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A service which converts AWS VPC flow log digests into DOT graphs


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vpcflow-grapherd - A service which converts AWS VPC flow log digests into DOT graphs

GoDoc Build Status

Status: Incubation


AWS VPC Flow Logs are a data source by which a team can detect anomalies in connection patterns, use of non-standard ports, or even view the interconnections of systems. To assist in the consumption and analysis of these logs, vpcflow-grapherd provides APIs for fetching digested versions of AWS VPC flow logs, and converting the digested log to a DOT graph.

A digests is defined by a window of time specified in the start and stop REST API query parameters. See vpcflow-digesterd for more information.

This project has two major components: an API to create and fetch graphs, and a worker which performs the work for creating the digest, and converting the flow logs to a DOT graph. This allows for multiple setups depending on your use case. For example, for the simplest setup, this project can run as a standalone service if STREAM_APPLIANCE_ENDPOINT is set to <RUNTIME_HTTPSERVER_ADDRESS>. Another, more asynchronous setup would involve running vpcflow-grapherd as two services, with the API component producing to some event bus, and configuring the event bus to POST into the worker component.


The service struct in the grapherd package contains the modules used by this application. If none of these modules are configured, the built-in modules will be used.

func main() {

	// Service created with default modules
	service := &grapherd.Service{
		Middleware: middleware,



This module is responsible for storing and retrieving the DOT graphs. The built-in storage module uses S3 as the store and can be configured with the GRAPH_STORAGE_BUCKET and GRAPH_STORAGE_BUCKET_REGION environment variables. To use a custom storage module, implement the types.Storage interface and set the Storage attribute on the grapherd.Service struct in your main.go.


As previously described, the project components can be configured to run asynchronously. The Marker module is used to mark when a graph is in progess of being created and when a graph is complete. The built-in Marker uses S3 as its backend and can be configured with the GRAPH_PROGRESS_BUCKET and GRAPH_PROGRESS_BUCKET_REGION environment variables. To use a custom marker module, implement the types.Marker interface and set the Marker attribute on the digesterd.Service struct in your main.go.


This module is responsible for queuing grapher jobs which will eventually be consumed by the Produce handler. The built-in Queuer POSTs to an HTTP endpoint. It can be configured with the STREAM_APPLIANCE_ENDPOINT environment variable. This project can be configured to run asynchronously if the queuer POSTs to some event bus and returns immdetiately, so long as a 200 response from that event bus indicates that the graph job will eventually be POSTed to the worker component of the project. To use a custom queuer module, implement the types.Queuer interface and set the Queuer attribute on the grapherd.Service struct in your main.go.


This module is responsible for creating and fetching VPC Flow Log digests. The built-in Digester can be configured by configuring DIGESTER_ENDPOINT to point to a running intance of vpcflow-digesterd. It will create the digest and poll the digester on an interval specified by DIGESTER_POLLING_INTERVAL, and will continue to poll until DIGESTER_POLLING_TIMEOUT is reached.

HTTP Clients

There are two clients used in this project. One is the client to be used with the default Queuer module. The other is used with the default Digester module. If no clients are provided, a default will be used. This project makes use of the transport library which provides a thin layer of configuration on top of the http.Client from the standard lib. While the HTTP client that is built-in to this project will be sufficient for most uses cases, a custom one can be provided by setting the QueuerHTTPClient and DigesterHTTPClient attributes on the grapherd.Service struct in your main.go.


This project uses runhttp's Logger as its logging interface. Structured logs that this project emits can be found in the logs package. The runhttp runtime injects loggers via HTTP middleware on the request context.


This project uses runhttp's Stat as the stats client. It supports a decent range of backends. The default stats backend for the project is statsd using the datadog tagging extensions. The default backend will send stats to "localhost:8125". To change the destination, modify the RUNTIME_STATS_OUTPUT environment variable.


Exit signals in this project are used to signal the service to perform a graceful shutdown. The built-in exit signal listens for SIGTERM and SIGINT and signals to the main routine to shutdown the service.


