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ashapsoncoe committed Mar 23, 2024
1 parent 2355e4f commit 6a206ea
Showing 1 changed file with 232 additions and 0 deletions.
232 changes: 232 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
import os
import sys

working_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.insert(0, working_dir)

from import bigquery
from google.oauth2 import service_account
from import bigquery_storage
from common_functions_h01 import fix_layer_mem
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import json

credentials_file = 'alexshapsoncoe.json'
syn_db_name = 'lcht-goog-connectomics.goog14r0s5c3.synapse_c3_eirepredict_clean_dedup'
save_dir = 'ei_syn_density_plots'
layers_file = 'cortical_bounds_circles.json'
syn_vx_size = [8,8,33]
cube_size = 10000 # in nm
sampling_factor = 1
number_total_syn = 149871669
adjust_syn_fp_an_fn = True
predicted_e_total = 111272315
predicted_i_total = 38599354

def project_e_and_i_counts(raw_e_count, raw_i_count):

fnr_e = 0.11
fnr_i = 0.35
fdr_e = 0.032
fdr_i = 0.027
false_classification_rate_e_pred = 0.1151832461
false_classification_rate_i_pred = 0.17
correct_classification_rate_e = 0.8689
correct_classification_rate_i = 0.8498

predicted_e_nofp = raw_e_count*(1-fdr_e)
e_predictions_actually_e = predicted_e_nofp*(1-false_classification_rate_e_pred)
e_predictions_actually_i = predicted_e_nofp*false_classification_rate_e_pred

predicted_i_nofp = raw_i_count*(1-fdr_i)
i_predictions_actually_i = predicted_i_nofp*(1-false_classification_rate_i_pred)
i_predictions_actually_e = predicted_i_nofp*false_classification_rate_i_pred

projected_total_e = e_predictions_actually_e+i_predictions_actually_e / (1-fnr_e)
projected_total_i = i_predictions_actually_i+e_predictions_actually_i / (1-fnr_i)

return projected_total_e, projected_total_i

if __name__ == "__main__":

with open(layers_file, 'r') as fp:
layers = json.load(fp)

if not os.path.exists(f'{working_dir}\\{save_dir}'):

# Adjusting total counts:
projected_total_e, projected_total_i = project_e_and_i_counts(predicted_e_total, predicted_i_total)
print(f'Projected total E synapses {projected_total_e}')
print(f'Projected total I synapses {projected_total_i}')

credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(credentials_file)
client = bigquery.Client(project=credentials.project_id, credentials=credentials)
bqstorageclient = bigquery_storage.BigQueryReadClient(credentials=credentials)

query = f"""SELECT
CAST(location.x*{syn_vx_size[0]} as INT64) AS x,
CAST(location.y*{syn_vx_size[1]} as INT64) AS y,
CAST(location.z*{syn_vx_size[2]} as INT64) AS z,
CAST(type as INT64) AS t
FROM {syn_db_name}

if sampling_factor !=1:
query = query + f""" ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT {int(number_total_syn/sampling_factor)}"""

c = bigquery.job.QueryJobConfig(allow_large_results = True)
df = client.query(query, job_config=c).result().to_dataframe(bqstorage_client=bqstorageclient)#, progress_bar_type='tqdm_gui')

min_x, max_x = min(df['x']), max(df['x'])
min_y, max_y = min(df['y']), max(df['y'])
min_z, max_z = min(df['z']), max(df['z'])

array_size_x = (max_x//cube_size)+1
array_size_y = (max_y//cube_size)+1
array_size_z = (max_z//cube_size)+1

all_counts = {x: np.zeros([array_size_x, array_size_y, array_size_z], dtype='int') for x in range(1,3)}

df['x_cube_coords'] = df['x']//cube_size
df['y_cube_coords'] = df['y']//cube_size
df['z_cube_coords'] = df['z']//cube_size

start = time.time()

for row in df.index:

if row%100000 == 0:
print(time.time()-start, row)
start = time.time()

x =[row, 'x_cube_coords']
y =[row, 'y_cube_coords']
z =[row, 'z_cube_coords']
dtype =[row, 't']
all_counts[dtype][x, y, z] += 1

