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End to End Test Scenarios

Tapas Adhikary edited this page Aug 16, 2022 · 3 revisions

Test Scenarios

Here are basic test cases we need to take care of as part of the end-to-end test scenarios.

Please note, that we need to run them as a test suite. As we change the application features, these test cases must be modified accordingly.

Home Page

  • The Contributors List should be rendered
  • The Twitter Community tweet section must be rendered.
  • The Browse button must be present
  • The GitHub button must be present
  • The Header elements must be present

Play List Page

  • The Search textbox must be rendered
  • The Filter control must be rendered
  • List of plays to render.
  • A play should render with the structure(Name, Cover, other details)
  • The Search should be working with the positive test case. The qualified plays should be rendered.
  • The Search should be working with the negative test case. The play not found page should be rendered.
  • The Filter should be working with the positive test case. The qualified plays should be rendered.
  • The Filter should be working with the negative test case. The play not found page should be rendered.

Play Details Page

  • The Play details page Header elements to render as expected.
  • The Play details should not be blank.
  • The 404 page should be rendered for a non-existing route.