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React video tutorial followed - Programming with Mosh

Title Topics Covered
React intro with typescript Intro, Structure, Components, lists & conditional rendering , Events (click-events), State Hooks, Props

React playlist - Net Ninja

Title Topics Covered
React introduction What is react, project structure, setting up
Components Components, Templates, Dynamic values in templates, Component trees, CSS Styling
Click events and Functions Click events, calling functions on clicks, functions with parameters, etc.
Using state(useState hook) useState hook
Outputting Lists Map function to render lists
Props Props, passing data to reusable components, passing functions as props, delete logic
useEffect hook What the hook is, how to use dependencies, etc.
JSON Server Setting up JSON Server with API Endpoints, fetching data using useEffect, conditional loading messages, handling fetch errors
Custom Hooks Setting up custom hook useFetch to fetch data from API to be re-used
The React Router How the react router works, installing, exact match routes, router links, useEffect cleanup and abort controller, route parameters, re-using custom hooks
React forms Creating a new form, updating state with form change, submit events, making a POST request to the API, programatic redirects upon submission to form
Deleting and 404 pages Deleting a blog with API request, showing 404 pages on invalid URL's


Node Js playlist video tutorial followed - Net Ninja

Title Topics Covered
Node.js intro Computer & code, Role of node.js, running js files using node
Node.js basics Global object, Modules & Require, File system in Node, streams & buffer
Clients & Servers Clients & Servers, IP Address & Domains, Creating server, Localhost & Port numbers
Requests & Responses Request & Response object, Returning HTML pages, basic routing, status codes, redirects
NPM 3rd party packages, installing packages globally (nodemon), package.json file & installing packages locally, dependencies & sharing code
Express apps What is express, making an express app, routing & HTML pages, redirects & 404 pages
View Engines View engines(at a glance), ejs view engine, passing data into views, partials, adding css
Middleware What is middleware? Using next(), 3rd party middleware, static files
MongoDB Intro to MongoDB, Setup with atlas, Mongoose, Getting & Saving data, Outputting documents in view
Get, Post & Delete Requests Request types, Post requests, Route parameters, Delete requests
Express Router & MVC Express Router, MVC Basics, Controllers


MERN Stack video playlist - Net Ninja

Title Topics Covered
Intro to MERN Intro
Express Setup Basic Express Setup, Setup middleware
Router & API routes Setting up the routers and API routes
Establishing database connection Establishing mongodb connection, defining schema and model
Controllers Creating controllers, adding functionalities
React App Creating the React app, Routing, Navbar component
Fetching Data useEffect hook,Setting up hooks, fetching data from API routes, Rendering workout details
New Workout Form Adding react form and POSTing to database
Adding React Context React context, useReducer hook, writing our own hook
Deleting Data Deleting Workouts
Handling Error Responses Creating Error Responses for invalid inputs


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