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Desktop Environment

Ishimoto Shinobu edited this page Feb 27, 2021 · 16 revisions


Welcome to the "Desktop Environment" page! On this page, we're explaining the installation of desktop environment in Ataraxia GNU/Linux.

Available desktops

There is a few desktop environments supported by Ataraxia team.

Desktop/WM Is supported?
twm yes
weston yes
dwm yes
jwm yes
icewm yes
scrotwm yes
bspwm yes
openbox yes
i3 yes
i3-gaps yes
ratpoison yes
sway yes
sowm yes
herbstluftwm yes
enlightenment yes
Xfce yes
Budgie yes
Cinnamon yes
MATE yes
LXDE yes
KDE not planned
LXQT not planned

Adding user to required groups

Before installing X11 you have to add your user in video and input group. Read this article to manage user groups.

Installing X11

X11 installation is very easy.

tsukuri emerge xorg-server xinit xf86-video-[your driver] xf86-input-libinput

Installing Xfce

Xfce is a simple and lightweight desktop environment. First, you have to install the xfce metapackage

tsukuri emerge xfce

But if you need bare minimal Xfce you can use xfce-core metapackage

tsukuri emerge xfce-core

After installation you have to update perp configuration

systemctl enable lxdm (if LXDM is installed or lightdm)

Installing GNOME

GNOME is a full-featured desktop environment. It makes your life easier and productive. GNOME is a recommended for Ataraxia GNU/Linux. First, install the metapackage:

tsukuri emerge gnome

But if you need bare minimal GNOME you can use gnome-core metapackage

tsukuri emerge gnome-core

Next step will be service configuration:

systemctl enable NetworkManager gdm

Modifying .xinitrc (if not using display manager)

Before starting X11 we have to make .xinitrc file:

nano ~/.xinitrc

The we should add following lines:

exec [gnome-session/startxfce4/enlightenment_start/or session command for your window manager]

Starting X11

Finally! We can start X11 by using startx:

tomoko$ startx
