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39 lines (33 loc) · 2.1 KB

File metadata and controls

39 lines (33 loc) · 2.1 KB

Comparison of prior art

Constructor / Feature lodash underscore ramda jQuery abused JSON Object.clone
Undefined === === === === !!!¹ / === ===
Null === === === === === ===
Boolean === === === === === ===
Number === === === === === ===
String === === === === === ===
Function XXX XXX === === !!! ===
Symbol !!! !!! !!! !!! !!! ===
Array !== !== !== !== !==² !==
Object !== !== !== !== !==² !==
Date !== XXX !== === XXX³ !==
RegExp !== XXX !== === XXX !==
TypedArray !== XXX === === XXX !==
Set !== XXX === === XXX !==
Map/WeakMap !== XXX === === XXX !==
Circular references !== !!! !== !!! !!! !==

¹ if the primary argument is undefined, JSON.parse will throw, since it is no valid JSON ² cloned properties will only work for the simple types supported by JSON ³ Date will yield a string representation that can be parsed

  • ===: same reference as incoming object
  • !==: cloned reference with cloned properties
  • XXX: wrong result
  • !!!: error thrown

Versions tested:

  • lodash: 4.17.20
  • underscore.deepclone: 0.1.3
  • ramda: 0.27.1
  • jQuery: 3.5.1
  • JSON.stringify/.parse: Chrome 87