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137 lines (100 loc) · 3.9 KB

File metadata and controls

137 lines (100 loc) · 3.9 KB


Script to make UKB consume and produce NAF documents. The input must be a valid NAF document annotated at a POS level (typically, the output of the ixa-pipe-pos module). The module uses WSD to perform disambiguation and includes sense annotations to the lemmas in the document.

Typical usage:

cat input.naf | ./ -K graph.bin -D dict.txt > output.naf

You can also chain the input/output into an ixa-pipes pipeline, for instance:

cat guardian.txt | java -jar ixa-pipe-tok-1.8.4-exec.jar tok -l en | ixa-pipe-pos-1.5.0-exec.jar tag -m en-pos-perceptron-autodict01-conll09.bin -lm en-lemma-perceptron-conll09.bin | ./ -K graph.bin -D dict.txt

Required parameters

the naf_ukb script requires two options that specify the location of the graph and dictionary to be used:

- K graph serialization. See section CREATE GRAPH AND DICTIONARY

- D dictionary text file.

Optional parameters

- x path to ukb_wsd executable. Default is './ukb_wsd'

- m mapping file for pos mapping. See section Regular expression translation for more information on POS mappings.

Passing options to ukb

The naf_ukb script eventually calls ukb_wsd to perform WSD. This latter program has command-line options that affect many aspects of the WSD step, including the algorithm to be used and its parameters (see documentation. Inside naf_ukb, you can set ukb_wsd options using the -- syntax. For example, this command:

cat input.naf | ./ -K graph.bin -D dict.txt -- --dict_weight --dgraph_dfs --dgraph_rank ppr > output.naf

runs ukb_wsd using the --dict_weight --dgraph_dfs --dgraph_rank ppr parameters.

Regular expression translation

You may need to transform the POS values of the input document to match those in WordNet. For this, you can create a document with one transformation per line, each line having two fields:

regex pos

all POS values that match the regular expression will be translated to pos. For instance, this is the mapping file for spanish data:

A.*	a
V.*	v
N.*	n
S.*	r

the first line replaces all pos starting with letter 'A' (AQ0CP0, AQ0FS0 etc.) to the value 'a'. The matching is case insensitive.

If no posmap is given the app translates default NAF pos values, i.e., it performs the following mapping:

N.*	n
R.*	n
G.*	a
V.*	v
A.*	r

Installing naf_ukb

You should follow these steps:


Follow the instructions in to install ukb. Alternatively, you can use the pre-compiled binaries available at


You have full instructions to compile the graph in (1.2 Compiling the KB).

For the impatient, here is a quick reciple using the file at

which contains the relations for some versions of WordNet. For instance, the following commands create a graph based on the relations in WordNet 3.0 (plus gloss relations):

$ cd ~/user/ukb_wsd
$ wget
$ tar xjf lkb_sources.tar.bz2
$ cat lkb_sources/30/*_rels.txt | ./bin/compile_kb -o lkb_sources/wn30g.bin64 -
$ mv lkb_sources/30/wnet30_dict.txt lkb_sources/wn30.lex


ukb_naf needs the XML::LibXML module to properly work. There are some alternatives, depending on the distribution you are working on.

  • debian/ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install libxml-libxml-perl
  • RedHat/CentOS
$ sudo yum install perl-XML-LibXML

INSTALL ukb_naf

We will install ukb_naf in the directory /home/user/ukb_wsd

$ cd ~/user/ukb_wsd
$ git clone