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Swarm Tile Library

This is an Arduino library to integrate with the Swarm Tile module.

Swarm is a satellite network designed for low-cost IoT communication. The Swarm Tile satellite data modem transmits and receives data to and from Swarm’s space network and is designed to be embedded into a third-party product.

This library supports TILE01 running firmware v1.0.0 or newer.

Note: This library is NOT developed, supported or endorsed by Swarm Technologies Inc. Please open a GitHub issue if you need help with this library.


See Examples > SwarmTile > BasicSendReceive for usage of the simplified API.

    SwarmTile(Stream &str);

    tile_status_t begin();
    void setTimeout(uint16_t timeout_ms);   // timeout in milliseconds, ~65 seconds max should suffice
    void setDebugStream(Stream *debug);     // stream for debug output

    bool isReady();         // returns true when Tile is ready (boot complete)
    bool isReadyToSend();   // returns true when Tile is ready to send messages (acquired date/time)

    const char* getErrorStr();  // returns error string in case of a TILE_COMMAND_ERROR

    tile_status_t getVersion(tile_version_t &version);
    tile_status_t getConfig(tile_config_t &config);
    tile_status_t setGpioMode(uint8_t mode);
    tile_status_t getDateTime(tile_datetime_t &datetime);
    tile_status_t getGeoData(tile_geo_data_t &geo_data);
    tile_status_t getUnsentCount(tile_msg_count_t &msg_count);
    tile_status_t getUnreadCount(tile_msg_count_t &msg_count);
    tile_status_t deleteUnsentMsgs(tile_msg_count_t &msg_count);
    tile_status_t deleteReadMsgs(tile_msg_count_t &msg_count);
    tile_status_t sendMessage(tile_send_msg_t &send_msg);
    tile_status_t readMessage(tile_read_msg_t &read_msg);
    tile_status_t sleep(tile_sleep_t &sleep);
    tile_status_t wake();
    tile_status_t powerOff();

    // simplified API, hides complexity but also some features and error conditions
    uint16_t getUnsentCount();
    uint16_t getUnreadCount();
    uint16_t deleteUnsentMsgs();
    uint16_t deleteReadMsgs();
    tile_status_t sendMessage(const char* str);
    tile_status_t sendMessage(const char* buf, uint16_t len);
    tile_status_t sendMessage(uint16_t app_id, const char* str);     // requires FW v1.1.0+    
    tile_status_t sendMessage(uint16_t app_id, const char* buf, uint16_t len);   // requires FW v1.1.0+
    uint16_t readMessage(char* buf, uint16_t buf_len, tile_order_t = TILE_OLDEST);

Known Issues

Receiving of messages is unverified

We weren't able to verify receiving of messages in the real world. Please let us know if you successfully used readMessage().

Wakeup immediately after Sleep

The Tile takes a few seconds to enter sleep mode. Calling wake() to soon after sleep() may result in confusing error messages.

To avoid this error, sleep for 20 seconds or longer.


With Tile FW 1.0.0 and 0.9.7, the example code sometimes puts the Tile into a state where sendMessage() returns with a DBXTOHIVEFULL error.

To resolve this error send the following command to the Tile: $RS dbinit*3d

This issue is resolved with Tile FW 1.1.0 and newer.