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Sample from posterior distributions using the No U-turn Sampler (NUTS). For details see the original NUTS paper and the more recent introduction.

This crate was developed as a faster replacement of the sampler in PyMC, to be used with the new numba backend of aesara. The python wrapper for this sampler is nutpie.


use nuts_rs::{CpuLogpFunc, LogpError, new_sampler, SamplerArgs, Chain, SampleStats};
use thiserror::Error;
use rand::thread_rng;

// Define a function that computes the unnormalized posterior density
// and its gradient.
struct PosteriorDensity {}

// The density might fail in a recoverable or non-recoverable manner...
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
enum PosteriorLogpError {}
impl LogpError for PosteriorLogpError {
    fn is_recoverable(&self) -> bool { false }

impl CpuLogpFunc for PosteriorDensity {
    type Err = PosteriorLogpError;

    // We define a 10 dimensional normal distribution
    fn dim(&self) -> usize { 10 }

    // The normal likelihood with mean 3 and its gradient.
    fn logp(&mut self, position: &[f64], grad: &mut [f64]) -> Result<f64, Self::Err> {
        let mu = 3f64;
        let logp = position
            .map(|(x, grad)| {
                let diff = x - mu;
                *grad = -diff;
                -diff * diff / 2f64
        return Ok(logp)

// We get the default sampler arguments
let mut sampler_args = SamplerArgs::default();

// and modify as we like
sampler_args.num_tune = 1000;
sampler_args.maxdepth = 3;  // small value just for testing...

// We instanciate our posterior density function
let logp_func = PosteriorDensity {};

let chain = 0;
let mut rng = thread_rng();
let mut sampler = new_sampler(logp_func, sampler_args, chain, &mut rng);

// Set to some initial position and start drawing samples.
sampler.set_position(&vec![0f64; 10]).expect("Unrecoverable error during init");
let mut trace = vec![];  // Collection of all draws
for _ in 0..2000 {
    let (draw, info) = sampler.draw().expect("Unrecoverable error during sampling");
    // Or get more detailed information about divergences
    if let Some(div_info) = info.divergence_info() {
        println!("Divergence at position {:?}", div_info.start_location);

Sampling several chains in parallel so that samples are accessable as they are generated is implemented in [sample_parallel].

Implementation details

This crate mostly follows the implementation of NUTS in Stan and PyMC, only tuning of mass matrix and step size differs somewhat.


A implementation of NUTS in rust







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