  • configure and deploy vpcflow-digesterd
  • create a bucket in AWS to store the created graphs
  • create a bucket in AWS to store progress states for queued graphs
  • setup environment variables
Name Required Description Example
PORT No HTTP Port for application (defaults to 8080) 8080
GRAPH_STORAGE_BUCKET Yes The name of the S3 bucket used to store graphs vpc-flow-digests
GRAPH_STORAGE_BUCKET_REGION Yes The region of the S3 bucket used to store graphs us-west-2
GRAPH_PROGRESS_BUCKET Yes The name of the S3 bucket used to store graph progress states vpc-flow-digests-progress
GRAPH_PROGRESS_BUCKET_REGION Yes The region of the S3 bucket used to store graph progress states us-west-2
GRAPH_PROGRESS_TIMEOUT Yes The duration after which a progress marker will be considered invalid. 10000
DIGESTER_ENDPOINT Yes Endpoint to vpcflow-digesterd api
DIGESTER_POLLING_INTERVAL Yes Amount of time to wait in between poll attempts in milliseconds 1000
DIGESTER_POLLING_TIMEOUT Yes Amount of total time to continue polling the digester in milliseconds. If you wish to poll indefinitely, set to -1. 10000
STREAM_APPLIANCE_ENDPOINT Yes Endpoint for the service which queues graphs to be created.
USE_IAM Yes true or false. Set this flag to true if your application will be assuming an IAM role to read and write to the S3 buckets. This is recommended if you are deploying your application to an ec2 instance. true
AWS_CREDENTIALS_FILE No If not using IAM, use this to specify a credential file ~/.aws/credentials
AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROFILE No If not using IAM, use this to specify the credentials profile to use default
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID No If not using IAM, use this to specify an AWS access key ID
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY No If not using IAM, use this to specify an AWS secret key
RUNTIME_HTTPSERVER_ADDRESS Yes (string) The listening address of the server. :8080
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_REPORTINTERVAL YES (time.Duration) Interval on which gauges are reported. 5s
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_HIJACKEDCOUNTER YES (string) Name of the counter metric tracking hijacked clients. http.server.connstate.hijacked
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_CLOSEDCOUNTER YES (string) Name of the counter metric tracking closed clients. http.server.connstate.closed
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_IDLEGAUGE YES (string) Name of the gauge metric tracking idle clients. http.server.connstate.idle.gauge
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_IDLECOUNTER YES (string) Name of the counter metric tracking idle clients. http.server.connstate.idle
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_ACTIVEGAUGE YES string) Name of the gauge metric tracking active clients.
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_ACTIVECOUNTER YES (string) Name of the counter metric tracking active clients.
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_NEWGAUGE YES (string) Name of the gauge metric tracking new clients.
RUNTIME_CONNSTATE_NEWCOUNTER YES (string) Name of the counter metric tracking new clients.
RUNTIME_LOGGER_OUTPUT YES (string) Destination stream of the logs. One of STDOUT, NULL. STDOUT
RUNTIME_LOGGER_LEVEL YES (string) The minimum level of logs to emit. One of DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR. INFO
RUNTIME_STATS_OUTPUT YES (string) Destination stream of the stats. One of NULLSTAT, DATADOG. DATADOG
RUNTIME_STATS_DATADOG_PACKETSIZE YES (int) Max packet size to send. 32768
RUNTIME_STATS_DATADOG_TAGS YES ([]string) Any static tags for all metrics. ""
RUNTIME_STATS_DATADOG_FLUSHINTERVAL YES (time.Duration) Frequencing of sending metrics to listener. 10s
RUNTIME_STATS_DATADOG_ADDRESS YES (string) Listener address to use when sending metrics. localhost:8125
RUNTIME_SIGNALS_INSTALLED YES ([]string) Which signal handlers are installed. Choices are OS. OS
RUNTIME_SIGNALS_OS_SIGNALS YES ([]int) Which signals to listen for. 15 2



This project is licensed under Apache 2.0. See LICENSE.txt for details.

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A service which converts AWS VPC flow log digests into DOT graphs



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