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Windows Network Block Device (WNBD)

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What is WNBD?

The WNBD project provides virtual block devices through a Storport Miniport driver. It can connect to a Network Block Device (NBD) server, which exposes device details and acts as an IO channel. As an alternative, it can dispatch IO commands to an userspace process using a DeviceIoControl based interface.

The project also provides the wnbd.dll library, which handles the userspace and driver communication. It provides the following features:

  • Creating WNBD devices (optionally connecting to a NBD server)
  • Removing WNBD devices
  • Listing WNBD devices
  • Providing IO counters (driver as well as userspace counters)
  • Processing IO requests (when not using NBD)

WNBD provides a low level API (the *Ioctl* functions), as well as a high level API that includes the IO dispatching boilerplate. Please check the [include](include). public headers for more details.

Submitting patches

WNBD is licensed under LGPL v2.1.

Code contributions must include a valid "Signed-off-by" acknowledging the license for the modified or contributed file.

We do not require assignment of copyright to contribute code; code is contributed under the terms of the applicable license.

Please check SubmittingPatches.rst for more details.


Visual Studio 2019 build tools or GUI (Community version or above)

Windows Driver Kit 1909

As an alternative, you may use a Docker Container that provides the build prerequisites.


  • Dockerfile a Dockerfile providing the build prerequisites
  • driver the driver sources
  • include public headers
  • ksocket_wsk a WSK wrapper used to communicate with the Network Block Device server
  • wnbd-client the WNBD CLI
  • libwnbd wnbd.dll - the WNBD userspace library
  • vstudio the Visual Studio solution file and its projects

How to build

git clone
msbuild wnbd\vstudio\wnbd.sln
copy wnbd\vstudio\x64\Debug\driver\* .
copy wnbd\vstudio\x64\Debug\wnbd-client.exe .

You can download the latest prebuilt packages from Appveyor via the links:

How to install


By default, the driver will be "test signed" as part of the build process. In order to install it, make sure that your target machine allows "test signed" drivers. To enable test signing mode on your target machine, please issue the following from an elevated command prompt:

bcdedit.exe /set testsigning yes

Please note that test signed drivers cannot be used when Secure Boot is enabled on the target machine. To check the Secure Boot configuration, issue Confirm-SecureBootUEFI from an elevated PowerShell prompt


A reboot is required after changing bcdedit settings

Those steps are not required when using a certified driver.

Install / Uninstall

We require the devcon.exe utility in order to install and uninstall the driver.

To install the driver, issue the following from an elevated command prompt:

.\devcon.exe install .\wnbd.inf root\wnbd

(The command above assumes that the utility devcon.exe and the driver files wnbd.inf,, wnbd.sys are in the current directory)

To uninstall the driver, issue the following from an elevated PowerShell prompt:

.\devcon.exe remove "root\wnbd"
pnputil.exe /enum-drivers | sls -Context 5 wnbd | findstr Published | `
    % {$_ -match "(oem\d+.inf)"; pnputil.exe /delete-driver $matches[0] /force }

(The command above assumes that the utility devcon.exe is in the current directory)

For convenience, we included reinstall.ps1, which reinstalls the driver.

Ceph integration

Mapping and umapping RBD images is straightforward, just use rbd, part of the Ceph Windows port.

rbd device map $imageName
rbd device unmap $imageName

Mapping NBD devices

The following samples describe configuring a Linux NBD server and connecting to it using WNBD. Please check this page for more details about using NBD.

wnbd-client Syntax

wnbd-client.exe -h
wnbd-client map  <InstanceName> <HostName> <PortName> <ExportName> [<SkipNBDNegotiation> <ReadOnly> <DiskSize> <BlockSize>]
wnbd-client unmap <InstanceName> [HardRemove]
wnbd-client list
wnbd-client set-debug <DebugMode>
wnbd-client stats <InstanceName>

NBD server configuration

cat /etc/nbd-server/config
# If you want to run everything as root rather than the nbd user, you
# may either say "root" in the two following lines, or remove them
# altogether. Do not remove the [bgeneric] section, however.
port = 10809
user = nbd
group = nbd
includedir = /etc/nbd-server/conf.d

# What follows are export definitions. You may create as much of them as
# you want, but the section header has to be unique.
exportname = /image/path.img
port = 10809
copyonwrite = true

Mapping an NBD export

# feel free to use a different name for the mapping
wnbd-client.exe map test2 $nbdServerAddress 10809 foo
Number Friendly Name            Serial Number   HealthStatus         OperationalStatus      Total Size Partition
------ -------------            -------------   ------------         -----------------      ---------- ----------
0      Msft Virtual Disk                        Healthy              Online                     127 GB GPT
1      WNBD Dis WNBD_DISK_ID    test2           Healthy              Online                     256 MB RAW

Listing mapped devices

wnbd-client.exe list
Pid         DiskNumber  Nbd    Owner            InstanceName
3508        1           true   wnbd-client      test2
4024        2           false  ceph-rbd-wnbd    rbd/rbd_win_10g

Unmapping the device

wnbd-client.exe unmap test2
Number Friendly Name             Serial Number    HealthStatus         OperationalStatus      Total Size Partition
    ------ -------------             -------------    ------------         -----------------      ---------- ----------
    0      Msft Virtual Disk                          Healthy              Online                     127 GB GPT


Windows Ceph RBD NBD driver







No packages published


  • C 85.8%
  • C++ 13.2%
  • Other 1.0%