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Fun automatic project and invoice management.

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This product is currently in an alpha development state and is not yet ready for production use. Please note that the semver file reflects the api version and not the application version.

The project management, invoicing, team collaboration tool to rule them all!

There are a lot of great invoicing, project management, and team collaboration tools on the market today. The problem is all three of those things are usually handled in two to three different tools. What if one piece of software could effectively manage all aspects of project management, accounting, team management, client management, and sales force management? Mana plans to bring all those small pieces into one easy to use application that every employee in any role within a team will enjoy.

This is a product being built by the Assembly community. You can help push this idea forward by visiting


Using Docker

fig build
fig up
fig run web rake db:create
fig run web rake db:migrate
fig run web rake db:seed

visit the ip you got from boot2docker ip with port 3000 (i.e


Install libicu, the way you like / can:

Via Apt-Get

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libicu-dev cmake postgresql libpq-dev

Via Brew

brew update
brew install icu4c cmake postgresql


bundle install

If necessary config your database in config/database.yml. Make sure changes are not commit to git!

rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
rails s

Please note you may run into some issues if this is the first time setup for postgresql we found these two stackoverflow articles very helpful:

Different Teams

Each team is identified by the subdomain of the app. In order to change team locally while development you have to map a domain (with subdomain) to localhost.

  • On mac / linux edit /etc/hosts

For example you added, then visit Make sure your subdomain matches a given Team#slug.


First create and migrate the Database

rake db:create RAILS_ENV=test
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test

Then run tests with


or if you have some conflicts

bundle exec rspec

How Assembly Works

Assembly products are like open-source and made with contributions from the community. Assembly handles the boring stuff like hosting, support, financing, legal, etc. Once the product launches we collect the revenue and split the profits amongst the contributors.

Visit to learn more. The project management, invoicing, team collaboration tool to rule them all!

There are a lot of great invoicing, project management, and team collaboration tools on the market today. The problem is all three of those things are usually handled in two to three different tools. What if one piece of software could effectively manage all aspects of project management, accounting, team management, client management, and sales force management? Mana plans to bring all those small pieces into one easy to use application that every employee in any role within a team will enjoy.