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LinqPadCsvFix is a console application designed to fix a single and specific problem with lprun, which is the command-line interface for running LINQPad queries.

Problem and Solution

lprun supports multiple output formats, one of which is CSV. When a LINQPad query is expressed as an IObservable then lprun no longer respects the CSV format and instead emits individual JSON objects (or values when T in IObservable<T> is a scalar). Suppose the following query:

from x in Observable.Range(1, 10)
select new { X = x, SquareOfX = x * x }

Running it with lprun, and in spite of specifying an output format of CSV with the option -format=csv, the output streams out as individual JSON objects:

  "X": 1,
  "SquareOfX": 1
  "X": 2,
  "SquareOfX": 4
  "X": 3,
  "SquareOfX": 9
  "X": 4,
  "SquareOfX": 16
  "X": 5,
  "SquareOfX": 25
  "X": 6,
  "SquareOfX": 36
  "X": 7,
  "SquareOfX": 49
  "X": 8,
  "SquareOfX": 64
  "X": 9,
  "SquareOfX": 81
  "X": 10,
  "SquareOfX": 100

Version 5.22 changed this slightly by having opening & closing braces appearing on separate lines:

  "X": 1,
  "SquareOfX": 1
  "X": 2,
  "SquareOfX": 4
  "X": 3,
  "SquareOfX": 9
  "X": 4,
  "SquareOfX": 16
  "X": 5,
  "SquareOfX": 25
  "X": 6,
  "SquareOfX": 36
  "X": 7,
  "SquareOfX": 49
  "X": 8,
  "SquareOfX": 64
  "X": 9,
  "SquareOfX": 81
  "X": 10,
  "SquareOfX": 100

Either way, note that the output as a whole is not valid JSON so it cannot be parsed such. Instead, each object has to be parsed out individually as JSON and LinqPadCsvFix does exactly that followed by conversion to CSV. The output above is fixed to:


LinqPadCsvFix expects the JSON members to use the Pascal naming convention, which is the convention followed but properties of .NET types, but the CSV output will use the SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE. In the example above, SquareOfX becomes SQUARE_OF_X.

Another problem with lprun is that if an error occurs while processing a reactive query (i.e. based on IObservable<T>), it simply emits a JSON representation of an Exception object. Moreover lprun ends with an exit code of zero so it can give the false positive that the query finished successfully. Suppose the following query:

from x in Observable.Range(-5, 10)
select new { X = x, Y = 100 / x }

When run via lprun, it will produce the following output:

  "X": -5,
  "Y": -20
  "X": -4,
  "Y": -25
  "X": -3,
  "Y": -33
  "X": -2,
  "Y": -50
  "X": -1,
  "Y": -100
  "Message": "Attempted to divide by zero.",
  "Data": [],
  "InnerException": null,
  "TargetSite": {
    "Name": "<RunUserAuthoredQuery>b__0_0",
    "DeclaringType": "typeof(<>c)",
    "ReflectedType": "typeof(<>c)",
    "CustomAttributes": [],
    "MetadataToken": 100663307,
    "MethodImplementationFlags": 0,
    "MethodHandle": {
      "Value": {}
    "Attributes": 131,
    "CallingConvention": 33,
    "IsGenericMethodDefinition": false,
    "ContainsGenericParameters": false,
    "IsGenericMethod": false,
    "IsSecurityCritical": true,
    "IsSecuritySafeCritical": false,
    "IsSecurityTransparent": false,
    "IsPublic": false,
    "IsPrivate": false,
    "IsFamily": false,
    "IsAssembly": true,
    "IsFamilyAndAssembly": false,
    "IsFamilyOrAssembly": false,
    "IsStatic": false,
    "IsFinal": false,
    "IsVirtual": false,
    "IsHideBySig": true,
    "IsAbstract": false,
    "IsSpecialName": false,
    "IsConstructor": false,
    "MemberType": 8,
    "ReturnType": "typeof(o)",
    "ReturnParameter": {
      "ParameterType": "typeof(o)",
      "Name": null,
      "HasDefaultValue": true,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "RawDefaultValue": null,
      "Position": -1,
      "Attributes": 0,
      "Member": {},
      "IsIn": false,
      "IsOut": false,
      "IsLcid": false,
      "IsRetval": false,
      "IsOptional": false,
      "MetadataToken": 134217728,
      "CustomAttributes": []
    "ReturnTypeCustomAttributes": {
      "ParameterType": "typeof(o)",
      "Name": null,
      "HasDefaultValue": true,
      "DefaultValue": null,
      "RawDefaultValue": null,
      "Position": -1,
      "Attributes": 0,
      "Member": {},
      "IsIn": false,
      "IsOut": false,
      "IsLcid": false,
      "IsRetval": false,
      "IsOptional": false,
      "MetadataToken": 134217728,
      "CustomAttributes": []
  "StackTrace": "   at UserQuery.<>c.<RunUserAuthoredQuery>b__0_0(Int32 x)\r\n   at System.Reactive.Linq.ObservableImpl.Select`2._.OnNext(TSource value)",
  "HelpLink": null,
  "Source": "LINQPadQuery",
  "HResult": -2147352558

Note the exception object due to integer division by zero. LinqPadCsvFix addresses this issue by looking for a JSON object that looks like an exception and then ends immediately with a non-zero exit code upon encountering one. It also emits the error message and stack trace from the exception to standard error. So the fixed output from LinqPadCsvFix

Attempted to divide by zero.
   at UserQuery.<>c.<RunUserAuthoredQuery>b__0_0(Int32 x)
   at System.Reactive.Linq.ObservableImpl.Select`2._.OnNext(TSource value)


lpcsvfix [--debug] [COLUMN=PROPERTY]...

One or more COLUMN=PROPERTY arguments can be given to specify the output CSV column name (COLUMN) for an object property (PROPERTY).

The --debug flag can be used to launch lpcsvfix attached to a debugger.

lpcsvfix expects the JSON stream to be fixed on standard input and emits the fixed CSV to standard output and any warnings or errors to standard error. It is therefore designed to be used in a pipe after lprun as shown below:

lprun test.linq | lpcsvfix > test.csv

lpcsvfix will end with a non-zero exit code if it receives zero lines of input.


  • It is designed to work with JSON objects as output by lprun and illustrated earlier
  • It does not work if the query output is primitive or scalar values
  • The results are undefined if there is more than one reactive query being dumped, simultaneously or not.