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Releases: aseichter2007/ClipboardConqueror

Clipboard Conqueror RC3

21 May 11:51
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updated launch scripts
Fixed handling of TextGenerationWebUi completion endpoints and params

|||ooba| or changing the default endpoint to ooba will work and send the right params now
still a problem with the jinja templater on openAI completions, but I think it's partially working, just not putting the ~assistant start text on.

there are a couple layers of options for how to configure the various endpoints and settings now,

all endpoints, parameter sets, and prompt format sets now hit like |||tgw,chatML,agentl|

Params and formats can be changed with |||^keyName| or |||%format| to avoid changing all of a set, for instance, |||ooba| ooba endpoint and ooba param set will change together, but |||^ooba| only changes the parameters for the api, not the endpoint

Full Changelog: releaseCandidate2...releaseCandidate3

Release Candidate 2, with more features.

04 May 23:03
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Added ways to change the formatting for message insertion. Till now, it's always just shoved a json in there

||| json, markup, partial, none|

Json is the default, sending the system prompt object through JSON.stringify()

markup makes each agent it's own chat message named with the key.

partial sends each agent in the system prompt like agentName : agentText

none sends the text of each agent in order in the system prompt.

|||c,@c| chat now builds a formatted chat history that ends the system prompt and continues. Agents put after c will be put in after the chat history and before the current user query.

|||sc| silent chat uses the existing history without adding to it.

Full Changelog: releaseCandidate...releaseCandidate2

Clipboard Conqueror Release Candidate 1ish

01 May 00:44
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This release adds }>!% operators in |||here| and support for ~~~ response dictation. I have some console writes to clean up a bit yet.

Full Changelog: 0.99999...releaseCandidate

Help me find and identify the errata of the bugs.

Working with OpenAi Compatibles

23 Feb 21:15
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I'm publishing this release because I changed a bunch of the API handling and now I am getting funny errors, but I pushed a lot through and had a few funny boots so I want to get the changes pushed. This build should work pretty good, the new source breaks openAI compatibility until I find what I've done wrong.

Actual working mac/linux shell scripts.

04 Jan 17:39
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I figured I should push this out as a release. Grab the source, read the readme, and you're good to go

install first

your choice of run.

Conquer any task.

0.999 Multi-agent output chaining for bot cooperation.

02 Jan 14:35
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I added agent chaining to multiple backends, or the same backend with different prompts and preserved the ability to send multiple prompts per layer

there is a debug flag and debugWrite to set per turn and get output back adding from each active turn, and you can use c or continue to send the previous logs along.

As always, just grab and run the batch files with the source below, and if it's your first time, enjoy the readme, it's a lot.

Clipboard Conqueror is now ready to tune zero shot agent interactions in any size chain, limited by your patience.

Edit: I fixed the bug in continue

0.99 release candidate

30 Dec 02:33
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Find the bugs.

:file ready for saving agents to disk.

Its ready for general use and shouldn't change significantly. I'll make the settings app worthwhile eventually.
Next release will be binaries, though the settings are much easier to handle in setup.js and settings Conqueror isn't working right yet.

Download the source, make sure you have node, look over the readme for links to Koboldcpp and model.

Run z-instalCC.bat

then one of:

the similar batches run with nodemon, though it's less useful with the settings moved out

Clipboard Conqueror is almost ready to set sail.

29 Dec 22:48
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It's nearly feature complete, the only thing left is saving agents and instructions to file, maybe like |||agent:file|? |||agent:write| would work as well but that is confusing with |||agent,write| How do you all want it? I just edit setup.js and delete the old files, this feature is for you.

Get your typers ready and enjoy:

This release is just the zip, requires node, and has a bug or two yet.
get kobold or ready your choice of backend

run z-installCC.bat,
run z-runClipBoardConqueror.bat or Mac_Linux_Start.bat

0endpoints.json will be written and contains the basic configurations, set the endpoints, save and go!

the settings app is a trap, it messes up the formatting. Also, errors in the 0 files will cause them to be overwritten by defaults, consider changes in setup.js instead.

You will want to read the readme, CC has a lot of specific functions. I am pretty sure I documented everything that works.