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  • This project is built using the latest M5 snapshot release of Spring Boot.
  • APIs may change and this project may not build.
  • Check for snapshot, milestone and other releases.
  • Update the pom.xml if necessary.

This application demos most of the points covered on my MVC Exceptions blog:

The files are:

  • pom.xml
    • Maven POM - notice how much shorter it is - Spring Boot does most of the work. However heed the comments in the file.
  • src/main/java/demo1/exceptions/
  • src/main/java/demo1/exceptions/
  • src/main/java/demo1/exceptions/
  • src/main/java/demo1/exceptions/
  • src/main/java/demo1/exceptions/
    • Custom exceptions - see blog for usage.
  • src/main/java/demo1/main/
    • Handy utility for setting logging levels - the code is put here to keep the classes that use it simpler.
  • src/main/java/demo1/main/
    • Main entry point for the application. Can run as a Java application (using an embedded Tomcat container) or as a WAR inside a container. Sets a few initialization properties and Spring Bean profile(s).
  • src/main/java/demo1/main/
    • The Spring Bean profiles used in the application.
  • src/main/java/demo1/web/
    • Simple BeanPostProcessor to log all beans created. Not required by the demo, but as Spring Boot is new, it allows all the beans created to be logged.
  • src/main/java/demo1/web/
    • A controller with all the same handlers as ExceptionHandlingController (so they all throw exceptions) but no handler methods. Only configured if the global profile is enabled.
  • src/main/java/demo1/web/
    • Unused in the demo (to keep it simple), but implements the example discussed in the blog.
  • src/main/java/demo1/web/
    • Unused in the demo (to keep it simple), but implements the example shown in the blog (called MySimpleMappingExceptionResolver in the blog article).
  • src/main/java/demo1/web/
    • Java configuration class to setup a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver. Only used if the java-config profile is active.
  • src/main/java/demo1/web/
    • A controller that raises exceptions and provided handlers to catch and process them. Only defined if the controller profile is active.
  • src/main/java/demo1/web/
    • Some extra configuration to allow Thymeleaf and JSP to co-exist in the same application. Spring-Boot cannot do this out-of-the box because of the way ThymeleafViewResover works - see Javadoc for more.
  • src/main/java/demo1/web/
    • @ControllerAdvice class with all the same handlers as ExceptionHandlingController, but they would apply to all controllers. Only configured if the global profile is enabled.
  • src/main/java/org/springframework/dao/
    • Example of a predefined annotation, copied from Spring.
  • src/main/java/org/springframework/dao/
    • Example of a predefined annotation, copied from Spring.
  • src/main/resources/mvc-configuration.xml
    • XML alternative to ExceptionConfiguration. Also sets up a SimpleMappingExceptionResolver. Only used if the xml-config profile is active.
  • src/main/resources/templates/contacts.html
  • src/main/resources/templates/creditCardError.html
  • src/main/resources/templates/databaseError.html
  • src/main/resources/templates/error.html
  • src/main/resources/templates/exceptionPage.html
  • src/main/resources/templates/index.html
    • All the views used, generated via Thymeleaf.
  • src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/support.jsp
    • A JSP error page with exception details, including a stack-trace hidden in a comment. It can be revealed by viewing the Page Source (for example at the request of your Support team).


Demo of points covered on my MVC Exceptions blog






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