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lfarv committed Mar 14, 2023
1 parent 31e58ae commit a0a5317
Showing 1 changed file with 207 additions and 0 deletions.
207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions atintegrators/ExactMultipoleRadPass.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
#include "atelem.c"
#include "atlalib.c"
#include "driftkickrad.c" /* fastdrift.c, strthinkick.c */
#include "exactdrift.c"
#include "exactmultipolefringe.c"

#define DRIFT1 0.6756035959798286638
#define DRIFT2 -0.1756035959798286639
#define KICK1 1.351207191959657328
#define KICK2 -1.702414383919314656

struct elem {
double Length;
double *PolynomA;
double *PolynomB;
int MaxOrder;
int NumIntSteps;
double Energy;
/* Optional fields */
int multipole_fringe;
double *R1;
double *R2;
double *T1;
double *T2;
double *RApertures;
double *EApertures;
double *KickAngle;

static void multipole_pass(
double *r, double le, double *A, double *B, int max_order, int num_int_steps,
int do_fringe,
double *T1, double *T2, double *R1, double *R2, double *RApertures,
double *EApertures, double *KickAngle, double E0, int num_particles)
int c;
double SL = le / num_int_steps;
double L1 = SL * DRIFT1;
double L2 = SL * DRIFT2;
double K1 = SL * KICK1;
double K2 = SL * KICK2;
double B0 = B[0];
double A0 = A[0];

if (KickAngle) { /* Convert corrector component to polynomial coefficients */
B[0] -= sin(KickAngle[0]) / le;
A[0] += sin(KickAngle[1]) / le;
#pragma omp parallel for if (num_particles > OMP_PARTICLE_THRESHOLD) \
default(none) \
shared(r, num_particles, R1, T1, R2, T2, RApertures, \
EApertures, A, B, L1, L2, K1, K2, max_order, \
num_int_steps, FringeQuadEntrance, useLinFrEleEntrance, \
FringeQuadExit, useLinFrEleExit, fringeIntM0, fringeIntP0) \
for (c = 0; c < num_particles; c++) { /*Loop over particles */
double *r6 = r + c * 6;
if (!atIsNaN(r6[0])) {
int m;

/* misalignment at entrance */
if (T1) ATaddvv(r6, T1);
if (R1) ATmultmv(r6, R1);

/* Check physical apertures at the entrance of the magnet */
if (RApertures) checkiflostRectangularAp(r6, RApertures);
if (EApertures) checkiflostEllipticalAp(r6, EApertures);

/* integrator */
if (do_fringe)
multipole_fringe(r6, le, A, B, max_order, 1.0, 0);
for (m = 0; m < num_int_steps; m++) { /* Loop over slices */
exact_drift(r6, L1);
strthinkickrad(r6, A, B, K1, E0, max_order);
exact_drift(r6, L2);
strthinkickrad(r6, A, B, K2, E0, max_order);
exact_drift(r6, L2);
strthinkickrad(r6, A, B, K1, E0, max_order);
exact_drift(r6, L1);
if (do_fringe)
multipole_fringe(r6, le, A, B, max_order, -1.0, 0);

/* Check physical apertures at the exit of the magnet */
if (RApertures) checkiflostRectangularAp(r6, RApertures);
if (EApertures) checkiflostEllipticalAp(r6, EApertures);

/* Misalignment at exit */
if (R2) ATmultmv(r6, R2);
if (T2) ATaddvv(r6, T2);
/* Remove corrector component in polynomial coefficients */
B[0] = B0;
A[0] = A0;

#if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) || defined(PYAT)
ExportMode struct elem *trackFunction(const atElem *ElemData, struct elem *Elem,
double *r_in, int num_particles,
struct parameters *Param) {
if (!Elem) {
double Length = atGetDouble(ElemData, "Length"); check_error();
double *PolynomA = atGetDoubleArray(ElemData, "PolynomA"); check_error();
double *PolynomB = atGetDoubleArray(ElemData, "PolynomB"); check_error();
int MaxOrder = atGetLong(ElemData, "MaxOrder"); check_error();
int NumIntSteps = atGetLong(ElemData, "NumIntSteps"); check_error();
double Energy=atGetDouble(ElemData,"Energy"); check_error();
/*optional fields*/
int multipole_fringe = atGetOptionalLong(ElemData, "MultipoleFringe", 0); check_error();
double *R1 = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "R1"); check_error();
double *R2 = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "R2"); check_error();
double *T1 = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "T1"); check_error();
double *T2 = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "T2"); check_error();
double *EApertures = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "EApertures"); check_error();
double *RApertures = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "RApertures"); check_error();
double *KickAngle = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "KickAngle"); check_error();

