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asmagill committed Oct 31, 2017
1 parent 633a816 commit bf186c7
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Showing 4 changed files with 313 additions and 200 deletions.
257 changes: 257 additions & 0 deletions _Spoons/CPUMEMBAT.spoon/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
-- TODO:
-- * need a better name
-- * make more spoon like (hotkeys, metadata, etc.)
-- * honor changes to checkInterval without having to stop first and then show
-- * document
-- * make appropriate for use outside of panel (behavior, level, etc)
-- * check memory usage; can we differentiate between truly in use vs disk caching to get a better idea of true "Free" memory?

local canvas = require("hs.canvas")
local battery = require("hs.battery")
local timer = require("hs.timer")
local stext = require("hs.styledtext")
local host = require("")
local obj = {}

local newFullBarGuage = function(barWidth)
barWidth = barWidth or obj.barWidth
return{ string.rep("|", barWidth),
starts = 1,
ends = barWidth / 2,
attributes = {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = { list = "ansiTerminalColors", name = "fgGreen" },
}, {
starts = barWidth / 2 + 1,
ends = 3 * barWidth / 4,
attributes = {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = { list = "ansiTerminalColors", name = "fgYellow" },
}, {
starts = 3 * barWidth / 4 + 1,
ends = barWidth,
attributes = {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = { list = "ansiTerminalColors", name = "fgRed" },

obj.updateDisplay = function(cpuUsage)
obj._cpuPoll = nil

-- CPU Usage

local cpuGuage = newFullBarGuage()
local cpuActive = math.floor( + .5)
if cpuActive < 100 then
cpuGuage = cpuGuage:setStyle({ color = obj.emptyBar }, math.ceil(obj.barWidth * cpuActive / 100), #cpuGuage)

cpuGuage ="CPU ", {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = "fgBlack"
}) .. cpuGuage .." %3d%% utilization", cpuActive), {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = (cpuActive > 75) and "fgRed" or ((cpuActive > 50) and "fgYellow" or "fgGreen"),

-- RAM Usage

local ramGuage = newFullBarGuage()

-- from top-107 source at
local vm = host.vmStat()
local totalFree = (vm.pagesFree + vm.pagesSpeculative) * vm.pageSize
local totalUsed = (vm.pagesWiredDown + vm.pagesInactive + vm.pagesActive + vm.pagesUsedByVMCompressor) * vm.pageSize
totalFree = totalFree / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) -- convert to GB
totalUsed = totalUsed / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) -- convert to GB

local totalRam = totalFree + totalUsed
local percentInUse = totalUsed / totalRam

ramGuage = ramGuage:setStyle({ color = obj.emptyBar }, math.ceil(obj.barWidth * percentInUse), #ramGuage)

ramGuage ="RAM ", {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = "fgBlack"
}) .. ramGuage

local active = math.floor(100 * percentInUse)
ramGuage = ramGuage .." %3d%% used, %.2fGB free", active, totalFree), {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = (active > 75) and "fgRed" or ((active > 50) and "fgYellow" or "fgGreen"),

-- Battery Usage

local batteryGuage = newFullBarGuage()

local max_charge = battery.maxCapacity()
local cur_charge = battery.capacity()

percentInUse = max_charge and cur_charge and (cur_charge / max_charge) or 0
batteryGuage = batteryGuage:setStyle({ color = obj.emptyBar }, 1, math.ceil(obj.barWidth * (1 - percentInUse)))

batteryGuage ="Bat ", {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = "fgBlack"
}) .. batteryGuage

if max_charge and cur_charge then
local avail = math.floor(100 * percentInUse)
batteryGuage = batteryGuage .." %3d%% charged, %d mAh", avail, cur_charge), {
font = obj.baseFont,
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = (avail > 50) and "fgGreen" or ((avail > 25) and "fgYellow" or "fgRed"),
batteryGuage = batteryGuage .." n/a", {
font = stext.convertFont(obj.baseFont, stext.fontTraits.italicFont),
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = "fgBlack"

