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Ensembles of genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions

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Genome Scale Model Analysis of MPI Root9, Root491, and Root66D1 with EnsembleFBA

This is a forked copy of Biggs MB and Papin JA's EnsembleFBA code, adapted for the analysis performed in Jacoby, Succurro, Kopriva 2018. For the original EnsembleFBA repository click here. For questions contact asuccurro (at) protonmail (dotcom).


EnsembleFBA scripts are either written in MATLAB, Python or bash. You will therefore need MATLAB license etc.

Once cloned, export the local path, e.g.

export ensembleFBA=/home/succurro/repositories/publicgithub/ensembleFBA/

1. Make sure gurobi is installed (optimization problems) and linked to MATLAB

  1. Download
  2. Install
  3. Get a license
cd $GUROBI_HOME/matlab
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "gurobi_setup"

Remember to add the path $GUROBI_HOME in matlab (see $ensembleFBA/runmatlab/startup.m file)

2. Setup a virtualenv for the python scripts

cd $ensembleFBA
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 venvpy
source venvpy/bin/activate
pip install -r req_venvpy.txt

3. Test runs

cd $ensembleFBA/runmatlab
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nodisplay  -r "testMPIRoot('Root9'); quit"
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nodisplay  -r "testMPIRoot('Root491'); quit"
matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -nodisplay  -r "testMPIRoot('Root66D1'); quit"

4. Other technical details

The above setup are enough to re-run the simulations of Jacoby, Succurro, Kopriva 2018. The additional instructions at the end of the wiki are meant to enhance reproducibility and to run new/updated simulation. Content:

  1. Updating the ModelSEED db
  2. Defintion of a biomass function
  3. Reconstruction of draft networks with KBase
  4. Definition of growth matrices from biolog plate experiments
  5. Test reproducibility with fixed random seed

EnsembleFBA workflow

Excluding the compounds not found in the matrix and G12, the numbers of growth and non growth media are:

Root9 Root491 Root66D1
1 54 58 52
0 26 22 28

Ensemble generation

I made a conservative choice for the number of training conditions (gapfilling media): half of the lowest number of growth-sustaining or growth-sustaining compounds, i.e. 26 and 11 respectively.

The ensembles are generated in two versions: excluding not found compounds and G12 (growthMatrix_Root9_exclude_not_found_and_G12.csv), and excluding also the 5 N sources with proteomics data (growthMatrix_Root9_exclude_5N_and_nf_and_G12.csv)


cd $ensembleFBA/runmatlab

will start in total 6 reconstruction jobs in the background. On a 16 core desktop, they take about 2 days to complete. The jobs can be monitored via the log files (/tmp/ensemble_Root*) and error files (/tmp/err_ensemble_Root*).

Flux Balance Analysis on ensembles

Once the ensembles are successfully generated, ensembleFBA will perform FBA on all the networks on all the conditions. Run:

cd $ensembleFBA/runmatlab

to produce various files, all named starting with "ensemble_X_size_Y_gcs_Z_ngcs_stochasticWeights_1". The files are described below.


File produced by, containing the information about the ordered gapfilling conditions (columns, "Gx" or "NGx") for each of the generated network in the ensemble (rows, numbered). This file is used to create a mask for unbiased analyses of the model predictions.

_gc_tab.csv; _ngc_tab.csv; _nfg_tab.csv

Files produced by, containing the growth (1s) or no growth (0s) prediction for the networks of the ensemble (columns "Nx") for each condition (rows "cpdXXXXX"), separated for growth (gc), no growth (ngc) and not for gapfill (nfg) experimental conditions. These files are used in the script


File produced by, containing the growth flux prediction obtained while building the ensemble for all the networks of the ensemble (columns, "Nx") for all the media conditions (rows "cpdXXXXX").


File produced by, containing the growth flux prediction obtained re-running FBA with the biolog media flux constraints for all the networks of the ensemble (columns, "Nx") for all the media conditions (rows "cpdXXXXX"). This file is used in the script


File produced by, containing the growth (1s) or no growth (0s) prediction for the networks of the ensemble (columns "Nx") for each condition on which proteomics was performed (passed to the script template_rerunFBA.m as XXXCPDLIST).


File produced by, containing the growth flux prediction obtained re-running FBA with the media flux constraints of the proteomics experiments for all the networks of the ensemble (columns, "Nx") for the proteomics media conditions (rows "cpdXXXXX").