Elem = (struct elem *)atMalloc(sizeof(struct elem));
Elem->Length = Length;
Elem->PolynomA = PolynomA;
Elem->PolynomB = PolynomB;
Elem->MaxOrder = MaxOrder;
Elem->NumIntSteps = NumIntSteps;
/*optional fields*/
Elem->multipole_fringe = multipole_fringe;
Elem->R1 = R1;
Elem->R2 = R2;
Elem->T1 = T1;
Elem->T2 = T2;
Elem->EApertures = EApertures;
Elem->RApertures = RApertures;
Elem->KickAngle = KickAngle;
multipole_pass(r_in, Elem->Length, Elem->PolynomA, Elem->PolynomB,
Elem->MaxOrder, Elem->NumIntSteps,
Elem->T1, Elem->T2, Elem->R1, Elem->R2,
Elem->RApertures, Elem->EApertures,
Elem->KickAngle, Elem->Energy, num_particles);
return Elem;

MODULE_DEF(ExactMultipolePass) /* Dummy module initialisation */

#endif /*defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE) || defined(PYAT)*/

#if defined(MATLAB_MEX_FILE)
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
if (nrhs == 2) {
double *r_in;
const mxArray *ElemData = prhs[0];
int num_particles = mxGetN(prhs[1]);

double Length = atGetDouble(ElemData, "Length"); check_error();
double *PolynomA = atGetDoubleArray(ElemData, "PolynomA"); check_error();
double *PolynomB = atGetDoubleArray(ElemData, "PolynomB"); check_error();
int MaxOrder = atGetLong(ElemData, "MaxOrder"); check_error();
int NumIntSteps = atGetLong(ElemData, "NumIntSteps"); check_error();
double Energy=atGetDouble(ElemData,"Energy"); check_error();
/*optional fields*/
int multipole_fringe = atGetOptionalLong(ElemData, "MultipoleFringe", 0); check_error();
double *R1 = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "R1"); check_error();
double *R2 = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "R2"); check_error();
double *T1 = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "T1"); check_error();
double *T2 = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "T2"); check_error();
double *EApertures = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "EApertures"); check_error();
double *RApertures = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "RApertures"); check_error();
double *KickAngle = atGetOptionalDoubleArray(ElemData, "KickAngle"); check_error();

/* ALLOCATE memory for the output array of the same size as the input */
plhs[0] = mxDuplicateArray(prhs[1]);
r_in = mxGetDoubles(plhs[0]);
multipole_pass(r_in, Length, PolynomA, PolynomB, MaxOrder, NumIntSteps,
T1, T2, R1, R2,
RApertures, EApertures,
KickAngle, Energy, num_particles);
} else if (nrhs == 0) {
/* list of required fields */
int i0 = 0;
plhs[0] = mxCreateCellMatrix(6, 1);
mxSetCell(plhs[0], i0++, mxCreateString("Length"));
mxSetCell(plhs[0], i0++, mxCreateString("PolynomA"));
mxSetCell(plhs[0], i0++, mxCreateString("PolynomB"));
mxSetCell(plhs[0], i0++, mxCreateString("MaxOrder"));
mxSetCell(plhs[0], i0++, mxCreateString("NumIntSteps"));
mxSetCell(plhs[0], i0++, mxCreateString("Energy"));
if (nlhs > 1) {
/* list of optional fields */
int i1 = 0;
plhs[1] = mxCreateCellMatrix(8, 1);
mxSetCell(plhs[1], i1++, mxCreateString("MultipoleFringe"));
mxSetCell(plhs[1], i1++, mxCreateString("T1"));
mxSetCell(plhs[1], i1++, mxCreateString("T2"));
mxSetCell(plhs[1], i1++, mxCreateString("R1"));
mxSetCell(plhs[1], i1++, mxCreateString("R2"));
mxSetCell(plhs[1], i1++, mxCreateString("RApertures"));
mxSetCell(plhs[1], i1++, mxCreateString("EApertures"));
mxSetCell(plhs[1], i1++, mxCreateString("KickAngle"));
} else {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("AT:WrongArg", "Needs 0 or 2 arguments");
#endif /*MATLAB_MEX_FILE*/

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