# Get average E-I and average synapse count for each (X,Y), but disregarding zero counts to avoid areas without data from skewing:

e_count = all_counts[2]*sampling_factor
i_count = all_counts[1]*sampling_factor

# Adjust for FN, FP and mis-classification rates
if adjust_syn_fp_an_fn == True:
e_count, i_count = project_e_and_i_counts(e_count, i_count)

total_count = e_count + i_count

total_xy_avg = np.zeros([array_size_y, array_size_x])
percent_e_avg = np.zeros([array_size_y, array_size_x])
e_xy_avg = np.zeros([array_size_y, array_size_x])
i_xy_avg = np.zeros([array_size_y, array_size_x])

layer_names = ['White matter', 'Layer 6', 'Layer 5', 'Layer 4', 'Layer 3', 'Layer 2', 'Layer 1']
measures = ['e_xy_avg', 'i_xy_avg', 'percent_e_avg', 'total_xy_avg']
all_aves = {x: {a: [] for a in measures} for x in layer_names}

tempy = []

for x in range((max_x//cube_size)+1):
#print(x, max_x//cube_size)
for y in range((max_y//cube_size)+1):

tmp = fix_layer_mem(layers, np.array([[0, x*cube_size, y*cube_size]]))[0]
tmp = [k for k in tmp if len(tmp[k]) >0]
assert len(tmp) == 1
layer = tmp[0]

tempy.append([x*cube_size, y*cube_size, layer])

total_count_this_xy = total_count[x, y]
e_count_this_xy = e_count[x, y]
i_count_this_xy = i_count[x, y]

zipped = zip(e_count_this_xy, i_count_this_xy, total_count_this_xy)

non_zero_vals = [x for x in zipped if x[2] != 0]

cubic_microns = (cube_size/1000)**3

if len(non_zero_vals) >= 5:

e_xy_avg[y,x] = np.mean([e for e, i, total in non_zero_vals], axis=0) / cubic_microns
i_xy_avg[y,x] = np.mean([i for e, i, total in non_zero_vals], axis=0) / cubic_microns
percent_e_avg[y,x] = np.mean([e/total for e, i, total in non_zero_vals], axis=0) * 100
total_xy_avg[y,x] = np.mean([total for e, i, total in non_zero_vals], axis=0) / cubic_microns

all_aves[layer]['e_xy_avg'].append(np.mean([e for e, i, total in non_zero_vals], axis=0) / cubic_microns)
all_aves[layer]['i_xy_avg'].append(np.mean([i for e, i, total in non_zero_vals], axis=0) / cubic_microns)
all_aves[layer]['percent_e_avg'].append(np.mean([e/total for e, i, total in non_zero_vals], axis=0) * 100)
all_aves[layer]['total_xy_avg'].append(np.mean([total for e, i, total in non_zero_vals], axis=0) / cubic_microns)

for measure in measures:
for layer in layer_names:
res = all_aves[layer][measure]
print(measure, layer, f'average: {np.mean(res)}, based on {len(res)} synapses')

all_d = (
(e_xy_avg, 'Density of excitatory synapses (per cubic micron)', e_count, 'Synapses per cubic micron'),
(i_xy_avg, 'Density of inhibitory synapses (per cubic micron)', i_count, 'Synapses per cubic micron'),
(total_xy_avg, 'Density of all synapses (per cubic micron)', total_count, 'Synapses per cubic micron'),
(percent_e_avg, 'Excitatory percentage of synapses', None, r'% Excitatory synapses'),

for dataset, title, original, label in all_d:

fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(20,10))

flat_data = [a for b in [all_aves[l]['percent_e_avg'] for l in layer_names] for a in b]
upper_bound_2sd = np.mean(flat_data)+(3*np.std(flat_data))
lower_bound_2sd = np.mean(flat_data)-(3*np.std(flat_data))

if title == 'Excitatory percentage of synapses':

im = ax.imshow(dataset, cmap=cmap)

if title == 'Excitatory percentage of synapses':
im.set_clim(lower_bound_2sd, upper_bound_2sd)

im.axes.tick_params(color='white', labelcolor='white')
cb = plt.colorbar(im)
cb.set_label(label, color='white', size=20)'white', labelsize=18)
plt.setp(plt.getp(, 'yticklabels'), color='white')

for border in layers:

x = border['center'][0]/(cube_size/1000)
y = border['center'][1]/(cube_size/1000)
rad = border['radius']/(cube_size/1000)
circ = plt.Circle((x,y),rad, edgecolor='white', facecolor='none')

plt.title(title, color='white')

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