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WebOne 0.10a1

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@atauenis atauenis released this 06 Apr 14:47
· 411 commits to master since this release

First alpha of WebOne 0.10.0.
Released only for testing purposes, and made after just 6 commits since v0.9.3.

  • Now using .NET Core 3.1 instead of .NET Framework 4.6.
    This means that WebOne is now cross-platform application. It theoretically should work in Windows 7+ and Linux/MacOSX. But some NuGet packages I've used in the project have no info about compatibility with *nix and were developed by Microsoft. So it's need to test all meticulously.
  • Fixed HTTP Referer header so it will say https://... anytime when need.
  • TLS Certificate errors are no longer ignoring. WebOne is now working like all modern web browsers. Probably this feature will be disableable in future.

New system requirements:

  • x86 or x64 (may be recompiled to ARM)
  • Windows 7 SP1/2008R2 SP1/8.1/10 v1607+ or Debian 9+/Ubuntu 16.04+/CentOS 7+/Fedora 30+ or Apple macOS 10.13+
  • .NET Core 3.1 Runtime

Please report any bugs found in this version!