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This project is a fork from gulpshot ( gulpshot did not work on my windows 10 platfrom so I made some minor changes.

A simple way to kick start gulp based web app projects.

Getting Started

First navigate to your project directory and download the repo:

npm install gulp-project-template-for-windows

To create and start using a new gulp project, run the following:

# Install node dependencies...
$ npm install
# Start a new server (localhost:7777) and watch for changes
$ gulp serve


  • CSS Autoprefixing
  • Automatically minify css files
  • Automatically compile Sass
  • Automatically lint scripts via jsHint
  • Automatically uglify script files
  • Automatically optimize image files (.jpg, .png, .gif)
  • Watches for changes
  • Initialize a preview server with LiveReload support
  • Generates an optimized build
  • Bundles js modules via browserify


A sample project structure would be:

|-- app
|  |-- styles
|  |  |-- compiled
|  |     |-- main.css ( the complied css file which is copied into dist/css)
|  |  |-- lib
|  |  |-- main.scss
|  |-- js
|  |  |-- script_one.js
|  |  |-- script_two.js
|  |-- images
|  |  |-- background.png
|  |-- index.html
|-- dist
|  |-- styles
|  |  |-- main.min.css
|  |-- js
|  |  |-- app.min.js
|  |-- images
|  |-- index.html
|-- node_modules


In case of any compiling error, make sure your windows has the required compilers:

# Install Visual C++ Compilers, etc ...
$ npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
# command-line tool written in Node.js for compiling native addon modules
$ npm install -g node-gyp