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#The Simple Chess Database Format (.dc*)

Version 1.1

Jan. 14th, 2017

Changes from 1.0: Added missing "Events"-File


The only interoperable format to store and exchange chess games is the PGN (Portable Game Notation) standard. PGN is however very inefficient for database exchange, access, manipulation and search. Moreover, it is notoriously difficult to parse.

Some proprietary binary storage formats for chess games exist; they are usually the result of a program author (commercial or open-source) creating an ad-hoc implementation. Hence, they are rarely documented, if at all mostly by some comments in the source code. Often, data types are also not standardized, and rely on (possibly platform-dependent) compiler conventions.

This standard proposes a simple chess database format. It puts simplicity above all other design considerations. In particular it is designed such that writing an encoder/decoder is as simple as possible for any program author, independent of the implementation language and existing libraries.

In particular, this format's advantages are:

  • It is fully binary. Files are much smaller compared to PGN and operations on binary files are much more performant.
  • It is designed to efficiently support basic database operations (e.g. quickly deleting or replacing a game in a large database).
  • It allows to create a very simple parser. There is no need for e.g. complex XML decoders or schemes.
  • No move generator / chess logic is necessary!. No PerfT tests. No endless debugging. No trying to recreate the precise move-generator from a specific implementation. No messing around with bitboards. All this is especially important for interpreted and web-languages, where implementing a performant move generator is no trivial task.
  • Extendibility. Database program authors can easily add features without violating the standard, by e.g. creating/using additional indexing files or memory mapping to increase search speed for certain operations (like an opening tree etc.).
  • Similar additional info (i.e. visual board annotations, images) can be stored by adding additional program-specific files without violating this standard.

These advantages come with a few disadvantages. Especially the following two should be mentioned:

  • In the current standard, there is no support for Chess960, Bughouse or other variants - it's chess only. This decision is the result of trying to balance implementation complexity (to allow easy adoption) and feature-richness.
  • Some space is wasted compared to more optimized database implementations. Again this is a conscious design decision to allow easier implementation.

Concerning the latter, moves are here stored with the originating square, the target square, and the potential promoting piece. This encoding is straight forward and requires two bytes per move. Hence, parsing is easy since no chess-logic or move generation needs to be implemented to parse and display games (think e.g. a web-interface to a database-file just for viewing games).

On the other hand, chess moves can be stored in a more compact fashion, requiring only one byte (or even less).

Nevertheless the saved space is negligible. Let's take the ChessBase Mega-Database, which stores approximately 6.7 million games and can be considered the biggest chess database available today. Assume that on average a chess game contains 40 moves. Comparing a more optimal encoding and the much simpler encoding of this standard we have:

  • 6.7 million games * 40 moves * 1 Byte per move = 268 megabytes for the optimized database and
  • 6.7 million games * 40 moves * 2 Byte per move = 536 megabytes for this encoding.

As can be seen, such optimal encodings were very relevant in the age of floppy disks. But here, a full database will fit likely on a standard CD (or at least a DVD), and thus one can assume that in todays age the much simpler encoding used by this standard is easily handled by even a very low-end machine.


A simple chess database consists of five files:

  1. an index file. The naming convention is database.dci
  2. a name file, containing all player names. The naming convention is database.dcn
  3. a site file, containing all playing sites. The naming convention is database.dcs
  4. an event file, containing all event names. The naming convention is database.dce
  5. a file containing all games, including comments and annotation markers (such as +/-, ?! etc.). The naming convention is database.dcg

Index File

An index file containing N games has the following format:

[ MagicBytesIndex  |  Version Number | OpenDefault | IndexEntry #1 | IndexEntry #2 | ... | IndexEntry #N ]
  10 Bytes            1 Byte           8 Byte        39 Byte         39 Byte               39 Byte

The next sections describe the above blocks in details.


The ten byte sequence

0x53 0x69 0x6d 0x70 0x6c 0x65 0x43 0x44 0x62 0x69

i.e. "SimpleCDbi" in ASCII without a string terminator.

Version Number

One byte 0x00 to denote the version of the standard described in this document.


Unsigned 64 bit integer pointing to the offset of an IndexEntry within the index file. The game associated with this IndexEntry that is intended to be opened by default - this can be used to remember what game a user viewed the last time she opened the database.


