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@zachdaniel zachdaniel tagged this 24 Mar 23:47
[v2.21.0]( (2024-03-24)
* add less_than, greater_than constraints to float, decimal (#936)
* allow providing descriptions to Ash.Type.Enum values (#940)
Bug Fixes:
* convert `%{__struct__: T}` into `%T{}` (#947)
* corrections for `reload`/`reload!` (#942)
* show that `Policy.Check.strict_check` can return an error tuple (#945)
* remove unnecessary function
* fully expand calculation and aggregate references for applying authorization
* batch_change/3 is never called for updates (#938)
* bulk updates for streams ignore :batch_size
* don't double-encode vector data (#934)
* update set/get/update_context function specs to use maps (#935)
* support `load` option for create/update/destroy (#946)
* restore old behavior of leveraging in memory values for calculations
* simplify inspect for aggregates
* add `matches` built-in policy check (#937)
Assets 2