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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 23, 2021. It is now read-only.

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48 lines (28 loc) · 3.43 KB

File metadata and controls

48 lines (28 loc) · 3.43 KB
If you have Clojure experience, we'd love to have you contribute directly to the Athens codebase!

Submit and review pull requests

Athens accepts pull requests (PRs) to the athensresearch/athens open-source repository from anyone in the community with Clojure experience.

The best way to learn about the status of development of Athens is to join Discord and join our weekday standup calls, which happen at 11:30am Eastern time (UTC -4). Core team members and contributors also post their standups asynchronously in the #standup channel. You can also check out the #programming channel for ongoing conversations about Clojure development at Athens.

Our roadmap also showcases high-level goals for the core team.

{% hint style="info" %} If you don't yet have Clojure experience and want to contribute, check out ClojureFam. The program is currently in hiatus, but could be restarted if there is enough interest from the community. Join our Discord, visit the #school-builders channel, and let us know that you're interested, along with your GitHub handle. We'll add you to a "waiting list" and will reach out when we're ready to relaunch. {% endhint %}

The rest of this document assumes that you have your local development environment set up.

Submit a pull request

Find an issue or feature to work on

The first step in submitting a pull request is to find something to work on. Check out our issues, and in particular, those labeled with #good-first-issue.

If these resources aren't helpful, ping Alex (@alex-i) in the #programming channel on Discord for additional guidance.

Claim the issue

Once you found an issue, let the core/triage teams know that you're starting the work.

In this message, please include the following:

  • Three different implementation approaches. This helps other developers address potential issues with your technical approach before you reach the PR stage.
  • A rough timeframe for completing the work.
  • Any blockers or additional help, such as design, you'll need in order to complete the work.

Once your proposal is agreed to, we'll assign the issue to you.

Create the PR

When you're ready, create the PR in GitHub. Please see our GitHub guidelines for details on how to properly title your PR. The core/triage teams will review the PR when resources are available and as the work fits with the overall roadmap.

Review a pull request

Pull request reviews are reserved for those in the core team and a small number of community contributors who have had multiple commits merged into Athens. If you're interested in reviewing PRs, please start by submitting pull requests using the above guidelines and contributing to development-related conversations on Discord.