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Lord of the rings memory game

The idea here is to make a game that is enjoyable and has a replay value, i want the user to have a fun experience and I believe they don't have to be a lord of the rings fan to play!

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Table of Contents

About The Project

The game is made for users to experience a fun and interactive experience, I want people to play the game and i want them to return and try to beat their old score.

Built With


For this project i want people to have an enjoyable experience, and would wish to play again to beat their score and achieve the 3 rings!

Instructions for the game

To start the game click on one of the back facing cards, the game will begin the timer and the move count, the aim is to find the matching cards behind the rings.

User Stories

  1. i would want to have a fun experience, which i can return to.

  2. i would like to have a game which is easy to use and rewarding when i complete it.

  3. i want the site to look good, easy to use and to stand out.


WireFrames PDF here!




  • Fixes, where certain codes wouldn't work due to incorrect use of Semi Colons.
  • Found issue where modal hadn't been defined correctly.

W3v Validator

  • Found issue where images didn't have the correct files, also spelling mistakes were noticed.

  • No issues found besides the suggestion for a h1/h2 at the start of a section.

Manual Testing

  • Testing on other browsers proved to be problematic. Certain pictures wouldn't turn and glitches would be sent through the browser, have been working on a way round this making bad steps however, some issues are still noticed.


  • Lighthouse shows tyat everything is up to standard however, there is a problem with the low resolution images. looking for a solution.


  • bug found and fixed where every time the timer was counting the game would move from left to right depending on the number in the timer.
  • bug found and fixed where the cards wouldn't flip to their back face.
  • bug found and fixed where the cards would flip and would disappear once they flipped.
  • bug found where the congratulations message at the end of the game doesn't show up upon completion.
  • bug found, doesn't seem to load the game properly on other browsers.. Still finding solution.
  • bug found, after reset is pressed once cards flip over and match as soon as another card is flipped it becomes disabled, solved!
  • bug found, game doesn't seem to work on iphone and safari.. looking for a fix but at the moment i cant find anything.


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  1. Load up repository and select the settings tab under the repository name.
  2. Under "GitHub Pages", use the None or Branch drop-down menu and select a publishing source.
  3. Optionally, use the drop-down menu to select a folder for your publishing source.
  4. Click Save.

To commit your work/edits type in to the console “ git init “ Then add the file you have editted. “ git add “ Commit your work. “ git commit “ Then once it has all been commited, push it to GitPages. “ git push “


Copyright and lincensing done by me.


All images were searched for and found on Google Images.


Your Name - @ashlykerkhof - email:

Project Link:



Lord of the rings Memory game!






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