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Detection of Position Jumps and Simulation of Spoofing/Jamming Attacks


Developing a ROS2 node that detects sudden jumps in position data from Extended Kalman Filters (EKFs) and simulate spoofing/jamming attacks on GPS inputs using the MOBSTA package.

ROS2 bag

We read the information about the provided bag with ros2 bag info. We find multiple topics:

topic name message type utility
/clock rosgraph_msgs/msg/Clock provides the system time in the ROS network
diffbot_base_controller/cmd_vel_out geometry_msgs/msg/TwistStamped provides velocity information (linear and angular) with a timestamp to the robot's base controller
/diffbot_base_controller/cmd_vel_unstamped geometry_msgs/msg/Twist similar as the topic above but without a timestamp
/diffbot_base_controller/odom_corrected nav_msgs/msg/Odometry provides corrected odemetry information for the robot including the robot's position, orientation (pose) and velocity
/gps/fix sensor_msgs/msg/NavSatFix provides GPS information including latitude, longitude, altitude and position invariance.
/gps/reversed_navheading sensor_msgs/msg/Imu provides IMU data including orientation, angular velocity, and linear acceleration in a reversed format
/imu/data sensor_msgs/msg/Imu provides IMU data not reversed
/joy_vel geometry_msgs/msg/Twist provides velocity commands (linear and angular) derived from a joystick input.
/odometry/global nav_msgs/msg/Odometry provides global odometry information, providing the robot's pose and velocity in a global reference frame.
/odometry/gps nav_msgs/msg/Odometry provides odometry data derived from GPS information. It includes the robot's pose and velocity
/odometry/local nav_msgs/msg/Odometry provides local odometry information, providing the robot's pose and velocity in a local reference frame.
/tf tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage provides the transformation tree, which includes all the coordinate frames of the robot and their relative positions and orientations.
/tf_static tf2_msgs/msg/TFMessage provides static transformations, which are transformations that do not change over time.

Node development

We create a package for the jump detection task: ros2 pkg create jump_detection --build-type ament_python --dependencies rclpy

We write the node in the file in the jump_detection package, documentation to the code can be found in the source .py file. The node currently monitors and detects jumps in the latitude and longitude data provided from the /gps/fix topic, as this is the topic that will be mutated by MOBSTA. The same code logic can be used to work on other position data topics such as /odometry/local and /odometry/global.

Testing with a jammer node

We write another node in the jump_detection package to test the jump detection node. The node is called jammer, reads GPS positional data from /gps/fix, randomly modifies it to simulate a jamming attack, and published the jammed data to /gps/jammed. The jump detection node will detect jumps using the /gps/jammed topic.

We play the data from the bag: ros2 bag play rosbag2_2024_04_24-12_23_04_0.db3

Here is a screenshot of the jump_detection topic when the jump detection and the jammer nodes are running.

Main Interface

Testing with MOBSTA

We download the repo

we build the mobsta package, it fails at rosbag2_py, probably due to conflicting versions: Error message: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘PyFrameObject’ {aka ‘struct _frame’} 482 | frame = frame->f_back;

We create the configuration folder for our test case:

We play the data from the bag: ros2 bag play rosbag2_2024_04_24-12_23_04_0.db3


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