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SA-dashboard_generator: Dashboard Generator for Splunk

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This add-on delivers an alert action that generates Simple XML dashboards from search results and optionally schedules their PDF delivery.

Starting from a dashboard template, the alert action generates a new dashboard for each result. If a scheduled view template is selected, PDF deliveries of the dashboards are scheduled. The add-on can delete dashboards created in the previous run of the saved search (not available for ad hoc searches) or based on their ID. When a dashboard is deleted, all associated scheduled views are also deleted.

String replacement

In templates, all strings in the form __FIELD__ are replaced with the value of field FIELD. If FIELD is null, then the string __FIELD__ is left untouched. For example, the two events

field_a field_b field_c field_d
"value1a" "" "unused"
"value2a" 1 "__field_d__"

encode the string

field_a:__field_a__, field_b:__field_b__, field_c:__field_c__

as respectively:

  1. field_a:value1a, field_b:__field_b__, field_c:
  2. field_a:value2a, field_b:1, field_c:__field_d__

The ID of the template dashboard should contain string replacements in order to produce a unique ID per search result.

Special characters

The add-on automatically escapes HTML reserved characters (e.g., & and <) in the dashboard definition, therefore there is no need to use CDATA. Conversely, the creation of valid dashboard IDs (containing only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores) is not enforced.


The alert action requires an existing dashboard to be used as template and, optionally, a scheduled view and a permissions template.

Permissions and scheduled view templates can be created in the add-on's configuration page. In a permissions template, it is possible to specify owner and read and write permissions. Visibility cannot be changed due to limitations of Splunk libraries. A scheduled view template allows to specify description, cron schedule, and all* parameters in the same format as savedsearches.conf.