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A screenshot of the game being played, where the first guess is "tries", the second guess is "plant", and the final correct guess is "slate"

Hayleigh said she'd learn Rust if I learned Elm, so here I am, learning Elm!

Basically a Wordle clone, because that's the hot thing of last week and it seemed like an easy-enough-but-not-quite-trivial thing that would be doable for both of us, in both languages.

How to play

Well, if you want an actual rules summary, plenty of other people have already described them better than I think I could.

If you want a cheat sheet, I have a pretty good one.

  • Guess "SLATE"
  • Guess "HOUND"
  • See if you can deduce the answer from the information these two give you (surprisingly often, this is enough)
  • If you still need more hints, guess "PRICK", and that gives you hints on over half of the alphabet, including all of the vowels (except Y, but 🤷‍♀️). I think you can figure it out from here.


I actually have a reason this time. It's because 3Blue1Brown made a fantastic video about the statistics behind Wordle, and how an algorithm would play it "optimally". He shortly after made another video correcting some mistakes from the first one. In it, he shows that one of the most optimal opening guesses is "slate". It's not the most optimal, but it strikes the right balance of "optimal" and "recognizable".