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Winamp to Spotify Web Project Version

Winamp to Spotify : Select your mp3 archieve folder and see the magic :) The aim of this side project is collecting mp3 filenames from harddisk and create Spotify Playlist based on selected folder. To use this you need a Spotify Developer Account. To use the Web API, start by creating a Spotify user account (Premium or Free). To do that, simply sign up at After creating a spotify developer account you should register an application through Dashboard. Creating_Spotify_App

After doing these 3 step your application should be created successfully. Dashboard

After creating you will have ClientID and Client Secret values. After creating app from Edit Settings tab you should set Redirection URLs. Redirect URls

By using link you can get your UserID of Spotify User ID. GettingUserId

ClientID, SecretID and UserID should be placed in appsettings.json ConfigSettings You can run project by opening solution file(.sln) with Visual Studio or Rider Run Project After running webspotify project http://localhost:5000 welcomes you Web App 1 Selecting example folder as D:\Müzik Arşivi\Yabancı\Evanescence Web App 2 Submit process folder clicked Web App 2 Folder successfully processed and added tracks displayed on browser. Web App 4

You can see Spotify List on Spotify itself. That's the magic :) Web App 5