IndexEntry = [ Status | Offset | WhiteRef | BlackRef   | Round   | SiteRef | EventRef | Elo White | Elo Black  | Result | ECO    | Year   | Month | Day    ]
               1 Byte   8 Byte   4 Byte     4 Byte       2 Byte    4 Byte    4 Byte     2 Byte      2 Byte       1 Byte   3 Byte   2 Byte   1 Byte  1 Byte

Games may not be deleted immediately to speed up writing out changes made by a user. Hence games can be marked as deleted, and a game with the applied changes can be added at the end of the (game) file. Real deletion (potentially requiring lots of disk-intensive rewrites) of this game can then be carried out later by removing such marked games and thus compacting the database. The status byte is used to mark this deletion status.

Status Status is 0x00 normally. Otherwise, if the game is marked for deletion, the status byte is 0xFF.

Offset Offset is a unsigned int64 denoting the position (offset) of the game in the game file (i.e. database.dcg)

WhiteRef Offset (unsigned 32-bit integer) pointing to the White player entry in database.dcn.

BlackRef Offset (unsigned 32-bit integer) pointing to the White player entry in database.dcn.

Round Unsigned 16 bit integer denoting the round the game was played in. 0x00 0x00 if unknown.

SiteRef Offset (unsigned 32-bit integer) pointing to an entry in database.dcn, i.e. the site the game was played at...

EventRef Offset (unsigned 32-bit integer) pointing to an entry in database.dce, i.e. the event the game was played at...

Elo White Elo White is an unsigned 16 bit integer denoting the ELO number of the White player.0x00 0x00 if unknown.

Elo Black Elo Black is an unsigned 16 bit integer denoting the ELO number of the Black player.0x00 0x00 if unknown.

Result Result denotes the game result:

  • 0x00 = result undefined
  • 0x01 = White wins
  • 0x02 = Black wins
  • 0x03 = Draw

ECO ECO: 3 ASCII characters (not 0-terminated) denoting the ECO code of the game. 0x00 0x00 0x00 if unknown.

Year Year: unsigned 16 bit integer denoting the year the game was played. 0x00 0x00 if unknown

Month Month: unsigned 8 bit integer denoting the month the game was played. 0x00 if unknown

Day Day: unsigned 8 bit integer denoting the day the game was played. 0x00 if unknown.

Name File

The name file consists of a sequence of names:

[ MagicBytesName | Name#1 | Name#2 | ... | Name #N ]


The ten byte sequence

0x53 0x69 0x6d 0x70 0x6c 0x65 0x43 0x44 0x62 0x6e

i.e. "SimpleCDbn" in ASCII without a string terminator.


Name is a fixed sequence of 36 Bytes, with the name of the player encoded in UTF-8. If the name is less than 36 Bytes, the name is padded with spaces (0x20).

Site File

The site file consists of a sequence of sites (i.e. places where the game took place):

[ MagicBytesSite | Site#1 | Site#2 | ... | Site #N ]


The ten byte sequence

0x53 0x69 0x6d 0x70 0x6c 0x65 0x43 0x44 0x62 0x73

i.e. "SimpleCDbs" in ASCII without a string terminator.


Site is a fixed sequence of 36 Bytes, with the site (location) of the tournament encoded in UTF-8. If the site is less than 36 Bytes, the name is padded with spaces (0x20).

Event File

The site file consists of a sequence of sites (i.e. places where the game took place):

[ MagicBytesEvent | Event#1 | Event#2 | ... | Event #N ]


The ten byte sequence

0x53 0x69 0x6d 0x70 0x6c 0x65 0x43 0x44 0x62 0x65

i.e. "SimpleCDbe" in ASCII without a string terminator.


Event is a fixed sequence of 36 Bytes, with the event name (i.e. tournament name) encoded in UTF-8. If the event is less than 36 Bytes, the name is padded with spaces (0x20).

Database File

The database file is a sequence of N games:

[ MagicBytesGame | Game #1 | Game #2 | ... | Game #N ]

A game is build as

Game = [ GameLength [FenMarker or FenMarker | FenLen | Fen] Moves ]


Moves = [   Move or 
            BeginOfVariation or 
            EndOfVariation or 
            [ StartofComment CommentLength Comment] or 
            [ AnnotationsFollow AnnotationLength Annotations ] or


The nince byte sequence

0x53 0x69 0x6d 0x70 0x6c 0x65 0x43 0x44 0x62 0x67

i.e. "SimpleCDbg" in ASCII without a string terminator.


GameLength is a sequence of bytes denoting the length of one Game (the number of bytes the record consists of). GameLength consists of one, two, three, four or five bytes, depending on the number range it encodes. It uses the BER-TLV encoding scheme as defined in ISO/IEC 7816.

