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Octobox Browser Extension

Note: This is a repository for the browser extension code only for artwork and other Octobox repositories visit the Assembly page.

Octobox is a web app that helps people collect images, bookmarks and notes in a simple and visually pleasing way. It requires a Dropbox account and uses it almost exclusively for storage.

The app is live and functional! You can create an account at

To read about current areas of focus and contributing to the project head over to the Assembly page.


  • Node.js - Download and Install Node.js. You can also follow this gist for a quick and easy way to install Node.js and npm.

Tools Prerequisites

  • NPM - Node.js package manager; should be installed when you install node.js.
  • Bower - Web package manager. Installing Bower is simple when you have npm:
$ npm install -g bower
  • Grunt - Download and Install Grunt.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
  • SASS - SASS is a CSS extension language used for styling Octobox frontend. You'll need the latest version of the SASS Ruby gem in order to build the stylesheets.
$ sudo gem install sass

Running the project

After downloading the repo and installing these dependencies you'll need to run:

$ npm install 
$ bower install

to download all the necessary project packages. After this step is complete, run grunt from the project directory to fire up a server that will run both the frontend and backend. You can then visit http://localhost:3000/ to access Octobox.


During install some of you may encounter some issues.

Most issues can be solved by one of the following tips, but if are unable to find a solution feel free to contact us via the repository issue tracker or the links provided below.

Update NPM, Bower or Grunt

Sometimes you may find there is a weird error during install like npm's Error: ENOENT. Usually updating those tools to the latest version solves the issue.

  • Updating NPM:
$ npm update -g npm
  • Updating Grunt:
$ npm update -g grunt-cli
  • Updating Bower:
$ npm update -g bower

Cleaning NPM and Bower cache

NPM and Bower has a caching system for holding packages that you already installed. We found that often cleaning the cache solves some troubles this system creates.

  • NPM Clean Cache:
$ npm cache clean
  • Bower Clean Cache:
$ bower cache clean

Running the Extension

TODO: write instructions on how to run the extension on Chrome.

More Information

Visit Octobox project page on Assembly.


The AGPL v3 License


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