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File metadata and controls

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Hyperledger Composer Modeling Language (cto) Cheatsheet

Primitive Data Types

  • String: String: a UTF8 encoded String
  • Double: a double precision 64 bit numeric value
  • Integer: a 32 bit signed whole number
  • Long: a 64 bit signed whole number
  • DateTime: an ISO-8601 compatible time instance, with optional time zone and UTZ offset
  • Boolean: a Boolean value, either true or false

Xxx[] specifies an array of Xxx.

Resource Definitions

  • Assets
  • Participants
  • Transactions
  • Events
  • Enumerated Types
  • Concepts

A property is either a field or a relationship.

Predefined Resource Definitions

  • Italic: The resource definition is abstract
  • Bold: The field is the identity of the resource
  • *xxx: The field "xxx" is a relationship (pointer)
  • xxx?: the field "xxx" is optional

Assets (asset)

  • Asset: ()
    • Registry: (registryId, name, type, system)
      • AssetRegistry
      • ParticipantRegistry
      • TransactionRegistry
    • Network: (networkId)
    • HistorianRecord: (transactionId, transactionType, *transactionInvoked, *participantInvoking?, *identityUsed?, eventsEmitted?, transactionTimestamp)
    • Identity: (identityId, name, issuer, certificate, state, *participant)

Participants (participant)

  • Participant: ()
    • NetworkAdmin: (participantId)

Transactions (transaction)

  • Transaction: (transactionId, timestamp)
    • RegistryTransaction: (*targetRegistry)
      • AssetTransaction: (resources)
        • AddAsset: ()
        • UpdateAsset: ()
        • RemoveAsset: (resourceIds)
      • ParticipantTransaction: (resources)
        • AddParticipant: ()
        • UpdateParticipant: ()
        • RemoveParticipant: (resourceIds)
    • IssueIdentity: (*participant, identityName)
    • BindIdentity: (*participant, certificate)
    • ActivateCurrentIdentity: ()
    • RevokeIdentity: (*identity)
    • StartBusinessNetwork: (businessNetworkArchive, logLevel?, bootstrapTransactions?)
    • ResetBusinessNetwork: ()
    • UpdateBusinessNetwork: (businessNetworkArchive)
    • SetLogLevel: (newLogLevel)

Events (event)

  • Event: (eventId, timestamp)

Enumerated Types (enum)


Concepts (concept)

