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Workshop on Git and Github


Git is a version control software that keeps track of file changes and also a tool to use Github.


Github is the place to share your work with the world and also collaborate with others.

Configuring Git (One time process)

After installing Git on your PC run these commands with your name and email. (Right click anywhere in you pc and select "git bash here" option to open the terminal).

git config --global "Your_Name"
git config --global "Your_Email"

Creating a Repository

Repositories can be created by goig to and then clicking the '+' button on the top right corner. Make sure to check the "Initialize with a Readme" checkbox if you want to add a Readme file.

Cloning a Repository

To create a local version of the repository you need to clone that to your computer. After clicking the 'Clone or Download' button copy the repository url. Then run the following command with the url.

git clone repository_url

Making changes and commiting them

  1. To add all changes to git:
git add .

Here the '.' indicates that you want to add all modified files. If you want to add a specific file replace that '.' with the filename.

  1. To commit changes run with your commit message:
git commit -m "Commit message"
  1. To upload everything to Github run:
git push

Pulling from Github

If some changes are made in the github website, you can download those changes to your PC's local repository by running:

git pull

Creating a new Branch

git checkout -b dev

This will create a new branch named dev and switch to that branch.

To come back to master branch run:

git checkout master

Each branch will have their own version of the repository.

Merging a branch with master

To Merge a branch with master switch to that branch in Github and create a new Pull Request. (Click on the Pull Requests tab if you can't see the option)

You will get something like this:

Cick on the compare and Pull Request button above

After the pull request is created you can compare and merge that branch with master.

Adding Collaborators for group project

On Github go to Settings >> Collaborators and add collaborators by adding their username or email.


To contribute to a public repository first Fork that repository (To fork a repository click on the "Fork" button on the top). This will create a copy of that repository to your account. Then you can make changes and create Pull Reuests to propose any changes to the owner.

After you made some changes to the forked repository Create a pull request:

Cick on the New Pull Request button above

Once a pull request is made the owner will receive it.

Hosting a website

Change the repository name to your_username.github,io (The repository must contain a index.html file). Your website will be hosted at


licensebuttons by-nc-sa

This work is licensed under GNU General Public License v3.0.


Materials for the workshop on Git and Github








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