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This gem provides a concurrency-friendly means of working with large numbers of IO objects such as files and sockets without needing to spawn a thread per handle. In theory this gem makes it possible to scalably deal with lots of open files at once, without having to convert everything in one's app to async IO, as is the case with a plain EventMachine setup, etc. It should be noted that this theory is not well-tested (not by me at least).

concurrent_io is based on concurrent-ruby, and includes a means for working with concurrent-ruby's Actor implementation.

This gem is in use in some small-scale production environments, but it's still pretty green, so your mileage may vary. In particular, although the intention is to support IO in general, so far TCP sockets are the only thing that has really been tested. It's also probably best suited for use with a Ruby implementation that does not have a GIL, such as Rubinius or JRuby.

Select Loop Implementations

The basic mechanism by which concurrent_io works is that somewhere in a lone thread, a select-loop is running, monitoring IO objects for readiness to read or write. When an IO becomes read-ready, the loop reads as many bytes as it can and dispatches them to some listener; similarly when an IO becomes write-ready, the loop writes as many pending bytes as it can and notifies the listener. Some concurrency synchronisation is then used to add or remove IO objects, and to sequence reads and writes.

concurrent_io implements a basic reactor pattern select-loop using Ruby's built-in IO::select. As many will know though, IO::select has a reputation for being slow. Furthermore, this implementation does all its looping, reading and writing in Ruby, which it turns out isn't very fast either. For improved performance (hopefully), concurrent_io can optionally make use of a number of other libraries. At the moment these are:

There's also a broken libevent wrapper using my unfinished FFI-Libevent gem. Don't use this one!

In my experience, EventMachine is the most stable alternative backend at the moment.


Sorry, there's no good API documentation yet. The following is a very brief example of low-level usage.

require 'concurrent_io'

# Optionally, tell concurrent_io which implementation to use.  This is
# a good idea

# Get a select-loop object
selector = ConcurrentIO.default_selector

# Let's make some sockets
require 'socket'
s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair

# We need to supply objects for getting notifications about the
# sockets.  It needs to implement three methods: trigger_read,
# trigger_write and trigger_error
class MyReactor
  def initialize selector, socket
    @selector = selector
    @socket = socket

    # Tell the selector to monitor the socket and notify us
    @selector.add @socket, self

  # Note these methods will be called from within the select-loop
  # thread, so you should hand the bytes to another thread before
  # doing blocking IO, etc.
  def trigger_read bytes
    Concurrent::Future.execute do
      puts "GOT: #{bytes}"

  def trigger_write count
    Concurrent::Future.execute do
      puts "WROTE #{count} bytes"

  def trigger_error e
    Concurrent::Future.execute do
      puts "ERROR: #{e}"

  def write bytes
    @selector.write @socket, bytes

  def close
    @selector.remove [@socket]

# Create reactors
reactor1 =, s1)
reactor2 =, s2)

# Tell 1 to write to 2
reactor1.write "Hi from reactor1"

# Wait for things to happen on other threads
sleep 1

# Close the IO objects, stop listening for events
[reactor1, reactor2].each(&:close)

As stated in the example, the trigger_* methods get called within the select-loop's thread, so at this basic level, it's the implmenter's responsibility to dispatch these to some other thread in the right order. If you want to use concurrent-ruby actors, concurrent_io has an actors implmentation that does this for you, as the following example shows.

require 'concurrent_io'

# This is the actor
require 'concurrent_io/controller'

# Here's a simple actor that stores some app state
class MyState < Concurrent::Actor::Context
  def initialize socket
    # This makes a child actor which will control the IO object for us,
    # and pass messages to us
    @controller = ConcurrentIO::Controller.spawn('my_controller', socket)
    @bytes_read = ''
    @count_written = 0

  def on_message message
    case message
    when ConcurrentIO::ReadMessage
      @bytes_read << message.bytes
      log(Logger::INFO, "READ: #{@bytes_read}")
    when ConcurrentIO::WriteMessage
      @count_written += message.count
      log(Logger::INFO, "WRITTEN: #{@count_written}")
    when :closed
      log(Logger::INFO, "The socket has been closed")
      redirect @controller

# Make two sockets
require 'socket'
s1, s2 = UNIXSocket.pair

# Make two actors
a1 = MyState.spawn('actor1', s1)
a2 = MyState.spawn('actor2', s2)

# Tell actor1 to send some text to actor2
a1 << "Line 1\n"
a1 << "Line 2\n"
a1 << "Line 3\n"

# Kill the actors.  The supervision tree will ensure that the IO
# objects are closed.
a1 << :terminate!
a2 << :terminate!

Similar setups are possible using Async objects, Agents, queues, etc.

Ping pong example

In the examples folder there is an executable that will send "ping" and "pong" messages between actors over a TCP socket. It also kills all the sockets intermittently and creates a bunch of new ones, in order to simulate a network environment with lots of connections and disconnections. State is managed using agents. You can run it as follows:

$ bundle exec examples/ping_pong.rb [implementation]

Where [implementation] is one of the following strings:

  • select
  • eventmachine
  • nio4r

The agent code for this example is in examples/ping_ponger.rb.

While runnning, it will print out details about the numbers of pings and pongs that have been received, and the number of IO objects that are presnet in the object space. Hopefully you can satisfy yourself that things are being garbage-collected at an acceptable rate!


Firstly, it's only really worth your while to use this library if you are dealing with lots of IO objects at once, i.e. where having a thread per object won't work. Otherwise, you can probably just launch a some threads (or futures, or some such thing in concurrent-ruby) do your blocking reads/writes there, and pass the info on to your actor or whatever.

Celluloid::IO gives you this library's functionality and much more on top of Celluloid.

You could also investigate using EventMachine by itself.


Initially, actors were used for everything in this library, and so the gem was called [io_actors][io_actors]. A new name because necessary once actors stopped being the basic building block.


concurrent_io is copyright (C) 2017 Alastair Pharo. Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.


A concurrency-friendly means of working with large numbers of IO objects in Ruby







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