-- Build Output

-- styledtext concatenation isn't honoring the style settings for the text *after* the line break... until I can
-- determine if this is a bug or a limitation, this workaround does the trick
local lineBreak ="\n", { font = obj.baseFont })

local final = cpuGuage .. lineBreak .. ramGuage .. lineBreak .. batteryGuage

if obj.includeTime then
final = final .. lineBreak .."Last check: " .."%c"), {
font = stext.convertFont({
name =,
size = obj.baseFont.size - 2,
}, stext.fontTraits.italicFont),
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = "fgBlack"
paragraphStyle = { alignment = "right" },

local outputSize = obj.canvas:minimumTextSize(final)

obj.canvas.output.text = final
obj.canvas.output.frame = {
x = obj.padding,
y = obj.padding,
h = outputSize.h,
w = outputSize.w,
x = obj.location.x,
y = obj.location.y,
h = outputSize.h + obj.padding * 2,
w = outputSize.w + obj.padding * 2,

-- in case they changed
obj.canvas.background.roundedRectRadii = { xRadius = obj.cornerRadius, yRadius = obj.cornerRadius }
obj.canvas.background.fillColor = obj.backgroundColor
obj.canvas.background.strokeColor = obj.backgroundBorder

-- override default repeat interval with the actual desired value because it may change between calls
-- wrapped in if just in case :hide is called after triggered but before HS actually runs this callback
-- (unlikely, but I've seen weirder)
if obj._timer then obj._timer:setNextTrigger(obj.checkInterval) end

obj.baseFont = { name = "Menlo", size = 12 }
obj.barWidth = 20
obj.emptyBar = { white = 0.5 }
obj.padding = 10
obj.location = { x = 100, y = 100 }
obj.checkInterval = 30
obj.timeSlice = 1
obj.includeTime = true
obj.cornerRadius = 5
obj.backgroundColor = { alpha = .7, white = .5 }
obj.backgroundBorder = { alpha = .5 }

-- a typical height and width for this output on my machine; it will change as soon as there is data, so accuracy isn't important
local defaultSize = { h = 88, w = 360 }
obj.canvas ={ x = obj.location.x, y = obj.location.y, h = defaultSize.h, w = defaultSize.w, }

local initialMsg ="awaiting data collection", {
font = stext.convertFont(obj.baseFont, stext.fontTraits.italicFont),
color = {
list = "ansiTerminalColors",
name = "fgBlack"
paragraphStyle = { alignment = "center" },
local msgSize = obj.canvas:minimumTextSize(initialMsg)

obj.canvas[#obj.canvas + 1] = {
id = "background",
type = "rectangle",
fillColor = obj.backgroundColor,
strokeColor = obj.backgroundBorder,
roundedRectRadii = { xRadius = obj.cornerRadius, yRadius = obj.cornerRadius },
clipToPath = true, -- makes for sharper edges
obj.canvas[#obj.canvas + 1] = {
id = "output",
type = "text",
text = initialMsg,
frame = {
x = (defaultSize.w - msgSize.w) / 2,
y = (defaultSize.h - msgSize.h) / 2,
h = msgSize.h,
w = msgSize.w,
} = function(self)
self = self or obj -- correct for calling this as a function
if not obj._timer then
-- we use setNextTrigger to start and maintain the timer, so the actual interval here is irrelevant
obj._timer = timer.doEvery(300, function()
obj._cpuPoll = host.cpuUsage(obj.timeSlice, obj.updateDisplay)
return self

obj.hide = function(self)
self = self or obj -- correct for calling this as a function
if obj._timer then
obj._timer = nil
return self

return obj
78 changes: 39 additions & 39 deletions geekery.lua
Expand Up @@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ local monitorTopY = screen.mainScreen():frame().y
local monitorBotY = monitorTopY + screen.mainScreen():frame().h

