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AWS S3 Exporter

Этот экспортер предоставляет метрики для AWS S3-совместимых объектов в определённых бакетах. Список баккетов передаётся через конигурационный YAML-файл. Пример конфигурации указан в файле config_example.yml.




./s3_exporter <flags>

AWS Credentials

Экспортер создаёт сессиюю с S3-хранилищем используя точку входа и access_key + secret_key из конфигурационного YAML-файла. Пример конфигурации указан в файле config_example.yml.


  -h, --help                     Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
                                 Address to listen on for web interface and telemetry.
                                 Path under which to expose metrics
      --exporter-config-file=""  Path to exporter config file
      --log.level=info           Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error]
      --log.format=logfmt        Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json]
      --version                  Show application version.


Metric Meaning Labels
s3_biggest_object_size_bytes The size of the largest object. bucket
s3_last_modified_object_date The modification date of the most recently modified object. bucket
s3_last_modified_object_size_bytes The size of the object that was modified most recently. bucket
s3_list_duration_seconds The duration of the ListObjects operation bucket
s3_list_success Did the ListObjects operation complete successfully? bucket
s3_objects_size_sum_bytes The sum of the size of all the objects. bucket
s3_objects The total number of objects. bucket
s3_cds_objects_size_sum_bytes The sum of the size of all the objects by sin and modification date. bucket, moddate, sin
s3_cds_objects_total The total number of objects by sin and modification date. bucket, moddate, sin
s3_trigger_objects_size_sum_bytes The sum of the size of all the objects by sin, modification date and program. bucket, moddate, sin, program
s3_trigger_objects_total The total number of objectsby sin, modification date and program. bucket, moddate, sin, program


Example Queries

Возвраащает серию, где последняя дата модификации объекта больше 24 часов:

(time() - s3_last_modified_object_date) / 3600 > 24