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sagieppel committed Jan 5, 2020
1 parent 862df5d commit 9e0463b
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Showing 3 changed files with 148 additions and 0 deletions.
128 changes: 128 additions & 0 deletions TrainingDataGenerationCOCO/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@

#Generate training data for the net using the COCO panoptic 2017 dataset take classes related to vessels and create binary maps of all thesel classes
import numpy as np
import os
#import scipy.misc as misc
import random
import cv2
import json
import threading
import scipy.misc as misc
#######################################Convert RGB image to label #####################################################################
def rgb2id(color): # Convert annotation map from 3 channel RGB to instance
if isinstance(color, np.ndarray) and len(color.shape) == 3:
if color.dtype == np.uint8:
color = color.astype(np.uint32)
return color[:, :, 0] + 256 * color[:, :, 1] + 256 * 256 * color[:, :, 2]
return color[0] + 256 * color[1] + 256 * 256 * color[2]
######################################Generate vessels mask from instance segments of the COCO set by merging all instance corres###################################################################################
class Generator:
# Initiate reader and define the main parameters for the data reader
def __init__(self, ImageDir,AnnotationDir,OutDir, DataFile, AnnotationFileType="png", ImageFileType="jpg",UnlabeledTag=0,VesselCats=[44,46,47,51,86],IgnoreCats=[70,81,81,50]):

self.ImageDir=ImageDir # Image dir
self.AnnotationDir=AnnotationDir # File containing image annotation
self.AnnotationFileType=AnnotationFileType # What is the the type (ending) of the annotation files
self.ImageFileType=ImageFileType # What is the the type (ending) of the image files
self.DataFile=DataFile # Json File that contain data on the annotation of each image
self.UnlabeledTag=UnlabeledTag # Value of unlabled region in the annotation map (usually 0)

self.SemanticDir = OutDir + "/SemanticMaps/"
self.OutImageDir = OutDir + "/Image/"
# self.MinSegSize = 0#400
if not os.path.exists(OutDir): os.mkdir(OutDir)
if not os.path.exists(self.SemanticDir): os.mkdir(self.SemanticDir)
# if not os.path.exists(self.SemanticSpecialDir): os.mkdir(self.SemanticSpecialDir)
if not os.path.exists(self.OutImageDir): os.mkdir(self.OutImageDir)

self.VesselCats=VesselCats #class of vessel like object [44] 'bottle',[46] 'wine glass',[47] = 'cup',[51] = 'bowl', [86] = 'vase'
self.IgnoreCats=IgnoreCats#ambigious classes that should be ignored[70,81,50,64,196] # Unclear wether they vessel or not to ignore #70 toilet 81 sink 50 spoon64,196] # Unclear wether they vessel or not to ignore #70 toilet 81 sink 50 spoon, 196,food-other-merged 64,potted plant
#) bottle]
# self.PickBySize = False # Pick instances of with probablity proportional to their sizes if false all segments are picked with equal probablity
#........................Read data file................................................................................................................
with open(DataFile) as json_file:

#-------------------Get All files in folder--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
for FileName in os.listdir(AnnotationDir):
if AnnotationFileType in FileName:

#Get annotation data for specific image from the json file
def GetAnnnotationData(self, AnnFileName):
for item in self.AnnData['annotations']: # Get Annotation Data
if (item["file_name"] == AnnFileName):
# ############################################################################################################################################
# #Get information for specific catagory/Class id
def GetCategoryData(self,ID):
for item in self.AnnData['categories']:
if item["id"]==ID:
return item["name"],item["isthing"]
return "", 0

#Generate list of all segments in the image also generate semantic map
# Given the annotation map a json data file create list of all segments and instance with info on each segment and merge all the segment
#--------------------------Generate list of all segments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def GenerateSemanticMap(self,Ann,Ann_name):
AnnList = self.GetAnnnotationData(Ann_name)
SemanticMap = np.zeros([h,w],dtype=np.uint8) # 1 vessel cat, 0 other cat
ROIMap = np.zeros([h, w], dtype=np.uint8) # 1 Annoted region, 0 not annotated or not clear
for an in AnnList:
if ct in self.VesselCats:
SemanticMap[Ann == an['id']] = 1
if not (ct in self.IgnoreCats):
ROIMap[Ann == an['id']] = 1
return SemanticMap, ROIMap

####################################################Go over all files and convert annotation to vessel mask##############################################################################################
def Generate(self):

# for ID in range(200): # Display all cata
# name,Isthing=self.GetCategoryData(ID)
# print(str(ID)+") "+name)
# ErrorCount=0

for f,Ann_name in enumerate(self.FileList): # Get label image name
print(str(f) + ")" + Ann_name)
Ann = cv2.imread(self.AnnotationDir + "/" + Ann_name) # Load Annotation
Ann = Ann[..., :: -1]
self.AnnColor = Ann
Ann = rgb2id(Ann)
H, W = Ann.shape
SemanticMap, ROIMask = self.GenerateSemanticMap(Ann, Ann_name) # Generate list of all segments in image

# if os.path.exists(self.SegMapDir + "/" + Ann_name): continue

Ann = cv2.imread(self.AnnotationDir + "/" + Ann_name) # Load Annotation

if not (1 in SemanticMap):continue
from shutil import copyfile

copyfile(self.ImageDir + "/" + Ann_name.replace(".png",".jpg"), self.OutImageDir+ "/" + Ann_name.replace(".png",".jpg"))
#-------------------------------------------Save semanic map---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


SemanticMap= np.concatenate([SemanticMap, ROIMask,SemanticMap],axis=2)
cv2.imwrite(self.SemanticDir + "/" + Ann_name, SemanticMap.astype(np.uint8))

20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions TrainingDataGenerationCOCO/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#Generate training data for vessel semantic segmentation, using related class from the COCO panoptic dataset
# # Download Train images and train annotation for the pnoptic set and set path in the input dirs variables

import CocoPanopticToSemanticMap as Generator
############################################Input and ouput dir location################################################################################################################################################
ImageDir="/scratch/gobi1/seppel/DataSets/COCO_PANOPTIC/PanopticFull/train2017/" # image folder (coco training) train set
AnnotationDir="/scratch/gobi1/seppel/DataSets/COCO_PANOPTIC/PanopticFull/panoptic_train2017/" # annotation maps folder from coco panoptic train set
DataFile="/scratch/gobi1/seppel/DataSets/COCO_PANOPTIC/PanopticFull/panoptic_train2017.json" # Json Data file coco panoptic train set

OutDir="/scratch/gobi2/seppel/Chemscape/FromOtherDataBase/COCO_Vessel_Related_Class/" # Output Dir
###############################Vessel cats in COCO###################################################################################################################

VesselCats = [44,46,47,51,86] # Cats to use as vessel #[44] 'bottle',[46] 'wine glass',[47] = 'cup',[51] = 'bowl', [86] = 'vase'
IgnoreCats = [70,50,64,196] # Unclear wether they are vessel or not. To ignore #70 toilet 81 sink 50 spoon, 196,food-other-merged 64,potted plant
x=Generator.Generator(ImageDir,AnnotationDir,OutDir, DataFile, VesselCats=VesselCats,IgnoreCats=IgnoreCats) # Create class
x.Generate() # Run conversion
Binary file not shown.

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