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A browser based Image-Pal implementation that leverages Image and Canvas for fast palette generation.


To see demo clone this repo and open demo/index.html in any browser (IE11 or later). Select image (or drag & drop) to see palette.



Very similar pattern to its parent Image-Pal, but asyncrhonous to accomodate events (onload, etc). Additionally, rgb spectrum is used by default for client to keep size small. Specify hsluv directly if you want the extra weight.

  const getColors = require('image-pal-canvas/lib/hsluv');
  // OR if you want the non-human-perceptual version based on pure RGB
  // const getColors = require('image-pal-canvas/lib/rgb');
  getColors(options, (err, colors) => {
    if (err) return void console.error('oops!', err.stack || err);

    colors.forEach(color => {
      console.log(color.rgb); // [ 100, 100, 100 ]
      console.log(color.alpha); // 255
      console.log(color.hex); // #abc123
      // below props only available if using `hsluv` version
      console.log(color.hsluv); // [ 1, 50, 100 ]


Large images are not necessary for computing accurate palettes. It's highly recommended to use default settings for high performance and quality results.

Name Type Default Desc
srcUrl String (optional) If you're supplying your own image url
width Number 100 Maximum width of canvas in pixels. Only width OR height should be set, not both, to respect aspect ratio of source image
height Number undefined Maximum height of canvas in pixels. Only width OR height should be set, not both, to respect aspect ratio of source image
imageEl HTMLElement (optional) If specified, will use supplied img element instead of automatically created background image
canvasEl HTMLElement (optional) If specified, will use supplied canvas element instead of automatically created background canvas
inputEl HTMLElement (optional) If specified, will use supplied input to use as the file load trigger. MUST be of type='file'

Additional tuning options can be found at Image-Pal.

Source Usage

The simplest example where we want everything to happen in the background and simply return the color palette once available.

  getColors({ srcUrl: '//' }, (err, colors) => {
    // do something with err & colors

Image Usage

Here we have an existing img element we want to attach to.

  getColors({ imageEl: document.getElementById('myImage') }, (err, colors) => {
    // do something with err & colors

Canvas Usage

Here we have an existing canvas element we want to attach to.

  getColors({ canvasEl: document.getElementById('myCanvas') }, (err, colors) => {
    // do something with err & colors

Upload Usage

Here we have an existing input element we want to attach to.

  getColors({ inputEl: document.getElementById('myUploadButton') }, (err, colors) => {
    // do something with err & colors

Advanced Usage

Here we're attaching to an existing img, canvas, and input elements.

    srcUrl: '//', // set default image
    imageEl: document.getElementById('myImage'), // attach to existing `img` element
    canvasEl: document.getElementById('myCanvas'), // render to my visible canvas
    inputEl: document.getElementById('myUploadButton') // update image & canvas if user tries to upload file
  }, (err, colors) => {
    // do something with err & colors

Unregister Usage

If you need unregister listeners simply:

  const getColorsInstance = getColors(options, cb);

  getColorsInstance.unregister(); // free me!


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