Length 1st Byte 2nd Byte 3rd Byte 4th Byte 5th Byte Number Range
1 Byte 0x00 to 0x7F - - - - 0 to 127
2 Bytes 0x81 0x00 to 0xFF - - - 0 to 255
3 Bytes 0x82 0x0000 to 0xFFFF - - 0 to 65535
4 Bytes 0x83 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF 0 to 16777215
5 Bytes 0x84 0x00000000 to 0xFFFFFFFF 0 to 4 294 967 295

This means that if all the encoded moves, comments and annotations make up less than 127 byte, then GameLength is a single byte value. But if for example the encoded moves, comments and annotations make up 129 (outside of the range 0 to 127, but within range 0-255) byte, then GameLength uses two bytes, and so on.


FenMarker is one byte. If the game starts from the initial position, then FenMarker is 0x00. If the game does not start from the initial position, then FenMarker is 0x01. If FenMarker is 0x01, FenLen and Fen MUST follow.

FenLen The length of Fen using the BER-TLV encoding.

Fen The FEN string of the initial position, encoded as UTF-8.


Move is a two byte value. To understand the encoding, first we enumerate the fields on a chessboard like this:

  a    b     c    d    e    f    g    h
| 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 |  8
| 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 |  7
| 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 |  6
| 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 |  5
| 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 |  4
| 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 |  3
|  8 |  9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |  2
|  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  1

In other words we start counting at the lower left corner from White's perspective (i.e. A1) and count right-upward.

Below we list the meaning of the bits of the two bytes. We use Big Endian encoding, i.e. bit position 0 denotes the highest bit.

Move encoding

Bit Position  0      1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11  12  13  14  15  
Meaning/Value 0x00   RFU PR1 PR2 F1  F2  F3  F4  F5  F6  T1   T2  T3  T4  T5  T6

The bit at position 0 is always zero.

The bit at position 1 is reserved for future use. It's value is not defined.

The bits [PR1 PR2] interpreted as an unsigned integer (Big Endian, i.e. PR1 is the highest bit) denote piece promotion as follows:

  • 0: no promotion
  • 1: promote to Knight
  • 2: promote to Bishop
  • 3: promote to Rook
  • 4: promote to Queen

The bits [ F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 ] interpreted as an unsigned integer (Big Endian, i.e. F1 is the highest bit) denote the field where the piece moves from, i.e. 000001 denotes A1, 111111 denotes H8 and so on.

The bits [ T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 ] interpreted as an unsigned integer (Big Endian, i.e. F1 is the highest bit) denote the field where the piece moves to, i.e. 000001 denotes A1, 111111 denotes H8 and so on.

BeginOfVariation This is the single byte 0x84. Note that this is the bit sequence 10000000. We can always distinguish tags like BeginOfVariation, EndOfVariation, StartOfComment, AnnotationFollows and NullMove by checking the highest bit. If that bit is 0, we have the start of a two byte move sequence. Otherwise we have a one byte tag.

EndOfVariation Single byte 0x85 (bit sequence 10000101).

StartOfComment Single byte 0x86 (bit sequence 10000110). After StartOfComment, CommentLength and Comment MUST follow.

AnnotationsFollow Single byte 0x87 (bit sequence 10000111). After AnnotationsFollow, AnnotationLength and Annotations MUST follow.

NullMove Single byte 0x88 (bit sequence 10001000).

CommentLength BER-TLV length value of the following comment. See GameLength for the precise encoding.

Comment Comment is a UTF8-encoded string

AnnotationLength BER-TLV length value of the following annotations (at least one annotation must follow, i.e. AnnotationLength MUST be larger or equal than one). See GameLength for the precise encoding.

Annotations is a sequence of bytes. One byte corresponds to one annotation. The annotation relates to the last move that occurred before the annotation in the byte stream of a Game. The encoding of the annotations (codes) are a subset of the Numeric Annotation Glyphs (NAGs) of the PGN standard. The integer values below are stored as an unsigned 8-bit integer.


A good move. Can also be indicated by ! in PGN notation.


A mistake. Can also be indicated by ? in PGN notation.


A brilliant move. Can also be indicated by !! in PGN notation.


A blunder. Can also be indicated by ?? in PGN notation.


A speculative move. Can also be indicated by !? in PGN notation.


A dubious move. Can also be indicated by ?! in PGN notation.















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