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Asterios Raptis edited this page Jan 27, 2021 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the java-library-template wiki!

How to use this template project

As you noticed this repository is a github template repository. So if you want to create a copy of this repository just click the green 'Use this template' button at the top right at the main page of this repository.

After you have created your repository and checkouted your repository locally you have to execute the unit test method InitialTemplateTest#testRenameToConcreteProject that is disabled. So you have first to adapt the project description to your project description and then remove the annotation Disabled and run this unit test method the unit test method InitialTemplateTest#testRenameToConcreteProject for enable it and than run it. This will adapt all related files that fits to your project.

That it.

A detailed description is published here