_fba_sol_cpdXXXXX.csv and _exc_rxns_cpdXXXXX.csv

Files containing the full FBA flux solutions for each reaction (rows, "rxnXXXXX") for each network of the ensemble (columns, "Nx"). These files are used in the script

Biolog plots

cd $ensembleFBA/macros/

Produces plots of Biolog Plate (manuscript Figure XYZ). Prints the table with statistical figures for the ensemble (Accuracy, Precision, Recall).


$$A = \dfrac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN}$$

Recall (sensitivity):

$$R = \dfrac{TP}{TP + FN}$$


$$P = \dfrac{TP}{TP + FP}$$
  • Condition exclude_not_found_and_G12:
Masked Ensemble 0.775 0.833 0.833
Random Ensemble 0.512 0.640 0.571
Unmasked Ensemble 0.950 0.963 0.963
Random Ensemble 0.605 0.762 0.571
Masked Ensemble 0.787 0.873 0.828
Random Ensemble 0.488 0.708 0.531
Unmasked Ensemble 0.925 0.964 0.931
Random Ensemble 0.605 0.857 0.562
Masked Ensemble 0.787 0.857 0.808
Random Ensemble 0.395 0.500 0.423
Unmasked Ensemble 0.925 0.942 0.942
Random Ensemble 0.558 0.667 0.538
  • Condition exclude_5N_and_nf_and_G12:
Masked Ensemble 0.750 0.793 0.852
Random Ensemble 0.488 0.650 0.464
Unmasked Ensemble 0.975 0.964 1.000
Random Ensemble 0.605 0.762 0.571
Masked Ensemble 0.800 0.875 0.845
Random Ensemble 0.442 0.722 0.406
Unmasked Ensemble 0.900 0.963 0.897
Random Ensemble 0.605 0.857 0.562
Masked Ensemble 0.762 0.851 0.769
Random Ensemble 0.558 0.684 0.500
Unmasked Ensemble 1.000 1.000 1.000
Random Ensemble 0.558 0.667 0.538

Fraction activiy

cd $ensembleFBA/macros/
source ../venvpy/bin/activate

Produces the files ../outputs/activity_. Different versions of activity measurements are considered:

  • growth_fraction: fraction of networks of the ensemble predicting growth
  • growth_average: average flux for biomass function in the ensemble
  • weighted_growth_average: average flux weighted by the fraction of active networks

Metabolic pathways

cd $ensembleFBA/macros
source ../venvpy/bin/activate
for r in Root9 Root491 Root66D1; do
    python -o $r -e '_exclude_5N_and_nf_and_G12' -p '../outputs/' -f	'ensemble_50_size_26_gcs_11_ngcs_stochasticWeights_1'>>../outputs/

Compare FBA solutions in each strain growing on Glutamate, Serine or Lysine, compared to Ammonium. Obtain average flux among the ensemble solutions and weight by the "frequency" (i.e. fraction of time the reaction is active). Check the "up/down regulated" reactions comparing the fluxes obtained on Glutamate, Serine or Lysine to the ones on Ammonium and computing the log2 fold change. The threshold is set to 1. Produces various files in ../outputs/ and in the strains' output folders.


Files for input to the pathway visualizer tool.

Tables in Markdown format:

Root9 Same Up Down
Ammonium vs L-Gl 502 185 195
Ammonium vs L-Ly 479 200 203
Ammonium vs L-Se 510 184 188
Ammonium vs Urea 504 186 192
Root491 Same Up Down
Ammonium vs L-Gl 513 221 182
Ammonium vs L-Ly 485 256 175
Ammonium vs L-Se 494 237 185
Ammonium vs Urea 477 213 226
Root66D1 Same Up Down
Ammonium vs L-Gl 465 188 194
Ammonium vs L-Ly 466 189 192
Ammonium vs L-Se 507 210 130
Ammonium vs Urea 472 177 198


Files storing the log fold change values for the different comparisons, separated for up/down/same levels.

Gene essentiality analysis

cd $ensembleFBA/runmatlab

Runs FBA on all the networks iteratively "knockin-out" single genes (based on GPR information from the database) and testing growth on the 5 media on which proteomics was performed. The script produces the geneEssentiality_cpdXXXXX.mat files, and the ../outputs/geneEssentiality/RootX_XXXX.csv files with the list of all genes and how many networks predict them as essential.

cd $ensembleFBA/macros/

Plots some stats on shared essential genes.

