctor 1.5.5

  • Aciidoctor Diagram with Graphviz integration so you can use plantuml and graphiz diagrams

  • Asciidoctor PDF (alpha)

  • Asciidoctor EPUB3 (alpha)

  • Source highlighting using CodeRay or Pygments

  • Asciidoctor backends

  • Asciidoctor-fopub

  • Asciidoctor-confluence

  • Lazybones (for Asciidoctor-revealjs)

How to use it

Just run:

docker run -it -v <your directory>:/documents/ asciidoctor/docker-asciidoctor

It will be directly mapped with /documents of the container.

Once started, you just have to create AsciiDoc files (in the directory mentioned above) and run Asciidoctor commands like:

  • To run Asciidoctor on a basic AsciiDoc file:

    asciidoctor sample.adoc
    asciidoctor-pdf sample.adoc
    asciidoctor-epub3 sample.adoc
  • To run AsciiDoc on an AsciiDoc file that contains diagrams:

    asciidoctor -r asciidoctor-diagram sample-with-diagram.adoc
    asciidoctor-pdf -r asciidoctor-diagram sample-with-diagram.adoc
    asciidoctor-epub3 -r asciidoctor-diagram sample-with-diagram.adoc
  • To use Asciidoctor-backends use -T with either /asciidoctor-backends or $BACKENDS followed by the backend you want to use. For example:

asciidoctor -T /asciidoctor-backends/slim/dzslides myFile.adoc
asciidoctor -T $BACKENDS/slim/dzslides myFile.adoc
  • To use fopub, you first need to generate the docbook file then use fopub:

    asciidoctor -b docbook sample.adoc
    fopub sample.xml
  • To use asciidoctor-confluence

    asciidoctor-confluence --host HOSTNAME --spaceKey SPACEKEY --title TITLE --username USER --password PASSWORD sample.adoc