--geekery.registerShellGeeklet("cpu", 15, "geeklets/",
geekery.registerLuaGeeklet("cpu", 5, "geeklets/system.lua",
{ x = 22, y = monitorTopY + 22, h = 60, w = 350}, { color = { alpha = 1 }, skip = true },
{ drawing.rectangle{ x = 12, y = monitorTopY + 12, h = 80, w = 370 }
:setFillColor{ alpha=.7, white = .5 }
:setStrokeColor{ alpha=.5 }
-- geekery.registerLuaGeeklet("cpu", 5, "geeklets/system.lua",
-- { x = 22, y = monitorTopY + 22, h = 60, w = 350}, { color = { alpha = 1 }, skip = true },
-- { drawing.rectangle{ x = 12, y = monitorTopY + 12, h = 80, w = 370 }
-- :setFillColor{ alpha=.7, white = .5 }
-- :setStrokeColor{ alpha=.5 }
-- :setFill(true)
-- :setRoundedRectRadii(5,5)
-- }):start()

geekery.registerShellGeeklet("wifi", 60, "geeklets/",
{ x = 22, y = monitorTopY + 102, h = 60, w = 350}, {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,36 +63,36 @@ geekery.registerLuaGeeklet("remoteCheck", 300, geekletRemoteCheck,
-- :setRoundedRectRadii(5,5)
-- }):start()

local geekletClock = function()
local self = geekery.geeklets.clock
local screenFrame = screen.mainScreen():fullFrame()
local clockTime ="%I:%M:%S %p")
local clockPos = drawing.getTextDrawingSize(clockTime, self.textStyle)
clockPos.w = clockPos.w + 4
clockPos.x = screenFrame.x + screenFrame.w - (clockPos.w + 4)
clockPos.y = screenFrame.y + screenFrame.h - (clockPos.h + 4)
local clockBlockPos = {
x = clockPos.x - 3,
y = clockPos.y,
h = clockPos.h + 3,
w = clockPos.w + 6,
return clockTime

geekery.registerLuaGeeklet("clock", 1, geekletClock, { }, {
font = { name = "Menlo-Italic", size = 12, },
color = { red=.75, blue=.75, green=.75, alpha=.75},
paragraphStyle = { alignment = "center", lineBreak = "clip" }
}, {
:setStrokeColor({ red=.75, blue=.75, green=.75, alpha=.75})
geekery.geeklets.clock.hoverlock = true
-- local geekletClock = function()
-- local self = geekery.geeklets.clock
-- local screenFrame = screen.mainScreen():fullFrame()
-- local clockTime ="%I:%M:%S %p")
-- local clockPos = drawing.getTextDrawingSize(clockTime, self.textStyle)
-- clockPos.w = clockPos.w + 4
-- clockPos.x = screenFrame.x + screenFrame.w - (clockPos.w + 4)
-- clockPos.y = screenFrame.y + screenFrame.h - (clockPos.h + 4)
-- local clockBlockPos = {
-- x = clockPos.x - 3,
-- y = clockPos.y,
-- h = clockPos.h + 3,
-- w = clockPos.w + 6,
-- }
-- self.drawings[2]:setFrame(clockBlockPos)
-- self.drawings[1]:setFrame(clockPos)
-- return clockTime
-- end
-- geekery.registerLuaGeeklet("clock", 1, geekletClock, { }, {
-- font = { name = "Menlo-Italic", size = 12, },
-- color = { red=.75, blue=.75, green=.75, alpha=.75},
-- paragraphStyle = { alignment = "center", lineBreak = "clip" }
-- }, {
-- drawing.rectangle{}:setStroke(true)
-- :setStrokeColor({ red=.75, blue=.75, green=.75, alpha=.75})
-- :setFill(true)
-- :setFillColor({alpha=.75})
-- :setRoundedRectRadii(5,5)
-- }):hover(true):start()
-- geekery.geeklets.clock.hoverlock = true


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