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Official Code Repository for EnvGen: Generating and Adapting Environments via LLMs for Training Embodied Agents (COLM 2024)


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EnvGen: Generating and Adapting Environments via LLMs for Training Embodied Agents

Official Code Repository for EnvGen: Generating and Adapting Environments via LLMs for Training Embodied Agents

arXiv ProjectPage

Abhay Zala*, Jaemin Cho*, Han Lin, Jaehong Yoon, Mohit Bansal

We propose EnvGen, a novel framework where an LLM adaptively generates training environments to teach smaller embodied RL agents. We aim to generate environments that can create various conditions (e.g., have different terrains or some sub-goals are already achieved) so that agents can learn different skills in parallel and obtain more frequent rewards for challenging long-horizon tasks than in the original environment.

Code Release Todo List

  • LLM environment generation code
  • Crafter environment with support for LLM configurations
  • PPO model training code (not required to use our framework, feel free to test your own models with our framework)

Setup Instructions

Create Conda Environment

conda create --name envgen python=3.10
conda activate envgen

Install Requirements

pip install --upgrade "setuptools==65.7.0" "wheel==0.38.4"
pip install -r requirements.txt

Install our version of Crafter

To allow for integration of LLM controllable parameters, we have made some modifications to the original Crafter codebase. To install our version of Crafter, run the following commands:

cd crafter/
pip install -e .
cd ..

Create Env file (if planning to use an OpenAI based LLM)

Create a file named .env and paste the following information into it:

API_VERSION=... # optional
API_TYPE=... # optional 
API_BASE=... # optional

Then replace the ...'s with your own OpenAI API key and other information.

Environment Generation

Note this codebase assumes you are using an OpenAI LLM, however, EnvGen can work with any LLM, you would just need to replace OpenAI code parts with your the other LLM's implementation.

To generate an environment run the following command:

bash scripts/

By default, this script will generate an environment configuration file in ./environment_generation/generated_environments/ but you can adjust this via --save_path We use GPT-4-Turbo by default, but you can replace this with --engine {name of model}.


If you want to visualize what the LLM-generated environments look you can run the following:

bash scripts/ --config_path {path to the configuration file}

e.g., bash scripts/ --config_path ./environment_generation/generated_environments/llm_environments.json

Environment Loading

To create CrafterEnvGen environments, you just need to load in the configuration file and pass it into the Crafter Env.

For example:

from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env.subproc_vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
from crafter.env import Env
import json
import numpy as np

configuration_file = "..." # path to the generated LLM configuration file
configuration = json.load(open(configuration_file))[0]

# Creates 8 environments for the RL training
env_fns = [
                seed=np.random.randint(0, 2**31 - 1),
        for i in range(8)

venv = SubprocVecEnv(env_fns)

The only difference from creating a normal Crafter environment vs CrafterEnvGen environment is the two optional parameters (world_kwargs and initial_inventory). See the example (including some preprocessing) in

Note, by default, our Crafter implementation returns a Python dict object with an image key, but you can adjust this to directly output images by adding out_type="image" to the Env object's arguments.

Adaptive Environments

To use the adaptive environments you just need to run your agent in inference mode (at least 2 times) and save the results somewhere labled ..../stage_X/eval_N, where X is any multiple of 2 (e.g., 2, 4, 6, 8, etc.) and N is the run number (e.g., 1, 2, 3, etc.).

For example, if this is my first time I am using adaptive environments, then I save the results into ..../stage_2/eval_N. Then if I want to test the agent 2 times (make sure to use the real Crafter environment for testing, not CrafterEnvGen), then the runs will be saved under ..../stage_2/eval_1 and ..../stage_2/eval_2. Then when I want to do the adaptive environments again, I save the results to ..../stage_4/ and so on. If you do not want to save the LLM context between each adaptive run then you can just repeatedly overwrite ..../stage_2/ without incrementing the number.

The results should be saved in a JSON format like (and saved with the name success_rate_final.json):

        "collect_coal": 100,
        "collect_diamond": 0,

with each the success rate of each achievement in Crafter (see the Crafter data file for the achievement list).

Example results directoy would look like:

- experiment_name/
-- stage_2/
---- eval_1/
----- success_rate_final.json
---- eval_2/
----- success_rate_final.json

An example is provided in example/dummy_experiment/

To generate the new environments run this command:

bash scripts/ --load_path {....} --save_name {name of your experiment} --stage X --params_file {...} --num_evals N

where load_path is the path to stage_N directories, params_file is the path to the very first LLM environment configuration file, X is the stage which you evaluated, and N is the number of evaluations.

Then you can train your agent using the new configurations.

Here is an example command you can run (make sure to first run the environment generation command above):

bash scripts/ --load_path ./example/dummy_experiment --save_name dummy_experiment --stage 2 --params_file ./environment_generation/generated_environments/llm_environments.json --num_evals 3

This will produce environment_generation/generated_environments/dummy_experiment/stage_2/ with the new environments.


        author    = {Abhay Zala* and Jaemin Cho* and Han Lin and Jaehong Yoon and Mohit Bansal},
        title     = {EnvGen: Generating and Adapting Environments via LLMs for Training Embodied Agents},
        year      = {2024},
        booktitle = {COLM},


Thanks to Danijar Hafner for the original Crafter codebase!


Official Code Repository for EnvGen: Generating and Adapting Environments via LLMs for Training Embodied Agents (COLM 2024)




