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ceph-buckets - Amazon S3-compatible storage manager

A utility for managing Ceph buckets that provides storage driven by a RESTful API compatible with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

You can read more about the capabilities of S3-compatible storage in the Ceph documentation (link to documentation).

Preliminary work on Ceph:

Create the main user:

For the main user, run the following command on Ceph:

radosgw-admin user create --uid="s3_admin" --display-name="S3 Admin" --key-type="s3"

Here s3_admin is the user under which the connection to the storage will be performed and buckets will be created.

"S3 Admin" is the display name. This setting does not affect anything.

Create additional users:

To create additional users, you must create them as inherited (sub-user) from the main user.

Example for users bob and alice:

radosgw-admin subuser create --uid="s3_admin" --subuser="alice" --display-name="alice" --key-type="s3"
radosgw-admin subuser create --uid="s3_admin" --subuser="bob" --display-name="bob" --key-type="s3"

❗ ATTENTION! Inheriting users from the main user is necessary so that additional users can see the buckets created by the main user.

Here and below:

  • ceph-buckets : binary file for creating and updating buckets in Amazon S3-compatible Ceph storage;

  • ceph_config.yml : configuration file containing data about buckets and their configuration (see example ceph_config_example.yml);

  • ceph_credentials.yml : file containing the data required to connect to the Ceph storage. (see example ceph_credentials_example.yml)

  • app_buckets_config.txt : file containing a list of buckets required for the application to work (see example app_buckets_config_example.txt)

  • buckets_acl.csv : a file containing a list of buckets and ACLs for those buckets in the format "bucket";"read";"write"; (see example buckets_example.csv)

    ❗ ATTENTION! When naming buckets, follow the S3-API requirements:

    • bucket names must be no shorter than 3 and no longer than 63 characters;
    • bucket names can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and dashes (-);
    • Bucket names must start and end with a lowercase letter.

Supported operations:

  • Create/modify Amazon S3 bucket 1:

    • Create/Change Permissions (ACL (link to documentation)). Supported 2 types:

      • "FULL_CONTROL"
      • "READ"
      • "WRITE"

      ❗ ATTENTION! Currently (3/24/2022) Bucket ACL is not supported in Ceph RGW S3 (documentation link). Quote:

      We do not yet support setting policies on users, groups, or roles.

      In this regard, access rights are still managed through the Bucket policy methods.

    • Create/modify file lifecycle settings . Supported type 3:

      • "Expiration actions"
  • Creation/modification of a configuration file for further application on Amazon s3 storage.


  1. Install the golang package and its dependencies:

    yum install -y golang
    apt install -y golang
  2. Enter the GIT project folder and run the command



Supported options:

type parameter description
flag --help Display help on using the utility
flag --help-long Display extended help on using the utility, commands, their parameters and default values
flag --debug Enable debug mode
flag --version Display version and build information
command help [<command>] Display contextual help for the specified command
command app[<flags>] Create/update ceph_config.yml based on list of application buckets (app_buckets_config.txt)
command create [<flags>] Create ceph_config.yml based on data from server
command config [<flags>] Create/update buckets on the server based on data from ceph_config.yml
command parse-csv [<flags>] Create/update ceph_config.yml based on bucket list and ACL from CSV file (buckets_acl.csv)
command parse-yaml [<flags>] Create/update buckets_acl.csv based on server configuration from YAML file (ceph_config.yml)

Using the --help-long flag and the help app command as an example:

# ceph-buckets --help-long
usage: ceph-buckets [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

A command-line application for manage Ceph configuration of Amazon S3-compatible storage based on Ceph.

   --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
   --debug Enable debug mode.
   --version Show application version.

   help [<command>...]
     Show help.

   app [<flags>]
     Create/Update Ceph configuration YAML-file from application's TXT-file.

       Application's TXT-file, contains buckets list.
       Ceph configuration YAML-file.

   create [<flags>]
     Create/Update Ceph configuration YAML-file from server.

                          Ceph configuration YAML-file.
                          Ceph credentials YAML-file.
     --bucket-postfix="" Bucket postfix to be deleted from the bucket name.

   config [<flags>]
     Create/Update Ceph configuration on server from YAML-file.

                          Ceph configuration YAML-file.
                          Ceph credentials YAML-file.
     --bucket-postfix="" Bucket postfix to be added to the bucket name.

   parse-csv [<flags>]
     Parse CSV source file and write result to YAML file.

                            Source CSV file, contains buckets ACL.
                            Destination YAML file.
     --fields-per-record=3 Number of fields per record
     --fields-sep=";" Fields separator for CSV fields

   parse-yaml [<flags>]
     Parse YAML source file and write result to CSV file.

                       Source YAML file, contains buckets ACL.
                       Destination CSV file.
     --fields-sep=";" Fields separator for CSV fields

# ceph-buckets help app
usage: ceph-buckets app [<flags>]

Create/Update Ceph configuration YAML-file from application's TXT-file.

   --help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
   --debug Enable debug mode.
   --version Show application version.
              Application's TXT-file, contains buckets list.
              Ceph configuration YAML-file.

Before use:

Populate the ceph_credentials.yaml file with the following:

  • endpoint_url: IP/FQDN and port of the Ceph host, for example endpoint_url: ""
  • access_key: The key of the user under which the connection will be made, for example access_key: "445S7Y2GPP3R2PVPXH62"
  • secret_key: The secret part of the user key under which the connection will be made, for example secret_key: "CCqdBtWKVT6zX6PvMX3UPOGnhEHwU3Gt7jJA1Z89"
  • disable_ssl: Whether to disable SSL (i.e. use HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS), e.g. disable_ssl: True

A complete configuration example can be found in the file ceph_credentials_example.yml

Create/update config file from data from Ceph server:

ceph-buckets create --ceph-config ./ceph_config.yml --credentials ./ceph_credentials.yml --bucket-postfix="-rls"

Create/update a configuration file from the list of application buckets:

ceph-buckets app --app-config ./app_buckets_config.txt --ceph-config ./ceph_config.yml

Create/update buckets on the Ceph server from data from the configuration file:

ceph-buckets config --ceph-config ./ceph_config.yml --credentials ./ceph_credentials.yml --bucket-postfix="-rls"

Create/update a YAML configuration file from a CSV file:

ceph-buckets parse-csv --csv-file ./buckets_acl.csv --yaml-file ./ceph_config_from_csv.yml

Create a CSV file from a YAML configuration file:

ceph-buckets parse-yaml --yaml-file ./ceph_config.yml --csv-file ./buckets_acl_from_yaml.csv


1: Only operations for creating and modifying buckets are supported. Removing buckets is not supported for security reasons.

2: Types "READ_ACP" and "WRITE_ACP" are not supported to simplify the resulting configuration file.

3: The "Transition actions" type is not supported due to the lack of additional Storage Classes in Ceph.