Instructions for novel runs

ModelSEED db

The database for compounds and reactions were downloaded from on May 24th, 2018 from the master branch (corresponding in the current rebased master to commit 25c8d32e50cefe16f3bee5725577c6035ca0a5b8), and the reaction matrix updated as follows:

cd $ensembleFBA/data/ModelSEEDdata
# Obtain the latest files from ModelSEED
# Run to obtain complete_SEED_matrix.tsv and compound_info_SEED.tsv
cd $ensembleFBA/runmatlab
# Run package_SEED_data.m to obtain 2018_seed_rxns.mat (moved then to $ensembleFBA/data/ModelSEEDdata)
# Done! :)

Biomass function

Following what done in the original EnsembleFBA analysis, a standard (minimal) biomass function definition is used. The biomass matrix (file $ensembleFBA/data/MPIRoots/biomassFn_PA14_2018.mat) has to be updated with the new database, and is obtained running:

cd $ensembleFBA/runmatlab

Draft networks

Draft, non-gapfilled Genome Scale Metabolic Network Models were obtained through this KBase narrative. The tsv files were downloaded and re-organized into the folders


These files needed re-formatting to solve a problem with delimiters in MATLAB:

cd $ensembleFBA/macros
./ -i Root9
./ -i Root491
./ -i Root66D1

Growth matrices

Define growth/no growth media from input experimental data (see data/MPIRoots/biolog_summary.tsv). In this case, the data are from a Biolog plate with 95 different N sources. The media composition is taken from the file media_list_with_meta.tsv selecting the "Nitrogen" media. The script runs different growth matrix constructions.

cd $ensembleFBA/macros
# Write the matlab file defining the baseline media and the table of N sources
./ -m '../data/ModelSEEDdata/media_list_with_meta.tsv' -c 'Nitrogen' -b '../data/MPIRoots/biolog_summary.tsv' -o '../data/MPIRoots/singleNMedia/' -d '../data/ModelSEEDdata/compounds.tsv' -F
# Write the growth matrix for the selected organism on the selected N sources
# Done :)

Output files:

  • in data/MPIRoots/: individual minimal media with different N source files; ncompounds.tsv table with the identified N compounds.
  • in the respective organism folder: growthMatrix_RootX.csv table with growth/no growth per N source

Note on N sources

Out of the 95 N sources, 84 are automatically matched to the DB. F7 (Guanosine) was removed for experimental issues, and 10 other are not found by the macro in the file data/ModelSEEDdata/compounds.tsv. After checking manually, they could be matched. However, out of these 10 compounds, 9 are then not found in the reaction matrix, as a consequence of the exclusion of transport reactions. This might suggest annotation issues for these compounds. The only compound included, G12 (Valeric Acid), is then found to cause infeasibility when building the ensemble. 4 more compounds (C4, C9, G7 and E10) are also not found in the reaction matrix. The final choice is to exclude these 14 compounds:

Well Name Class ID
C4 D-Asparagine D-amino acids cpd01308
C9 D-Valine D-amino acids cpd03840
D2 N-Phthaloyl-L-Glutamic-Acid Amino acid derivatives cpd24431
D6 N-Amylamine Amines cpd24432
D7 N-Butylamine Amines cpd19969
D10 Ethylenediamine Amines cpd24433
E6 Glucuronamide Modified sugars cpd26269
E7 D-L-Lactamide Modified sugars cpd23860
E10 D-Mannosamine Modified sugars cpd02241
G4 Alloxan Nitrogen bases cpd24434
G6 Parabanic-Acid Other organic compounds cpd24435
G7 D-L-a-Amino-N-Butyric-Acid Amino acid derivatives cpd01573
G10 D-L-a-Amino-Caprylic-Acid Amino acid derivatives cpd24436
G12 a-Amino-N-Valeric-Acid Amino acid derivatives cpd01258

Test reproducibility

Run the script, which sets the random seed and has verbosity turned on. Check that the networks are reconstructed on the same conditions in the same order:

for f in /tmp/ensemble_Root66D1_*10_21*; do awk '/p1/{n=NR} n && NR==n+4 || NR==n+8' $f > /tmp/gcorder_${f:5:-3}out; done

will print the conditions in separate files. Those files should be identical for the conditions _exclude_G12 and _exclude_not_found_and_G12, while the condition not excluding any compound should at some point differ (the condition "55" should at some point appear).


Ensembles of genome-scale metabolic network reconstructions






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  • MATLAB 80.7%
  • Python 16.4%
  • Shell 2.9%