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ReactPlay Features: Solution Proposal Documents

Tapas Adhikary edited this page May 31, 2022 · 4 revisions

This parent page links to the Solution Proposal for ReactPlay features.

What is a Solution Proposal?

A Solution Proposal is a suggestion/proposal to list the approaches to solve a problem. The Solution Proposal must conclude with the finalized approach with PROS and CONS. It must list all the technical aspects such that any beginners working with the feature at a later point in time can understand it easily.

Who can contribute a Solution Proposal?


If you are interested in brainstorming a solution to the problem, just request to get added. You can send an email to the project maintainer( to include yourself.

Things to do before submitting a Solution Proposal

A few things,

  • Make sure, there is no existing Solution Proposal(s) for the same Problem.
  • There is no assurance that your proposal will be accepted. It is a team's call and the result of a healthy discussion. So participate postivively.

Solution Proposals